Re: [CGUYS] illegal search warrant?

2010-05-03 Thread David K Watson
Not quite sure what your point is here, 1 suicide in a population of 
300 is a suicide rate of 1/300 and 3 suicides in a population of 
900 is still a rate of 1/300, etc.  We were talking about suicide 
_rates_, not raw numbers, and as I said, densely populated areas 
have lower suicide rates than the less densely populated ones, 
generally speaking.  The phenomenon is undisputed among 
social scientists, though they do argue over the causes.  

This isn't to say that there aren't regional and cultural variations, 
though, so that for example the map shows that a region in 
the central midwest and another one in the central south
have higher suicide rates almost irrespective of population 

If your point with the numbers is the same as Donne's that any 
man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind..., 
then I am entirely with you on that.  

The rural/urban divide is a recent phenomenon (historically 
speaking), by the way. Prior to the 70s, rural and urban suicide 
rates were approximately equal, but since then they have greatly 
increased in rural areas while mostly holding steady in urban 

You might have been trying to make another point with your 
example, that if a population of 300 has an underlying suicide 
rate of 1/3000, then you would only expect one suicide every 
10 years on average, but the year that a suicide occurs the 
measured rate is 10 times greater than it really is. This kind 
of measurement error is accounted for in the map data.  If you 
want, I can explain the ways I see (I am not a demographer and 
this is really offtopic), but suffice it to say that demographers 
know about this kind of measurement error and how to account 
for it.  

On May 1, 2010, at 6:39 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

 From:Rev. Stewart Marshall
 Subject: Re: illegal search warrant?
 Actually I was half right.
 Note the fine print of the map:
 Based on death data from 2000 through 2006, this US map of the 
 smoothed, county-level, age-adjusted suicide rates indicate that 
 suicide rates are highest in the western and northwestern regions of 
 the United States. There is also a notable pattern of high suicide 
 rates among counties in the central areas of the midwest and southern 
 regions and in central Florida.
 They may be lower in density but they are not the norm.  The areas I 
 was most familiar with (upper midwest) showed a lower suicide rate.
 Also statistics can be misleading.
  1 suicide in an area of 300 is 1/300 of the population but it is 
 still one.  10 suicides in a area of 10,000 is 1/1,000.  Not as large 
 a statistical number but it is in reality over 3 times as many suicides.
 I have dealt with the aftermath of suicide and it is never a fun 
 topic nor easy to explain.  Many things go into it.
 At 10:09 PM 4/30/2010, you wrote:
 Actually, the holiday suicide idea is a media-perpetuated falsehood:
 And I posted about this yesterday, but somehow the post didn't make
 it to the list:  Stewart was wrong about suicide increasing
 with population density.  It's exactly the opposite.  Massachusetts,
 New York,  New Jersey and DC are among the most densely
 populated states and have some of the lowest suicide rates,
 while Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana have some of the
 higher rates and are among the least densely populated.
 If you want to see it visually by county, look at the two maps here
 of the suicide rate and population density:
 You'll see a very good correspondence between low population
 density and high suicide rates or between high population density and
 low suicide rates.  And it's not just the US, it seems to be a
 worldwide phenomenon:
 In China, the contrast between the rural and urban suicide
 rates is particularly extreme.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Source, Mike?

Thank you, 
Mark Snyder 

-Original Message-
Keep in mind, Apple's markup is about HP could come in under.

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[CGUYS] XP -- indexing of external USB hard / flash drives

2010-05-03 Thread Fred Holmes
How does one turn off *absolutely* (or so that it only occurs on demand, and 
never by default) the process that starts indexing any USB-attached external 
hard drive or flash drive in Windows XP?  It is never useful to me; I am always 
looking for an explicit file that I know how to find, or I'm running a backup 
to that drive with third-party backup software.

I suspect that this automated indexing (which presumably might proceed to 
automatically launching files) is the process that allows viruses to propagate 
on flash drives that are moved from one computer to another?


Fred Holmes

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread mike
Yes, I'm playing a little fast with the 50% remark but this area of margins
has been talked about in articles many times, here is one.  The PC vendors
typically have much much smaller margins due to competition amongst

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)

 Source, Mike?

 Thank you,
 Mark Snyder

 -Original Message-
 Keep in mind, Apple's markup is about HP could come in under.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread mike

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)

 Source, Mike?

 Thank you,
 Mark Snyder

 -Original Message-
 Keep in mind, Apple's markup is about HP could come in under.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)
Okay, but that reference is for iPods and is a year old.  You were
talking about PCs.  

