On 08/12/2011 09:47 AM, gerald wrote:

vista, firefox, tbird, big computer with lots of free space.

once every couple weeks i get a tbird upgrade.  seems even more agressive than 
MS improvements.  i get to the computer in the morning, and it's there.  a 
couple weeks ago, i got a sidebar calendar from them.  did not have much use 
for it, but really did not know how to completely delete it.

about tues or wed, got another UG.  few minutes later, got an email that wanted 
display on firefox.  attemped display crashed the computer, pretty hard.  after 
3 hours of mucking around, and probably doing no good at all, i was able to get 
firefox back up.  could not open tbird.  went to the thunderbird site to look 
for reported problems.  saw none.  google post mentions the calender sidebar 
causes some problems.

while at the tbird site, i downloaded and then ran the latest tbird.  all 
works.  there is no sidebar calender at the moment.

When I update a program, I put the original in a separate folder, naming it something like Thunduhboid or Tbird ƒ, so the new one doesn't overwrite it. I just got TBird 5.0 and I hate it. It doesn't even have an easy keyboard command to get mail, so I have to mouse around. That's a loser. I could rewrite the preferences to add a command, but went back to v.3.1.12 and it does everything I need, plus it has current security updates.

I installed Mac OS 10.6 on my MacBook and discovered that things that were easy before take more steps now--and for no good reason either, only to be different so we feel like we got what we paid for. Glad I didn't install it on my iMac, except that I like QuickTime Pro being built-in instead of extra.

Yesterday, I downloaded Firefox 6.0. It's buggier than 5.x. Not sure if I like it. Might try one of the nightly builds or a beta to see if new bugs are going away. Save 5.x just in case I want to go back.

These examples are the best reasons to NEVER buy software at an app store where it's automatically installed, overwriting the last version. The worst bugs are always in the automatic installs, and they're harder to clean up, too.

I look at the AOL list from time to time. The main list is at Yahoo now, but as long as Tom is absent, nobody is blocking spammers. OTOH, the AOL list owner is Ray Everett Church. Haven't seen him post to any list since 2007. He's a very busy lawyer, but I'm sure he'd answer an email or two about resurrecting the AOL list. AOL is much better about keeping spammers away than Yahoo anyway. [http://www.mail-archive.com/computerguys-l@listserv.aol.com/maillist.html]


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