[Conselhobrasil] teylo.aguiar extended their membership

2013-03-30 Por tôpico Launchpad Brazilian Translators
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,

Teylo Laundos Aguiar (teylo.aguiar) renewed their own membership in the
Launchpad Brazilian Translators (lp-l10n-pt-br) team until 2013-10-04.

The Launchpad team

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[Conselhobrasil] bernardesarthur approved by vinicius3cta

2013-03-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,

The membership status of Arthur Bernardes (bernardesarthur) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Vinicius Vieira
(vinicius3cta) from Proposed to Approved.

Vinicius Vieira said:
 Seja bem vindo Arthur!! Conheça mais nosso time em ubuntubrsp.com

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[Conselhobrasil] bernardesarthur wants to join

2013-03-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,

Arthur Bernardes (bernardesarthur) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership
has to be approved.  You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.


You received this email because you are an admin of the Ubuntu Brasil - SP team
via the Conselho Ubuntu Brasil team.

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[Conselhobrasil] New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brasil - SP

2013-03-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,

Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.

Subject: Re: Problemas com o vídeo no Ubuntu
Author name: Magnun Paula Pereira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~gnungam
Date: 2013-03-30 15:13:25+00:00

A message has been posted to the mailing list for your team, but this
message requires your approval before it will be sent to the list
members.  After reviewing the message, you may approve, discard or
reject it.

To review all messages pending approval, visit:


The Launchpad team

Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil
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[Conselhobrasil] New mailing list message requiring approval for Ubuntu Brasil - SP

2013-03-30 Por tôpico Ubuntu Brasil - SP
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,

Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.

Subject: Problemas com o vídeo no Ubuntu
Author name: Magnun Paula Pereira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~gnungam
Date: 2013-03-30 15:08:33+00:00

A message has been posted to the mailing list for your team, but this
message requires your approval before it will be sent to the list
members.  After reviewing the message, you may approve, discard or
reject it.

To review all messages pending approval, visit:


The Launchpad team

Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasil
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