Why are you crossing devices to compare?  The iPod actually took so much
market share competing with its rivals that many of them are gone or

Your assertion is as suspect as your method.

Thank you, 
Mark Snyder 
-Original Message-
Yes, I'm playing a little fast with the 50% remark but this area of
has been talked about in articles many times, here is one.  The PC
typically have much much smaller margins due to competition amongst

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread mike
Sorry for the double post, forgot the URL.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:26 AM, mike wrote:

 This unit would be considered I think competition for the iPad, it's about
 300 bux.  The biggest benefit of course for the iPad is the app store, makes
 entering this market near impossible for anyone.

 On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

 Source, Mike?

 Thank you,
 Mark Snyder

 -Original Message-
 Keep in mind, Apple's markup is about HP could come in under.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread mike
This unit would be considered I think competition for the iPad, it's about
300 bux.  The biggest benefit of course for the iPad is the app store, makes
entering this market near impossible for anyone.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:43 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS)

 Source, Mike?

 Thank you,
 Mark Snyder

 -Original Message-
 Keep in mind, Apple's markup is about HP could come in under.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread tjpa

Tough competition...

Apple said it sold one million iPads as of Friday, just 28 days after  
the touch-screen tablet computers went on sale in the U.S. Demand is  
such that consumers looking to purchase one of the devices face wait  
times of up to a week or more.
iPad Sales Top One Million -- InformationWeek

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread mike
Weird...I walked into an Apple store and saw them ready for buying.

And yes..almost impossible competition.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:50 AM, tjpa wrote:

 Tough competition...

 Apple said it sold one million iPads as of Friday, just 28 days after the
 touch-screen tablet computers went on sale in the U.S. Demand is such that
 consumers looking to purchase one of the devices face wait times of up to a
 week or more.
 iPad Sales Top One Million -- InformationWeek

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[CGUYS] Apple Anti-trust App

2010-05-03 Thread mike

I was hoping Apple wouldn't get a pass on this deal, this control issue
Apple has is BS from top to bottom.  If MS did something like this we'd
never hear the end of it, virtual silence since Apple implemented this.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:46 PM, mike wrote:

 What's next?  Fusion Garage is still promising JooJoo delivery in a few
 months.  Anybody want to wager on that?  (On a side note, what't up
 with that name?  I can understand changing it from CrunchPad, you
 don't want the word crunch associated with breakable electronics,
 but JooJoo simultaneously evokes something anti-semitic and bad
 movie theater candy.)

 I think that they were aiming at the Urban Dictionaries Definition 3 but
Definition 1 is a bad double meaning.  Definitions 2 and 4 are Crunch pad
1.  joojoo
karma. bad luck.
it's bad joojoo to speak ill of others.

3.  joojoo

Joojoo means magic. Often used in conjunction with the word bad to refer
to a thing or situation that might bring bad luck or bad karma, but things
can have good joojoo too.
Hey man, don't use that white lighter, that's bad joojoo!


Take this ring, its joojoo will protect you.
John Duncan Yoyo

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[CGUYS] Thoughts on Flash

2010-05-03 Thread tjp
Have you read Job's essay on Flash? It really is well reasoned. And  
today M$ announced that they agree.

Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a  
successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to  
push it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices,  
touch interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls  
short...  Flash is no longer necessary...

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Anti-trust App

2010-05-03 Thread tjpa
The iPhone is now the top selling phone in the US. That is certainly  
going to get Apple a kind of legal attention it never had before.  
However, I expect that after Apple is finished explaining its actions  
the Feds will agree that Apple's actions are reasonable and not anti- 
competitive. Apple is not stopping anyone from developing for their  
products, they are just enforcing quality standards. There is a big  
difference between that and the stuff M$ used to do.

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[CGUYS] Missing/delayed posts [Was: illegal search warrant?]

2010-05-03 Thread David K Watson
I sent this Saturday evening, and it's just now showed up.  
Some other emails seem to have never made it to the list 
at all.  

Is there anything I can do to improve the likelihood that my 
posts are received and on time?  I'm willing to switch to 
another email account if it will help.  

