Re: [CGUYS] Gulag?

2009-11-24 Thread C Ballinger
At least we don't have to worry about putting gas in the car or paying  
the mortgage. g

cb via iphone.

On Nov 24, 2009, at 16:32, mike wrote:

You have seen the unemployment numbers right?  I'm not saying this  
is good,
but if my choice is working my ass off and feeding my kids or not  
having a

job.  Easy choice.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Reid Katan wrote:


current job.  He leaves for work as the sun rises and usually never
gets home until after dark.  He has not taken a single day of  

in the two years he has now worked for this new employer.  His hobby
and personal interests languish through disuse and being ignored.   

health suffers from exhaustion and he is basically devoid of a
personal life.  He usually continues working even when at home in  


And he actually *wants* to *keep* this job? What's he working for?  
betterment of The Company (praise The Company!), or himself? He'd  
be better
off getting a job as a dish washer or garbage man and getting some  


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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive care unit

2009-09-10 Thread C Ballinger

Hello kettle?

I love that line! g


On Sep 11, 2009, at 1:26, t.piwowar wrote:

On Sep 7, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Jeff Morris wrote:
For you to say that the health care in Cuba is better than the  
United States may be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.
Given the mean to tell me that you would fly to Cuba  
to have open heart surgery instead of having it done by a  
specialist here?
You answered no...I'm certain...which means then, that health care  
is NOT better in Cuba.

Inability to think straight seems to be a recurring theme here. Open  
heart surgery is a specific procedure and is in no way indicative of  
quality of health care.

On Sep 7, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Jeff Morris wrote:
Socializing our health care system will not only hurt our  
economy...but it will ruin medicine in the United States.

How do you get to such a sweeping and bizarre conclusion? There is  
no logical way to get to such a conclusion from the data. If you  
build your case on the foundation of such nonsense you have no case.

On Sep 7, 2009, at 8:26 PM, Jeff Morris wrote:

85% of the population is perfectly happy with their health care

Not true.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 46 million Americans,  
or 18 percent of the population under the age of 65, were without  
health insurance in 2007

That would mean that only 82% have health insurance, so how can it  
be that 85% of the population is perfectly happy with their health  
care? Is Hamid Karzai your pollster?

And on an on. You are just spouting nonsense.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-07 Thread C Ballinger

Valentine One has the same. Elegant is the word.

cb via iphone.

On Aug 7, 2009, at 9:23, Jordan wrote:

For maybe 20 years I've been putting Beltronics remote radar  
detectors in my cars. Crutchfield used to sell them. I don't know if  
they still do.
But the receiver was mounted behind the car grill and a tiny unit is  
mounted inside the car, preferably out of site. Nothing blocking the  
view. Nothing for the public, or the police, to see.

In my opinion, an elegant solution.

rleesimon wrote:

Seems2me I recall, many moons ago, I bought an old fashioned original
Passport radar detector (around 1980, was $300+ back then, but  
after I got
nailed 3x in 1 week rushing to the hospital during my fellowship  
while on
call, I bit the bullet...bought one offa ebay for the wife 2 yrs  
ago for $10

shipped) and around that time they published a set of data they had
commissioned by some independent organization showing drivers  
having radar
detectors in use were more cautious and safer than the rest...I  
think we

need a little data here, eh?

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-06 Thread C Ballinger
Nice common sense observation. GPS is a tool. Resposible use is a good  
thing and improves society. Just like guns for example.

cb via iphone.

On Aug 6, 2009, at 16:01, Robert Carroll  

Constance Warner wrote:
Great essay!  I'd be in favor of ticketing drivers who mount GPS  
units and other such devices on their windshields, and I hope it  
soon becomes similarly illegal to mount laptop support brackets  
inside cars--a truly terrifying prospect.
This is another black or white debate -- meaning that either all  
electronic devices such as GPS units or cell phones should be  
banned, or there should be no laws regarding their use in cars.   
Neither situation is helpful.

First, there has not been a recognition in this debate that using  
the devices, particularly the GPS unit, improves driving safety.   
Who has not been driving behind an individual who is seeking a house  
or business address and weaving from side to side on the road,  
especially at night, to spy a posted address?  Or seen drivers make  
U-turns in the road because they are lost?  If they had a GPS unit,  
they would drive more safely.  One anecdote:   my grandfather-in-law  
drove from his home in Connecticut to my home.  On the Capital  
Beltway he became lost and confused with our written directions and  
simply stopped in his lane of the Beltway during rush hour and  
awaited for someone to come to his aid.  Naturally a large backup  
happened, but the highway patrolman who eventually came directed him  
to the right exit.  Had he possessed a GPS, he would have not  
stopped and created a dangerous situation.

