Version 7 of congruity is released.

congruity is a Python/wxPython-based GUI for libconcord. It is intended
to handle downloads from the Harmony website, program the remote, and
communicate results back to the website - i.e. provide an open-source
replacement for the website interaction portion of the existing
proprietary GUI application.

The download is available from:

NOTE: This release of congruity depends on libconcord release 0.20.

The changes are as follows:

* 2008-04-14 Stephen Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - congruity-7
- Switched license to GPLv3+ to be compatible with libconcord by default.
  Contact me if you want the code under a different license, but please
  note that you won't be able to use relicensed code with libconcord.
- Added a Makefile for easy installation.
  Thanks to Phil Dibowitz for the contribution.
- Added a manual page.
- Added a few useful URLs to README.txt.
- Fixed reliance on syntax specific to Python 2.5.

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