Re: [computer-go] average length of 9x9 MC playout

2007-03-22 Thread Christoph Birk
The average game-length (incl. 2 passes at the end) for my program 
'myCtest' are (lean playouts):

with merci-rule:  99 (+-10)
without:   110 (+-16)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] computer go documentation issues

2007-03-22 Thread Tom Cooper

I agree.  The feel of sensei's and wikipedia are completely different.
Most of the content on sensei's is too informal for wikipedia, and I
think it would get deleted if it was put there, despite this content
being very worthwhile.  On the other hand,
wikipedia is the ideal place for a short authoritative introduction.

At 13:25 19/03/2007, dons wrote:

Sensei and Wikipedia serve somewhat different purposes and I
believe they should both be kept up to date.

I don't believe the detail of Sensei's Library should be
covered by Wikipedia.   If I first wanted to get acquainted
with some subject I might look it up in an encyclopedia to
get an overview, then I would look for more detailed information
in a book or other publications.   I think this is how the
two should work together.

- Don

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] new CGOS

2007-03-22 Thread Don Dailey

The new cgos has a slightly better look:

The links to the crosstable not quite there yet, but the
crosstable looks like this:

I need volunteers for testing.  If you want to enter your bot on the
new server as a test,  feel free.I will be making some minor changes
to the protocol which will eventually break the client - but this client
will work for a day or two:

Some features:

   1. if your bot gets disconnected, just log back on and you can finish
  the game without losing, assuming you have enough time left.

   2. The client knows who the opponent is and what his rating is before
  the game begins.  But it's not reported yet in any meaningful
  If you hack the client (it's pretty simple) you can get to that
  info for the time being. 

   3. crosstable shows opponents ratings.  

   4. Ratings appear instantly (starts at 1200) but won't be accurate -
  at least you can watch it change.

- Don

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Need someone to take active ownership of OpenGo opensource project

2007-03-22 Thread Jeffrey Greenberg
I'm the primary author of OpenGo, and open source go project intended to aid
development of go engines.  It's a sourceforge project , or ,   The
project has been used for research, classes in university, and commercial
projects  It was recently reported on IEEE...
The project has been rather queiescent though for some time, for I've just
not had time to focus on it and keep it moving forward.
I'm looking for someone who is passionate about AI and machine learning
challenges to breath new life into it and keep it relevant and useful for
the community.
Please let me know of your interest.
Jeffrey Greenberg 
computer-go mailing list

Re: Re:[computer-go] MoGo

2007-03-22 Thread Mark Boon

I watched MoGo play a few games on KGS. I think it plays very nicely
most of the time. I find it hard to judge its strength, as it
occasionally does some strange things, but overall it plays a sound

One thing that may make human players biased with regards to its
strength is its conservative play when ahead. It seems just as happy
to win by 1.5 points as by 11.5 points.


On 3/20/07, Sylvain Gelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It plays fixed depth and I pre-calculated what level to make
 it play at 1800 strength.  I came pretty close,  Fat-25 is
 playing at 1836 at the moment and doesn't require too much
 CPU power.   It's Lazarus scaled down to play fast.

That is good then!

 I threw in a gnuchess
gnuchess seems a strong go player ;-).

So now we are all waiting for this new promising CGOS version, with
all the great features :-).

Good work,

 On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 13:53 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
  Hi Sylvain,
  I think what you are looking isn't a strong Anchor player, but
  strong players who are always available.
  However, I do want to upgrade the Anchor player too, perhaps putting
  up 2 Anchors.  I will prepare a version of Lazarus - it will take a
  few days.  I'm not sure what my goal rating is - I want it to play
  as strong as possible but still capable of being set up to run on
  modest computing systems.   So I will have to experiment.  I think
  it will easily be at least 1800 - perhaps as strong as 1900.
  You will of course need opponents who are as strong as possible in
  order to get accurate ratings.  Unfortunately, you seem to have
  a monopoly on the strong programs!   I haven't seen anything yet
  get beyond 2100 or so except versions of Mogo - which go all the
  way to well over 2400 assuming the ratings are relatively accurate.
  However, I'm sure that strong programs will follow.
  Meanwhile,  Lazarus will be on and off - I'll try to keep it mostly
  on.   I think there are at least 2 or 3 other programs in the same
  range that are not playing.   Perhaps they will come back, perhaps
  with improvements.
  I think some of these programs are stronger than Lazarus, it's just
  that they are running on less hardware.  Lazarus is running on a
  core 2 duo 6700 and it benefits from thinking on the opponents time.
  Some of these other programs are running on much slower pentiums and
  still approaching similar levels (without pondering.)  Yes, all that
  stuff helps.
  - Don
  On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 15:10 +0100, Sylvain Gelly wrote:
   2007/3/18, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I'm not so sure we need to have a really strong Anchor.  The Anchor's
role is to prevent rating drift over the long term.
   You are right about this Anchor's role. However, to be able to
   accurately rate players, there is a need of opponents not too far from
   their strength. Of course there are already quite a lot of players on
   cgos, but they are not always connected, it is why I suggested the add
   of an strong anchor (maybe here the name is badly chosen), always
I could also put together a fixed version of Lazarus.  Not the
2100 strength version but a version playing at a fixed level
that would play the same strength on any computer.   I could
not run it on the server and I could not run it all the time
from my home, but me might let 2 or 3 people run clones as
   I think it would not too difficult to find volunteers to run it. For
   the next few months, I am sure I can find some computer with some CPU
   time for that.
- Don
On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 13:09 +0100, Sylvain Gelly wrote:
 Hello Don, Nick, Magnus,

 I here answer the 3 previous emails.

 2007/3/18, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Another possible candidate is Mogo, running at 3K play-outs, like 
  version running on CGOS right now.

 I thought about that, the good thing is the resources taken (between
 0.6 and 0.3 s per move), the problem is this limited version MoGo
 seems to be too much intransitive.

  Do you think any version of gnugo is suitable as an anchor?
 I think gnugo is a very good anchor and very difficult to overfit. It
 is good that ggexp is always playing. Last version of gnugo would also
 be good. As Magnus said, gnugo is maybe too deterministic, but this is
 only an issue if someone try to cheat by creating an winning opening
 against gnugo (I managed to find an opening which makes 100% against
 gnugo). I don't believe it is a practical issue then.

  On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 18:45 -0500, Nick Apperson wrote:
   one concern i have is that within a family of programs (such as 
   the estimated skill differences are overestimated.  I would really
   like to see an anchor that uses a different technique.  I'm not
   offering a solution.  Thoughts?
  One idea is to measure