I'd be willing to host it. I use my site to host a lot of chess data
right now so it wouldnt be a problem.

http://www.olympuschess.com (no front page right now) usually people just go to


2009/12/30 Christian Nentwich <christ...@modeltwozero.com>:
> All,
> the CUDA light playout code I wrote earlier this year and posted about in
> this list is lying around dead on my hard disk, and I am not looking to take
> it anywhere.It's certainly not production code, as it was written as an
> experiment, but I think there is still value in releasing it.
> I don't have any particular site I could host it on though. Would anybody
> here be prepared to host a ZIP file?
> I don't really care what anybody does with it, so I will put it in the
> public domain with a simple attribution requirement.
> Christian
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