Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-10 Thread Benjamin Teuber

I know that might sound crazy, but it is working towards the eventual 
goal of creating feature extractors for Go positions.  By learning to 
map Go positions as an array of stones to Go positions as graphs of 
strings (instead of just mapping them with a hand coded algorithm) I 
can take intermediate results in the learner's computation and use it 
as a feature for another learner.
Sounds interesting. I was thinking about learning graph patterns from 
pro games for a while, but I guess the difficult thing is mastering the 
complexity of comparing graphs. If you can past that somehow I would 
guess that string-based pattern matching will be far better than "flat" 
patterns, if that's the thing you want to do. But I don't really 
understand how you want to do the mapping and what you want to do with 
the graph.

Anyways, good luck with it =)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Erik van der Werf

On 7/9/07, Gunnar Farnebäck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Erik wrote:
> Sure, but that does not necessarily matter because there are many more
> end- than middle-game positions. The reason I brought it up is that I
> remembered a statement by someone (sorry forgot the source, maybe John
> or Gunnar remembers) that from all legal positions nearly all can be
> considered final. Of course one could argue about what makes a
> position final, obviously not all borders will be nicely closed and
> generally there will still be some points to be gained, but I think
> the main idea was that at that point the winner is relatively easy to
> determine (so one side would normally resign). This also makes sense
> if you simply look at the expected number of stones on the board.

I don't remember that statement. My guess, without trying it out, is
that most legal positions are rather unsettled and that the number of
positions that are final in any strong sense is a tiny fraction of the
legal positions.

Ok, then probably I'm mistaken and read it in a different context.  In
any case, my statement should be relatively easy to falsify; just
generate some positions and count the fraction that is easily solved.
If correct, a decent uct search, or maybe even a traditional solver,
would in most cases quickly converge to an extreme probability of

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Gunnar Farneb�ck
Erik wrote:
> Sure, but that does not necessarily matter because there are many more
> end- than middle-game positions. The reason I brought it up is that I
> remembered a statement by someone (sorry forgot the source, maybe John
> or Gunnar remembers) that from all legal positions nearly all can be
> considered final. Of course one could argue about what makes a
> position final, obviously not all borders will be nicely closed and
> generally there will still be some points to be gained, but I think
> the main idea was that at that point the winner is relatively easy to
> determine (so one side would normally resign). This also makes sense
> if you simply look at the expected number of stones on the board.

I don't remember that statement. My guess, without trying it out, is
that most legal positions are rather unsettled and that the number of
positions that are final in any strong sense is a tiny fraction of the
legal positions.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread dhillismail

 If I took a set of game positions, generated by flipping a coin, and 
generated a histogram of

x = black_stones - white_stones

I would expect to see the distribution of x looking like a nice Gaussian, 
centered at zero. If I looked at positions generated by playing out moves, I 
would expect to see *much* more weight in the tails and the center at a 
positive value between zero and true Komi. Removing illegal positions from the 
coin flip set might change the distribution in ways that would be easy to 
measure and rash to predict.

 When I look at statistics such as this for real games, I?generally see 
measurable differences between strong and weak players.

- Dave Hillis

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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Erik van der Werf

On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/9/07, Erik van der Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
> > a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
> Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final positions?
> So I'll repeat my question: why do you need any of this? If you only
> need final positions it's probably much better to take them from real
> games, and if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
> use a different procedure...
> E.
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

Won't the final positions be much more likely to be rejected since they are
much more likely to be illegal?

Sure, but that does not necessarily matter because there are many more
end- than middle-game positions. The reason I brought it up is that I
remembered a statement by someone (sorry forgot the source, maybe John
or Gunnar remembers) that from all legal positions nearly all can be
considered final. Of course one could argue about what makes a
position final, obviously not all borders will be nicely closed and
generally there will still be some points to be gained, but I think
the main idea was that at that point the winner is relatively easy to
determine (so one side would normally resign). This also makes sense
if you simply look at the expected number of stones on the board.

What is your claim about the distribution
of the number of stones on the board with this scheme?

Simply that for most interesting purposes you will have too many of
them on the board. Further, depending on the purpose, one might argue
that there are more interesting distributions to sample from (e.g.,
you could sample from all positions ever played by strong players on

 I am hoping to use this method to help generate training data for a
learning system that learns certain graph properties of the board that can
also be computed deterministically from the board position.  I know that
might sound crazy,

Not to me ;-)

but it is working towards the eventual goal of creating
feature extractors for Go positions.  By learning to map Go positions as an
array of stones to Go positions as graphs of strings (instead of just
mapping them with a hand coded algorithm) I can take intermediate results in
the learner's computation and use it as a feature for another learner.

