I am using derby out of the box and noticed the same slowdown. I don't
have any metrics to back it up but its definitely noticeably slower.


Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
> Damien Lecan a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I've just installed Continuum 1.1.0-beta-2 to replace my old Continuum
>> 1.0.3 instance.
>> I'm working with MySql instead of embbeded sql server and with Tomcat
>> 5.5.17
>> Nice new features, but UI is very, very, very slow :(
>> I followed
>> http://docs.codehaus.org/display/CONTINUUMUSER/Continuum+on+MySQL
>> and http://docs.codehaus.org/display/CONTINUUMUSER/Continuum+on+Tomcat
>> for installation.
>> Everything works fine, but very, very slowly. For example, each item
>> on the left menu appears one after the other. Same thing when
>> displaying project group information. Each module name  appears one
>> after the other (25s for a 17 modules project).
> 25s for 17 modules??? With embedded derby database we have better
> performance (http://maven.zones.apache.org/continuum/) and all appears
> at the same time
> Are you sure you use the right jdbc driver?
>> MySql database is shared with other Java applications. They work fine,
>> with expected performances.
>> What can be the problem ?
>> Thanks
>> Damien Lecan
> !DSPAM:4007,46dd7d79203981439371379!

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

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