Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> For those following along at home...
> I had a small bit of time to look into this this week.
> The 700's response to GET_IDENTITY is completely different. And honestly, I
> don't have the time to pull it apart, at least for the next couple of weeks.
> The short of it is, that we expect the length to be 7 or 5, and can parse it
> accordingly. But these remotes' response' length is 8.. and I was rather
> hoping it was just another random byte we didn't care about, but that's not
> the case. I also tried forcing it to 5 and parsing it that way - both just
> quick hacks because I didn't have time to actually pull it apart.
> Not surprisingly, neither worked,
> Stephen or Kevin - Chris Mayo has been kind enough to provide SnoopyPro
> dumps if either of you have time. Let him or I know, and one of us will
> forward the logs into you.

Yes, I should finally get around to looking at this; please do forward
me the logs. Also, any information you can extract from the original SW
would be useful (FW version, maybe it has some advanced information page
or log file; I don't recall). Perhaps you have the firmware upgrade file
saved somewhere?

> There's enough 'knowns', it shouldn't be _that_ hard. He can probably tell
> you his firmware version, for example, which we could then find - it's only
> 8 bytes. I hope. ;)

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