[Callers] Re: Workshop activities for helping dancers improve their skills?

2024-01-17 Thread Read Weaver via Contra Callers
I quite like Alan’s tetherball pole, something I’ll keep in mind.

I’ve so rarely found anyone giving too much weight that I’ve thought the 
objections to the term were theoretical rather than practical, but perhaps I’ve 
been lucky (or give too much weight myself). It has occurred to me that “taking 
weight” is perhaps a better term, since that better suggests something you’re 
offering rather than demanding.

When I teach beginners, the very first thing I do is teach giving weight, both 
because I think it’s so important, and because I then point out moments where 
you can do it in all* the other figures. For example, in a chain across, I 
describe the connection that the people crossing have as they take hands and 
pull past as giving weight, awa a very different giving weight in a well-done 
courtesy turn. I think calling all of that “giving weight” is a way of getting 
across that it’s not just one thing, and that it’s really central to the 
difference between dancing near others and dancing with others. And I’ll tell 
beginners that if they’re good at giving weight, they can make lots of mistakes 
and people will think it’s their own fault ‘cause they’ll assume from the good 
giving weight that they’re dancing with a skilled dancer.
*Except wrist-grip star—possible to do it, and if you do you’ll hurt the person 
whose wrist you’re gripping.

The trick I start with for learning it is to have folks in allemande position, 
and then have them go around really fast while paying close attention to what 
that feels like in their hand and arm. I’ll then have them do it again, 
starting out fast and then slowing down (maybe slower than you’d actually dance 
it) while keeping that same feeling in their hand and arm.

But the original question was about _improving_ skills—the specific thing for 
that would be giving weight in a circle, something that so rarely happens. In 
my beginners’ classes, I point out that a circle four is a really boring 
figure, _unless_ everyone is giving weight; then it’s actually a pretty 
worthwhile figure. (It’s why grapevine step has inveigled it’s way from club 
squares—it adds something at least a little interesting to a (weightless, 
poorly done) circle four. I strongly discourage it, since it’s so much harder 
(albeit not impossible) to give steady weight while grapevining.)

Read Weaver
Jamaica Plain, MA

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[Callers] Re Workshop/activity ideas for improving dancer skill

2024-01-17 Thread Emily Addison via Contra Callers
Hey Folks,

Thanks so much to all those who have chimed in on the question I posted.

Really neat that people like Richard and Joseph had experienced a similar
activity as me.  And fascinating discussion about sharing weight John,
Joseph and others!  I really like the idea that every allemande/swing is a
new opportunity for connecting with someone different and figuring out that
connection. I think it was Will Mentor that referred to enjoying the little
differences in every swing which made me all the more present and noticing
what I liked about different people's swings.

I'm wondering if there are any other particular fun activities to do with
dancers who already know the basics but who want to improve their dancing

:) Emily
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[Callers] Re: Workshop activities for helping dancers improve their skills?

2024-01-17 Thread Ken Panton via Contra Callers
Winston, Alan P. wrote:
> Over in English dance land, Bruce Hamilton used to describe the amount of 
> pulling force as

[Stuff deleted]

Alan, I particularly like the understandable reference to a tetherball pole. I 
think it's easy for anyone to comprehend what might happen if one used the same 
forces on another dancer that one might use to navigate around the pole.

I heartily agree, also, with your observation that a negotiation takes place 
every time one makes (intentional... and choreographed!) contact with another 
dancer. That period of negotiation might last only for a second. Even less, 
maybe. And, I think, it will determine the quality of the interaction.

Ken Panton

> More recently he's been taking that the position that the hand *knows* the 
> right
> amount of pull/connection; you can find out by putting your cupped hand 
> around a
> tetherball post (or some other round pole) and turning around it with an 
> amount of weight
> you find satisfactory.  The static post essentially gives you back as much 
> firmness /
> connection as you put into it - and it does it without squeezing your hand or 
> trapping
> your thumb.
> It may also be worth pointing out that every allemande is, and every swing 
> is, a
> negotiation, where you find a mutually comfortable amount of tension and of 
> speed; you
> never know whether the person you've come to has a wrist / shoulder / back/ 
> hip
> problem or a dizziness/vertigo problem or is just too tired to go around that 
> fast right
> now.  You're obliged to pay attention to what the other person is giving you 
> and not
> pull them off balance or fling them around, and you should offer only a 
> degree of
> tension/connection you can tolerate.
> -- Alan
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[Callers] Re: Workshop activities for helping dancers improve their skills?

2024-01-17 Thread Joseph Erhard-Hudson via Contra Callers
Thus the perils of all language. Because of my personal ways of thinking
(somewhat twisted in physics labs and engineering classes, alas), the words
“weight” and “pressure” have precise mechanical meanings. As they have been
used in some of these examples, they have helped me and others improve
their dancing, as empirically demonstrated on the dance floor. None of my
dance partners would
 accuse me of shoving them about, nor would anyone look at the typical
dancer coming out of a George Marshall dance lesson and think they had been
ill taught.

Even so, others of us have had unwelcome results using these same words on
different days with different dancers in different places, because language
is fluid and variable across time and culture.

To me, pressure and weight are things measured in pounds or newtons. If
there is meaningful connection between two objects, such as between the
hands of two dancers, then there *will* be measurable pressure and weight
between them. To understand what I’m getting at, try an allemande with so
little pressure between the hands that a piece of paper would slip out
between them. It would be no different from allemanding a weightless ghost.

To some, “give weight”, is heard as “maintain the sort of connection
through your arms such that your partner can feel that your body is
responding as a whole rather than just your arm.”  Successful
communication. To others, “give weight” is heard as “lean or pull on the
other person so they are taking on some of your weight.”  Failed
communication; time to clarify your words or try different ones altogether.

