+1 This is an important feature for Continuum. I can't wait to see it!


Jason van Zyl wrote:

I have been talking with David Blevins about moving the GBuild code from Geronimo over to Continuum proper. GBuild is a version of Continuum that works in a distributed fashion. GBuild was created to test the Geronimo TCK across many different platforms with many different configurations and have the results all aggregated back on a master machine.

So what I would like to propose is to move the code from GBuild over into Continuum proper and give David Blevins and Kevan Miller commit access. They are both committers on the Geronimo project and are familiar with this distributed code and will continue to work on the code once in Continuum.

This is very exciting!

Here's my


Jason van Zyl

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