Well, I'm not sure whether this way you will be able to beat hand
coded algorithms, but it's certainly interesting to try. In any case I
would still think that, to make a strong program, it's better to
sample from real games, or maybe do both to see if it makes much

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread David Doshay

On 9, Jul 2007, at 8:37 AM, George Dahl wrote:

On 7/9/07, Erik van der Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On  
7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat  

> a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?

Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final  

This depends upon the distribution function for w/b/e. The greater  
the % given to empty the further from "endgame" you will be.

So I'll repeat my question: why do you need any of this? If you only
need final positions it's probably much better to take them from real
games, and if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
use a different procedure...

computer-go mailing list

Won't the final positions be much more likely to be rejected since  
they are much more likely to be illegal?

Probably, but again, it will depend upon the distribution function.

What is your claim about the distribution of the number of stones  
on the board with this scheme?

 I am hoping to use this method to help generate training data for  
a learning system that learns certain graph properties of the board  
that can also be computed deterministically from the board  
position.  I know that might sound crazy, but it is working towards  
the eventual goal of creating feature extractors for Go positions.   
By learning to map Go positions as an array of stones to Go  
positions as graphs of strings (instead of just mapping them with a  
hand coded algorithm) I can take intermediate results in the  
learner's computation and use it as a feature for another learner.

Have you read Ken Friedenbach's thesis Abstraction Hierarchies: A  
Model of Perception and Cognition in the Game of Go (UC Santa Cruz  
1980)? From what you are saying it sounds like you should.

- George


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Chris Fant

In that case, you would probably rather have actual Go positions,
right?  Just grab a bunch of CGOS games (assuming you are studying
9x9) and pick a game and move number at random.

On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/9/07, Erik van der Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
> > a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
> Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final positions?
> So I'll repeat my question: why do you need any of this? If you only
> need final positions it's probably much better to take them from real
> games, and if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
> use a different procedure...
> E.
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

Won't the final positions be much more likely to be rejected since they are
much more likely to be illegal?  What is your claim about the distribution
of the number of stones on the board with this scheme?

 I am hoping to use this method to help generate training data for a
learning system that learns certain graph properties of the board that can
also be computed deterministically from the board position.  I know that
might sound crazy, but it is working towards the eventual goal of creating
feature extractors for Go positions.  By learning to map Go positions as an
array of stones to Go positions as graphs of strings (instead of just
mapping them with a hand coded algorithm) I can take intermediate results in
the learner's computation and use it as a feature for another learner.
- George

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread George Dahl

On 7/9/07, Erik van der Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
> a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?

Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final positions?

So I'll repeat my question: why do you need any of this? If you only
need final positions it's probably much better to take them from real
games, and if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
use a different procedure...

computer-go mailing list

Won't the final positions be much more likely to be rejected since they are
much more likely to be illegal?  What is your claim about the distribution
of the number of stones on the board with this scheme?

I am hoping to use this method to help generate training data for a
learning system that learns certain graph properties of the board that can
also be computed deterministically from the board position.  I know that
might sound crazy, but it is working towards the eventual goal of creating
feature extractors for Go positions.  By learning to map Go positions as an
array of stones to Go positions as graphs of strings (instead of just
mapping them with a hand coded algorithm) I can take intermediate results in
the learner's computation and use it as a feature for another learner.
- George
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Darren Cook
>> I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
>> a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
> Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final positions?
> ...if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
> use a different procedure...

(The procedure from Paul Pogonyshev is repeated below.)

On average it will have 54 stones, 27 empty points. It you want a more
middle-game-ish position, increase the probability of an empty point
(e.g. empty 0.6, black 0.2, white 0.2). This will also give you a legal
position more frequently.


  1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all intersection and
 assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

  2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Erik van der Werf

On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?

Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final positions?

So I'll repeat my question: why do you need any of this? If you only
need final positions it's probably much better to take them from real
games, and if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
use a different procedure...

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-09 Thread Harri Salakoski

I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
- George

Implemented that and my test serie of number of rounds needed to generate 
legal board position is quite expected.

count=111, count=36, count=28, count=20, count=14, count=150, count=78, 
count=13, count=149, count=113, count=186, count=43

count=149, count=178, count=103, count=57, count=21, count=23, count=47, 
count=25, count=221, count=44, count=82

So it is actually 1.2% according ( .

So average is fortunately less than hundred, so it is quite usable.
t. Harri
- Original Message - 
From: "George Dahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

On 7/8/07, Paul Pogonyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

George Dahl wrote:
> How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
> distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
> not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
> coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
> would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
> just removed?

As I remember from theory of probability, you can create such a uniformly
"random" position this way[1]:

  1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all intersection and
 assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

  2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.

I believe it should be very fast, and this mustn't be difficult to check.
I.e. rate of discards should be low enough for speed of algorithm to be
speed of step 1 times C, where C is small.