On May 3, 2010, at 9:47 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

 From:David K Watson
 Subject: Re: illegal search warrant?
 Not quite sure what your point is here, etc., etc.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Anti-trust App

2010-05-03 Thread mike
This has zero to do with enforcing quality.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:42 PM, tjpa wrote:

 The iPhone is now the top selling phone in the US. That is certainly going
 to get Apple a kind of legal attention it never had before. However, I
 expect that after Apple is finished explaining its actions the Feds will
 agree that Apple's actions are reasonable and not anti-competitive. Apple is
 not stopping anyone from developing for their products, they are just
 enforcing quality standards. There is a big difference between that and the
 stuff M$ used to do.

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[CGUYS] Pennsylvania webcam spying

2010-05-03 Thread
A just-released report into the Webcamgate scandal has found that
Lower Merion School District officials knew that Harriton High School
sophomore Blake Robbins had taken his school-issued laptop home.

Yet, they decided in October 2009 to activate a controversial program
that secretly captured hundreds of webcam photos and screenshots –
included pictures of Robbins sleeping and partially undressed, a photo
of his father, and images of instant messages and photos of friends
with whom Robbins was video-chatting.

The TheftTrack feature was supposed to have been used only when a
student's school-issued Apple MacBook was reported lost or stolen.

Now currently online at home, one school-district technician
e-mailed another after the program was activated on Robbins' computer.

The report, released tonight, was compiled by the Ballard Spahr law
firm and a computer-forensics firm at the request of the school
district. Investigators recovered 57,992 webcam images and screenshots
– many of them captured by students' laptops even after they had been

The district discontinued the controversial practice after Robbins and
his family filed an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit in February, claiming
that officials used the Peeping Tom technology to spy on students
inside their homes.

The report found no evidence that officials used the feature to
intentionally spy on students, but said the district's overzealous
information-systems staff repeatedly activated the program without
any apparent regard for privacy considerations or sufficient
consultation with administrators.

  The above is from news.  That last paragraph seems to me
to represent a distinction without a difference.  If this does not get
anyone upset about abuse of power and authority by way of computer,
then I would have to suppose that not much else will.


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Re: [CGUYS] Pennsylvania webcam spying

2010-05-03 Thread mike
As said on first blush, this had nothing to do with security or getting a
laptop back and more about control and voyeurism.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:43 PM, phartz...@gmail.comwrote:

 A just-released report into the Webcamgate scandal has found that
 Lower Merion School District officials knew that Harriton High School
 sophomore Blake Robbins had taken his school-issued laptop home.

 Yet, they decided in October 2009 to activate a controversial program
 that secretly captured hundreds of webcam photos and screenshots –
 included pictures of Robbins sleeping and partially undressed, a photo
 of his father, and images of instant messages and photos of friends
 with whom Robbins was video-chatting.

 The TheftTrack feature was supposed to have been used only when a
 student's school-issued Apple MacBook was reported lost or stolen.

 Now currently online at home, one school-district technician
 e-mailed another after the program was activated on Robbins' computer.

 The report, released tonight, was compiled by the Ballard Spahr law
 firm and a computer-forensics firm at the request of the school
 district. Investigators recovered 57,992 webcam images and screenshots
 – many of them captured by students' laptops even after they had been

 The district discontinued the controversial practice after Robbins and
 his family filed an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit in February, claiming
 that officials used the Peeping Tom technology to spy on students
 inside their homes.

 The report found no evidence that officials used the feature to
 intentionally spy on students, but said the district's overzealous
 information-systems staff repeatedly activated the program without
 any apparent regard for privacy considerations or sufficient
 consultation with administrators.

  The above is from news.  That last paragraph seems to me
 to represent a distinction without a difference.  If this does not get
 anyone upset about abuse of power and authority by way of computer,
 then I would have to suppose that not much else will.


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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?

2010-05-03 Thread David K Watson
Ah, that makes a lot of sense.  Furthermore, it's something I 
should have known, since my son was very fond of the Tak 
video games and Nickelodeon series, Tak and the power of Juju.  
Just about all the jujus in the series were ridiculous in pretty
gross ways, that can't help the JooJoo's marketing any, 

I still think of jujubes when I hear the name, though.  

