This is severely underdocumented, here's what you get by reading the
source code:

SCM contains an error message which says:
The scm url must be on the form 'scm:<scm
provider><delimiter><provider specific part>' where <delimiter> can be
either ':' or '|'.

However, this is misleading. If you check the code, what it should say is this:
The scm url must be on the form 'scm<delimiter><scm
provider><delimiter><provider specific part>' where <delimiter> can be
either ':' or '|'.
(DefaultScmManager checks for the delimiter in the 4th character.)

cvs supports a method called 'local', not to be confused with SCM's
support for a 'local' SCM provider:

As to meaning of repository and module_name - the meanings are as for
CVS, ie the repository is the root directory of where version control
stores all the versions of all your projects; individual projects are
called 'modules'.

Hence I'd expect if you have a directory structure something like:


Then you could use SCM URLs like

NB I used forward slashes in the URL. This doesnt matter too much as
SCM changes backslashes into forward slashes for you, but there are
some circumstances - e.g. writing the URL as a java string, or in a
properties file - where backslashes are special, so the habit of using
forward slashes in URLs avoids errors.

If you tried to use the ':' delimiter in the SCM URL above:
You can see the delimiter now splits the URL into 5 components where
SCM expected 4, hence it'll complain this is an invalid URL.

If you want to know more about CVS, you'll need to read up on it. The
manual is everywhere on the web, just google for it.


On 11/2/05, Malcolm Wong Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From the Continuum web interface I try to change the Scm Url from the
> 'Update Continuum Project' page, with this format
> 'scm:local:path_to_repository:module_name' then I get an error 'Enter
> the Maven SCM URL    [ You must provide an scm url ]', but if I enter
> this format 'scm:cvs:local:path_to_repository:module_name' it saves the
> changes. Another question, what is the module_name ?
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