Re: [concordance-devel] Congruity Port to New API

2012-07-23 Thread Stephen Warren
On 07/15/2012 08:53 AM, Scott Talbert wrote:
 Hi Stephen,
 I have been contributing to Concordance lately, and I have written a
 patch for Congruity to port it to the new libconcord API.  If you have
 some time, I would greatly appreciate it if you could review the patch,
 which I have attached.  Details on my changes are listed below.

Sorry for the slow response; I've been away on vacation.

I've quoted the attachment below.

A lot of my feedback is more about the libconcord API changes than the
congruity patch itself.

 +import threading

It'd be better to simply consistently use thread rather than mixing
thread and threading.

 -version = 15+
 +version = 16+

Functional patches shouldn't touch the version; it should only be bumped
during or right after release.

 -# Fix typo in libconcord 0.20 Python bindings
 +# Test to ensure we have the new API available.
 -libconcord.delete_blob = libconcord.delete_block
 +str = traceback.format_exc()
 +app = wx.PySimpleApp()
 +dlg = wx.MessageDialog(
 +Could not load the correct version of libconcord; please ensure 
 +that the latest version is installed.\n\n + str,
 +congruity: Dependency Error,
 +wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR

Hmm. I've made sure that congruity to date can run with almost any
version of libconcord. That change breaks this feature. Isn't there a
way to introduce support for the new libconcord APIs without making it

 -def program_callback_imp(count, current, total, context):
 +def program_callback_imp(stage_id, count, current, total, type, context):
  if not context:
 +if stage_id == libconcord.LC_CB_STAGE_NUM_STAGES:
 -(f, fcontext) = context
 -percent = (current * 100) / total
 -f(False, percent, fcontext)
 +if isinstance(context, ProgramRemotePanelBase):

That's not very object-oriented; it'd be better to call a
function/method in the context object, and have that function do
whatever is appropriate, rather than having the code query the type of
the context and then act differently.

 +if stage_id not in context.dg_widgets:
 +context.dg_widget_added = threading.Event()
 +wx.CallAfter(context._AddDg, stage_id)

Uggh. I'll comment on that later.

 @@ -379,54 +365,7 @@ class WelcomePanel(MessagePanelBase): = self.resources.page_connect
 -xml = POINTER(c_ubyte)()
 -xml_size = c_uint()
 -self.resources.SetXmlData(xml, xml_size)
 -type = c_int()
 -libconcord.identify_file(xml, xml_size, byref(type))

Uggh. Why can't libconcord parse the file without being attached to the
remote; the file format should be completely standalone and parse-able

 @@ -688,7 +694,6 @@ class ProgramRemotePanelBase(WizardPanelBase, Deco
  self.dc = DecoratedContainer(self, self.resources)
  DecoratedContainerThreadMixin.__init__(self, self.dc)
  self.sizer.Add(self.dc, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)

This and the related changes will cause a horrible regression in the
utility of the GUI; the poor user will just see more and more tasks
randomly appearing, and have no idea when the end is in sight. congruity
may as well embed a vte (terminal) widget and just run the concordance
application in it given this change. I've complained about this
libconcord API change repeatedly before...

That all said, I don't really have much time or motivation for congruity
work these days, so I'm not going to really push back hard on these changes.

If you want, perhaps I can hand off congruity maintenance to you since
you've obviously got some interest in it; I assume that Sourceforge will
let me set up other committers/admins. Let me know if you want, and what
your Sourceforge login ID is.

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Re: [concordance-devel] ZWAVE-HID Config Dumping

2012-07-23 Thread Phil Dibowitz
On 07/17/2012 09:03 PM, Scott Talbert wrote:
 On Sat, 14 Jul 2012, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
 OK, I've got a v4 posted.  This one _really_ shouldn't result in an
 infinite loop.  No, really.  :)

 Still not sure if it is 100% but it should at least stop when it gets to
 the theoretical end of the data.

 It doesn't get past requesting identity now. Log attached.
 Perhaps I'm not determining the config size correctly.  Can you send me a 
 config file for the 895 from the website, or at least tell me what the 
 size is?


Phil Dibowitz
Open Source software and tech docsInsanity Palace of Metallica

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter
 and those who matter don't mind.
 - Dr. Seuss

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