 From:John Duncan Yoyo
 Subject: Re: M$ Cancels Courier - Lost their Way?
 On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:46 PM, mike wrote:
 What's next?  Fusion Garage is still promising JooJoo delivery in a few
 months.  Anybody want to wager on that?  (On a side note, what't up
 with that name?  I can understand changing it from CrunchPad, you
 don't want the word crunch associated with breakable electronics,
 but JooJoo simultaneously evokes something anti-semitic and bad
 movie theater candy.)
 I think that they were aiming at the Urban Dictionaries Definition 3 but
 Definition 1 is a bad double meaning.  Definitions 2 and 4 are Crunch pad
 1.  joojoo
 karma. bad luck.
 it's bad joojoo to speak ill of others.
 3.  joojoo
 Joojoo means magic. Often used in conjunction with the word bad to refer
 to a thing or situation that might bring bad luck or bad karma, but things
 can have good joojoo too.
 Hey man, don't use that white lighter, that's bad joojoo!
 Take this ring, its joojoo will protect you.
 John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Thoughts on Flash

2010-05-03 Thread mike
While most agree flash is a PITA to develop for etc, here is another view.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:25 PM, tjp wrote:

 Have you read Job's essay on Flash? It really is well reasoned. And today
 M$ announced that they agree.

 Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a
 successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to push
 it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch
 interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls short...
  Flash is no longer necessary...

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Re: [CGUYS] Missing/delayed posts [Was: illegal search warrant?]

2010-05-03 Thread Eric S. Sande

I sent this Saturday evening, and it's just now showed up.
Some other emails seem to have never made it to the list
at all.

It seems to be an inconsistent delay.  I'll usually see them all eventually,
but it's disconcerting to see replies quoted to a post that's a reply to
a post I made!

And then I don't see the original reply until a day later.

Luckily I've been watching Dr Who for years, so I can deal with this.

But this is definitely unusual, normally this list is pretty snappy and 

to real time for everyone.

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Re: [CGUYS] Thoughts on Flash

2010-05-03 Thread
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 9:25 PM, tjp wrote:

 Have you read Job's essay on Flash? It really is well reasoned. And today M$
 announced that they agree.

 Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a
 successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to push
 it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch
 interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls short...
  Flash is no longer necessary...

  Necessary?  I dunno what that really means.  While Flash may not be
the most modern, neither is gasoline for automobiles.  Flash is a
current standard, be it the best or not.  There are a lot of things is
this world that fit the same situation...pencils, for instance.  USB.
VHS for video tape.  White toilet paper.

  I don't love Flash, but I don't hate it either.  A better
alternative may be quite suitable, but I am not about to get my
knickers in a knot over this debate.


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Re: [CGUYS] Thoughts on Flash

2010-05-03 Thread t.piwowar

On May 3, 2010, at 10:41 PM, mike wrote:
While most agree flash is a PITA to develop for etc, here is another  

The reader comments were more insightful than the blogger's own...

If you compare Flash and HTML5 then HTML5 wins every time so why  
bother supporting old technology, it just encourages people to be  
lazy. Like Jobs says, if you have to rewrite your Flash application  
for a touchscreen you might as well rewrite it for HTML5.

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Re: [CGUYS] Missing/delayed posts [Was: illegal search warrant?]

2010-05-03 Thread t.piwowar

On May 3, 2010, at 10:11 PM, David K Watson wrote:

I sent this Saturday evening, and it's just now showed up.
Some other emails seem to have never made it to the list
at all.

Your email moved quickly from server to server except for one hop: got it Sun, 2 May 2010 13:10:14 but did not  
pass it on to COMPUTERGUYS-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM until Mon, 3 May 2010  
	Received: 	from (  
[]) by (node=mxus2) with ESMTP (Nemesis)  
id 0MILd1-1O5IJQ1aAR-003qK9 for; Mon, 03 May 2010  
05:32:43 -0400

	Received: 	from LISTSERV.AOL.COM (  
[]) by (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP  
id o439Rxx0007460; Mon, 3 May 2010 05:28:41 -0400

	Received: 	by LISTSERV.AOL.COM (LISTSERV-TCP/IP release 14.5) with  
spool id 227872871 for COMPUTERGUYS-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM; Mon, 3 May  
2010 05:24:49 -0400

	Received: 	from (  
[]) by (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP  
id o42HAEio026738 for; Sun, 2 May  
2010 13:10:14 -0400

	Received: 	by vws12 with SMTP id 12so863863vws.6 for 
; Sun, 02 May 2010 10:10:14 -0700 (PDT)

	Received: 	by with SMTP id o31mr9687288vcr. 
23.1272820213829; Sun, 02 May 2010 10:10:13 -0700 (PDT)

	Received: 	from []  
( []) by with ESMTPS id z22sm19531734vco.10.2010.  
(version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=RC4-MD5); Sun, 02 May 2010 10:10:13 -0700  

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