Since the GPS device is a useful tool, some safe way must be found  
for it to be accommodated in a car.  I would prefer that it be  
mounted on the dashboard either underneath the rear-view mirror or  
on the left side of the steering wheel.  But most GPS units,  
including mine, are intended to be mounted on the windshield and  
can't be mounted on the dashboard because of its texture.  I hope  
that future cars will provide a place to adhere a GPS unit to the  
dashboard as well as provide an electrical outlet there to avoid a  
long hanging wire.

In my opinion, these units are here to stay so claiming that they  
are illegal and therefore must be banned is narrow-minded.  Let us  
engineer better solutions, not ban all improvements.

If drivers who mount GPS units on their windshields are ticketed as  
Ms. Warner recommends, very soon there will be a change in the law  
which permits windshield mounting.

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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-08-06 Thread C Ballinger
That's a talking point, right? Didn't someone just publish several  
pages of those to use when responding to the mobs? Social media  
exploited in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Here to similarly by all  
parties moving forward, not just the Progressives?  Interesting.

btw, OS choices are also rationed by the OS providing companies?

On Aug 6, 2009, at 17:33, Rev. Stewart Marshall 

We already have rationing, it is done by insurance companies who  
want to make a profit off of your health and illness.

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Re: [CGUYS] Webhosting Question

2009-04-27 Thread C Ballinger
I have several sites and domains with MacHighway. They're in Colorado,  
answer their own phones, and have always made things perfect. No snafus.

They resell enom. The value they bring is huge. Their prices are not.  
I'd even call them cheap. I moved my accounts from 11 and have been  
thrilled with their service.

One of three people always answer the phone within 30 seconds. Then  
they solve it without transfering you around. Amazing this day and age  
I think.


On Apr 27, 2009, at 12:26, Frank Sestir wrote:

Any favorites out there for webhosting?  Anyone use Inmotion  
Hosting? Looking for an inexpensive but reliable site.


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2009-02-18 Thread C Ballinger
The Wall Street Journal recently had a piece about dual purpose bikes  
being cheap and good for commuters.

I like the idea of fluid mobility, but am no where ready to willingly  
give up my kid and cargo-hauling suburban. What I wonder about is  
getting too old to start riding. Older first-time riders are their own  
accident and injury pool that I'm happy paying a little extra to  
personally and anecdotally avoid.

They're not as cheap as the jspanese makes, but the bmw's have some  
very nice cargo bag systems. And heated grips! g

On Feb 18, 2009, at 15:52, mike wrote:

Yamaha is claiming one of it's dual purpose bikes gets over 70mpg.   
I was

looking at this for a home to work solution.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Jeff Wright  

Even then scooter/,motorcycles are not all that efficient.

Most motorcycles will get city MPG in the 40's.

When my wife and I first started dating, she lived in Adams Morgan  
in DC,
which has very little parking.  Getting a space is dumb luck and  
not even a

Smart car will save you.

I got tired of driving around and looking for spaces all the time,  
so I
started riding in on my motorcycle and parked on the sidewalk (out  
of the
way of pedestrians) in front of her building.  That worked out  
really well.

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Re: [CGUYS] Lie Online, Go to Jail

2008-12-01 Thread C Ballinger

The DMCA has nothing on the latvians.

* DECEMBER 1, 2008, 4:44 P.M. ET

How to Combat a Banking Crisis: First, Round Up the Pessimists
Latvian Agents Detain a Gloomy Economist; 'It Is a Form of Deterrence'

RIGA, Latvia -- Hammered by economic woe, this former Soviet  
republic recently took a novel step to contain the crisis. Its  
counterespionage agency busted an economist for being too downbeat.

All I did was say what everyone knows, says Dmitrijs Smirnovs, a  
32-year-old university lecturer detained by Latvia's Security  
Police. The force is responsible for hunting down spies, terrorists  
and other threats to this Baltic nation of 2.3 million people and 26  

Now free after two days of questioning, Mr. Smirnovs hasn't been  
charged. But he is still under investigation for bad-mouthing the  
stability of Latvia's banks and the national currency, the lat.  
Investigators suspect him of spreading untruthful information.  
They've ordered him not to leave the country and seized his  

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