Re: [computer-go] Grid Cosmos

2007-03-13 Thread Jacques Basaldúa

Hi Yoshii

I have some questions about your program.

1. Is this a complete go engine? I have renamed the gnugo.exe file
in the /exe directory and the program no longer works. If it is not
an engine, what is it?

2. The program has a 368 Mb file named Tree_Set in the /exe
directory, the pattern library, I presume. The source code is 4 Mb
resources included. I imagine that if that file has any sources, they
are not included, or is that file the result of some computing?
Are your patterns learned from games?

3. How strong is your program?

4. Why did you choose .net? (I don't expect an answer to this.
I wouldn't understand anyway. I never understood the need of
Java, much less that of an incompatible clone. I can only imagine
reasons against. And sooo many!)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Grid Cosmos

2007-03-13 Thread Joshua Shriver

I'll host it for you here in the US.


On 3/9/07, 吉井裕人 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I forgot to add some important information.
As you wrote, the program needs .NET framework 2.0 and has a big size.

The big size (over 150MB) is due to a big pattern dictionary size.

A week ago, I announced the release of Grid Cosmos in the Japanese
Computer Go mailing list, and Japanese researchers could download and play it
and no body reported download trouble.
So I couldn't think about this inconvenience.

Now I'm going to put the program in the free software download site
( But it will take a few weeks and the site
is Japanese.

If you know a good international download site, please inform me!

Again, I'm sorry the download trouble.

07/03/10 に igo<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> さんは書きました:
> Maybe you should inform us that it is a big file (161MB!)
> and needs .Net Framework(v2.0.50727) to execute.
> I spent several times to download it, and find nothing I can do,
> and get an unpleasant feeling, and write this mail.
> igo
> ---
> "吉井裕人" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm Hiroto Yoshii.
> >
> > I developed a new Go program "Grid Cosmos".
> > The program uses pattern recognition and SlugGo like routine.
> > (Now I'm submitting a paper to AAAI-07, so I can't describe
> > the algorithm in detail. But it is open source software.)
> >
> > Please download and try it!
> > (
> >
> > If you have Quad Core processor, try parameter
> > 
> > or 
> > The program becomes considerably strong.
> > ___
> > computer-go mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> computer-go mailing list
computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: A nearest-neighbor heuristic

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Drake
Hmmm -- p. 735 of Russell & Norvig's AI text contains a strong  
argument that "nearest-neighbor methods cannot be trusted for high- 
dimensional data".

Peter Drake

On Mar 7, 2007, at 9:38 PM, Peter Drake wrote:

First, a general hypothesis on heuristics: one should apply  
heuristics to the first few moves beyond the fringe of the UCT  
tree, and not later. It's important that these early moves be good,  
but not worth the time to make later moves good. Thoughts? Is  
anyone already using this idea?

Now, a specific heuristic I'd like to try. If anyone can point out  
anything horribly wrong with it before I go to the trouble to  
implement it, that'd be nice. :-)

Maintain a set of if-then rules, perhaps 1000 of them. Each rule  
consists of a board configuration and a suggested move.  
(Originally, they're all identically [ => E5] for  
9x9.) As the game progresses, this population of rules will change.

When it's time to heuristically choose a move, compare the current  
board configuration against the "if" part of each rule. Play the  
move from the closest match (nearest neighbor). There's room for  
creativity in the definition of nearness, but something like  
Hamming distance might suffice.

The population of rules is updated during the game. We might do  
this, for example, whenever a move becomes the best move from its  
UCT node. (Note that I'm using "best" here to mean "most likely to  
win" and not "highest UCT value".) When this happens, ask the  
population what it would do given this board configuration. If the  
answer is the move in question, do nothing. Otherwise, overwrite  
the oldest rule with a new rule suggesting this move for this  

My hope is that this heuristic will suggest the move that has been  
most effective on similar boards.

Peter Drake

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