When I said push up or push down, I didn’t mean shove or haul with an
intent to move something substantial. I meant, “When you are holding hands
there will be some amount of pressure in the physics sense; if there isn’t
then you aren’t in physical contact at all. Don’t pull towards yourself
like you’re doing curls in the gym, nor push away, nor let them hang
loose.  Don’t squeeze either. If you maintain solid but gentle palm to palm
pressure with your elbows bent, it can put the rest of your upper body,
from hand to shoulder to shoulder to hand, in a good amount of gentle
physical tension to keep your whole body involved in the dance.”

It has worked for me. If sometimes I see that’s not what my dancers are
hearing, I’ll try different words.


On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 2:28 AM John Sweeney via Contra Callers <
contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I am sorry, but I disagree with anything that says to put pressure into
> connection.  Why would you need to push up or down when holding hands in a
> circle? Why would you need to pull in an Allemande?
> Hold your hand in space in the correct position for the move and support
> it there with your own muscles.  Then connect with the other people.
> That’s all.  You don’t need to pull or push in any direction to feel their
> hand and work together.
> When you start moving all you need to do is use your muscles to keep the
> connection the same.  For an Allemande what you are fighting is centrifugal
> force, not your partner.  As you speed up (by using your feet) then you
> apply just enough muscle to keep the W shape of your arms.  If your hand
> moves towards your body you are leaning away or pulling too hard (which,
> sadly, at least 80% of contra dancers do!). If your hand moves away from
> your body you need to use your muscles to bring it back centrally.
> Unfortunately, as I mentioned, it is probably the other dancer pulling too
> hard so that you have no chance of keeping the nice W shape unless you pull
> even harder and it ends up as arm-wrestling instead of dancing. :-(
> All rotations should be a gentle counter-balance.
> Exercise: See how fast you can turn in an Allemande while keeping a
> perfect W shape with your arms.  Always start with no resistance and only
> increase it by the minimum amount to keep the hands central against
> centrifugal force.  Your key objective should be to get around once and a
> half in eight steps since Allemande 1.5 is a common move (too common in my
> opinion!)
> Alan’s example of using a static post instead of a partner works the same
> way.  See how fast you can go and only use your muscles to keep your arm
> shape unchanged.  See how fast you can go with as little muscle as possible.
> The same principle applies in a circle.  Just use your muscles to keep the
> circle perfect.
> People talk about needing tension.  They very rarely tell you how much
> tension!  The average dancer assumes that they mean a lot of tension.  In
> fact you should always go for the minimum tension needed to make the move
> work.  When I run Swing Variations Workshops I always start by getting
> people to take a Ballroom-Hold; then I ask each dancer to tell their
> partner about any points of pressure that they are feeling and I ask them
> to relax.  I often get comments on how useful that is; they didn’t realise

[Callers] Re: Workshop activities for helping dancers improve their skills?

2024-01-17 Thread John Sweeney via Contra Callers
I am sorry, but I disagree with anything that says to put pressure into 
connection.  Why would you need to push up or down when holding hands in a 
circle? Why would you need to pull in an Allemande?


Hold your hand in space in the correct position for the move and support it 
there with your own muscles.  Then connect with the other people.  That’s all.  
You don’t need to pull or push in any direction to feel their hand and work 


When you start moving all you need to do is use your muscles to keep the 
connection the same.  For an Allemande what you are fighting is centrifugal 
force, not your partner.  As you speed up (by using your feet) then you apply 
just enough muscle to keep the W shape of your arms.  If your hand moves 
towards your body you are leaning away or pulling too hard (which, sadly, at 
least 80% of contra dancers do!). If your hand moves away from your body you 
need to use your muscles to bring it back centrally.  Unfortunately, as I 
mentioned, it is probably the other dancer pulling too hard so that you have no 
chance of keeping the nice W shape unless you pull even harder and it ends up 
as arm-wrestling instead of dancing. :-(


All rotations should be a gentle counter-balance.


Exercise: See how fast you can turn in an Allemande while keeping a perfect W 
shape with your arms.  Always start with no resistance and only increase it by 
the minimum amount to keep the hands central against centrifugal force.  Your 
key objective should be to get around once and a half in eight steps since 
Allemande 1.5 is a common move (too common in my opinion!)


Alan’s example of using a static post instead of a partner works the same way.  
See how fast you can go and only use your muscles to keep your arm shape 
unchanged.  See how fast you can go with as little muscle as possible.


The same principle applies in a circle.  Just use your muscles to keep the 
circle perfect.


People talk about needing tension.  They very rarely tell you how much tension! 
 The average dancer assumes that they mean a lot of tension.  In fact you 
should always go for the minimum tension needed to make the move work.  When I 
run Swing Variations Workshops I always start by getting people to take a 
Ballroom-Hold; then I ask each dancer to tell their partner about any points of 
pressure that they are feeling and I ask them to relax.  I often get comments 
on how useful that is; they didn’t realise that they were 


You may find this article useful: Tension Is Your Enemy!



Although it is about a different dance genre, the basic principles still apply. 
 It is especially relevant if you want to improve your flourishes, such as the 
twirls in a Ladies’ Chain.


Remember, as one great teacher taught me, “it’s not my job to drag your ass 
across the floor”. Everyone is responsible for executing the move themselves – 
connection just helps.


An early Circle Mixer in an evening is a great way of letting all the new 
people experience doing lots of moves with lots of different dancers so that 
they can feel what is good and what is not.


Anyway, that’s what I think!  I hope some of it helps.


Happy dancing,


John Sweeney, Dancer, England   j...@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 

http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent   

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