However, this will tend to give you very artificial-looking positions.
Whether it is fine for your use-case, you know better.



I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
- George
computer-go mailing list 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread George Dahl

On 7/8/07, Paul Pogonyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

George Dahl wrote:
> How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
> distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
> not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
> coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
> would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
> just removed?

As I remember from theory of probability, you can create such a uniformly
"random" position this way[1]:

  1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all intersection and
 assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

  2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.

I believe it should be very fast, and this mustn't be difficult to check.
I.e. rate of discards should be low enough for speed of algorithm to be
speed of step 1 times C, where C is small.

However, this will tend to give you very artificial-looking positions.
Whether it is fine for your use-case, you know better.



I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
- George
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Peter Drake

On Jul 8, 2007, at 2:38 PM, Paul Pogonyshev wrote:

George Dahl wrote:
How would one go about creating a random board position with a  

distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could  

just removed?

As I remember from theory of probability, you can create such a  

"random" position this way[1]:

  1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all  
intersection and

 assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

  2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.

I believe it should be very fast, and this mustn't be difficult to  

The check is easy: play all the stones (in any order, e.g., whatever  
order you have the points indexed) and see if there are any captures.  
If so, the position isn't legal.

Peter Drake

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread steve uurtamo
i'd suggest that you need to consider whether what you really mean
is a "position chosen from the uniform distribution of all legal go positions",
or if you mean a position from somewhere near the middle game.  (i.e. would
you be comfortable with a board with 4 stones on it as one of these uniformly
chosen boards?).

do a single playout from an empty board with a normal distribution centered
around whatever you think that the "average number of moves" is for a game
to decide when to stop playing out)[1]. this isn't a uniformly chosen board 
but it will very likely accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish.


[1] alternatively, you could have a fixed probability that you "stop playing 
that you check/evaluate after every new move.


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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Harri Salakoski
In normal board size 1% random positions is legal, so it needs some rounds, 
but method is still superior propably any other if position must be random.

t. Harri

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Pogonyshev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

George Dahl wrote:

How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
just removed?

As I remember from theory of probability, you can create such a uniformly
"random" position this way[1]:

 1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all intersection and
assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

 2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.

I believe it should be very fast, and this mustn't be difficult to check.
I.e. rate of discards should be low enough for speed of algorithm to be
speed of step 1 times C, where C is small.

However, this will tend to give you very artificial-looking positions.
Whether it is fine for your use-case, you know better.


computer-go mailing list 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Paul Pogonyshev
George Dahl wrote:
> How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
> distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
> not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
> coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
> would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
> just removed?

As I remember from theory of probability, you can create such a uniformly
"random" position this way[1]:

  1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all intersection and
 assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

  2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.

I believe it should be very fast, and this mustn't be difficult to check.
I.e. rate of discards should be low enough for speed of algorithm to be
speed of step 1 times C, where C is small.

However, this will tend to give you very artificial-looking positions.
Whether it is fine for your use-case, you know better.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Tom Cooper

At 21:54 08/07/2007, you wrote:

I don't have  such algorithm,  you can count legal positions like:

Modifying it could provide some way select random position atleast 
for small boards. Ported that for java but not studied much of it 
yet, intresting anyway.

t. Harri

This page seems more up to date, and links a paper 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Tom Cooper

Start with an empty board and do a large number (eg 1, depending on
how accurate you need the uniformity) of 'operations'
on it, where an operation is the following:

1) choose an intersection at random
2) toss a fair coin
3) change the occupation of the intersection according to the following table

Old occupation   Coin   New occupation
BlackH  White
WhiteH  Empty
EmptyH  Black
BlackT  Empty
WhiteT  Black
EmptyT  White

4) If the new position is illegal, undo the change and go to 1)
5) Exit

At 21:22 08/07/2007, you wrote:

How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
just removed?

- George
computer-go mailing list

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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Harri Salakoski
I don't have  such algorithm,  you can count legal positions like:

Modifying it could provide some way select random position atleast for small 
boards. Ported that for java but not studied much of it yet, intresting 

t. Harri

- Original Message - 
From: "George Dahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "computer-go" 
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 11:22 PM
Subject: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
just removed?

- George
computer-go mailing list 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread Erik van der Werf

On 7/8/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
just removed?

- George

All legal positions can be enumerated, so just create a database
containing all legal positions and then select one at random. If this
does not work for you, e.g., due to insufficient storage, just keep
generating random positions (using your special coin) until you hit
one that's legal. OC, once you start 'correcting' illegal positions it
probably won't be uniform over all legal positions any more, that's
why, unless you come up with something clever, you should regenerate
the entire position.

May I ask why you need any of this?

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] creating a "random" position

2007-07-08 Thread George Dahl

How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
just removed?

- George
computer-go mailing list