Re: Modem Configuration

2003-09-05 Thread Arto Leskinen
On Thursday 04 September 2003 18:56, Tomas Taylor wrote:

 I have had MacOS X for a number of months.  I have yet to figure out 
 the dual-password system:  a password for the Graphic interface and a 
 second password for Terminal interface.  I still don't know how to 
 become a superuser from Darwin.  What's the password?
There isn't one. The root account is disabled by default in OS X.
No root account = No root exploits. Simple, huh?
I couldn't tell you how to enable it.
Apple probably knows.
Maybe they'll tell you, maybe they won't.
Go to check darvin (or macosxmanaxer for example) discussion lists in There is an easy solution, which I do not remember
right now. Still, you do not really need it for anything. Use sudo
 :^) - (^: -
Arto Leskinen
Tel. +358 9 2291 2242  Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax. +358 9 2291 2911  Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM  +358 40 553 9474  E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Opinions on 700MB ISOs?

2003-02-13 Thread Arto Leskinen
Any opinions on using 700MB ISOs?
Stew Benedict

Fine with me.

 :^) - (^: -
Arto Leskinen
Tel. +358 9 2291 2242  Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax. +358 9 2291 2911  Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM  +358 40 553 9474  E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mozilla 1.0-PPC

2002-06-11 Thread Arto Leskinen

On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 07:21  PM, Henrik Edlund wrote:

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, targon wrote:

t is a very fast an stable OS. After a few days use i think its slower
t than OS X on my Dual 500 G4. Aside from the speed issue's i must say im
t a little disappointed in the usability of the OS.

Well, on my iBook2-500 (384MB) Mandrake 8.2 is about 10 times as fast
doing most operations compared to MacOSX 1.1.5. Also MacOSX is so damn
unstable it can hardly be used. I have at least one application crasch
every day I run it, and I hate having to reboot after doing certain
upgrades. MacOSX really sucks - let's see if Apple can release something
usable within a few years maybe.

Interesting, there must be something terribly wrong with mandrake on 
my Dual G4 then. It often takes up to 10 seconds to open a new 
window up from the item in the right mouse click menu. I fresh 
installed and only installed the packages on the left side of the 
mandrake package installer..that is the workstation packages (not 
games tho or scientific), i didn't install any of the server 

Often the Mandrake control center just hangs an becomes 
unresponsive. BTW what is the command to force quit an app? 
Control,Alt, Delete seems to force quit the window manager an then 
logs me out. Sometimes other apps just hang an the system becomes 
unresponsive. I use Gnome, could this be the place where the 
problems stem from? I don't think Linux it self has crashed.

I do not have lot of experienc of MDK 8.2 PPC or OSX yet, but I think 
that there are a lot more problems with dual processor support in mdk 
8.2 than in OSX or single processor. I have experimented with both 
OSX and MDK. I have not had any problems with OSX. My best 
experiences with MDK and dual processor support were with 8.2 B when 
I compiled kernel 2.4.18(I think) myself. Then everything seemed to 
work all right. With ready compiled kernels I had a lot of problems. 
Now with latest kernel versions I have not had time to try yet.

t Is it just me having a miserable time with it or is this a standard
t life in Linux on PPC?

As Obi-Wan said, it all depends on your point of view. To me OSX is
miserable unusable, while Linux is perfect. And in the spririt of free
software - if you don't like something - just dig in and fix it... :-)

Best regards,


While i agree OS X is far from perfect, for a first time user 
experience it's significantly smoother to install an start using 
without any hicupps. at least in my experience. Under Linux, the 
first 2 apps i tryed to configure (mandrake center, evolution mail) 
either hung an became unresponsive, or threw up an error at launch 
time. Thats not a very good start. When i decided to uninstall 
Mozilla from the mandrake software uninstaller i was forced to log 
out and the machine wouldn't let me log in resulting in a 
re-installation. Maybe im just very unlucky an my hardware is not 
suitable for mandrake linux but on the whole i get the feeling that 
Linux is no better than windows. It just seems to be unpredictable 
an does many freaky things. I Shall investigate Linux under AMD 
hardware, perhaps things are a little smoother and easier access to 
the newest versions of software.

I think that important factors between OSX and Linux is, that linux 
is significally lighter at least if you do not need graphical 
interface all the time. With OSX I think that it is not possible to 
shut down graphical part and the graphics demands more resources. 
Other fact is to what os you can find easier the software you want to 
work with.

These are just my opinions.


I have totally become very much attached to the Galeon web 
browser, altho the version with 8.2 mandrakeppc is very old and 
buggy i assume the newer version is much more mature. But the newer 
versions seems unlikely to work on PPC due to it's dependence on 
Mozilla 1.0. Hopefully on the x86 side things are rosier.

I like the UI customization in Gnome using Sawfish but i was curious 
as to if it is possible to customize it further? Im a long time mac 
user an find it unsettling to see the cancel button on the far right 
corner of dialogs. I'd like to be able to swap the buttons around so 
the ok button is on the far right. Additionally, i'd like some 
global way of assigning specific key commands to every app system 
wide.. eg Command+Q for quit. I notice some apps use alt+f4 while 
others use control+q and others respond to nothing. Are these things 
possible to anyones knowledge?

Does anyone think Gnome 2.0 will be a significant improvement on the 
version shipped with 8.2 Mandrake PPC?


-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: lost interrupts - need a non-dma kernel for Sonnet G3/L2 upgraded ...

2002-05-29 Thread Arto Leskinen

This is with Toast 4.1, not Titanium, so it may not apply to your
situation, but if you tell Toast to use Disk Image instead of 9660 or
Hybrid format, it doesn't try to mount the image.

Look under the Format menu in the tool bar at the top of the screen for
the various source formats.  Then use the Data button to browse to the ISO
image you want to burn.

That worked for me.


I have not been able tu use this with versions newer than 4.1. Support for
disk images other than dvd (and one other) seems to be removed. I 
still have 4.1 so I have not been
so eager to try to find other solution.

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using two processors

2002-04-29 Thread Arto Leskinen

Hi All,

Thank you for earlier answers you have given. Now I have one more.

I tried to install 2.4.18 smp kernel from rpm. The installation went 
well, and it updated also the yaboot.conf properly. When I then 
restarted and tried to use smp kernel, the start up process froze. It 
did showed two stars, so it found two processors. But it did not get 
far enough to write anything into logs. The last messages on the 
screen were:
Ramdisk Driver initilized. 16 Ramdisks of 4096 K size 1024 block size.
Uniform multi-platform E-IDE driver Revision 6.31.
IDE: Assuming 33 Mhz system bus speed for PIO modes: override with 
ide bus = xx.

Then nothing happens. I had similar symptoms in earlier version. At 
that time I compiled kernel version 2.4.19 successfully without 
ramdisk support. Can there be some problem related with ramdisks 
because I could get that part compiled when I tried last time? Also I 
could not get ramdisk and initrd support with 2.4.18 kernel. How can 
I get more exact information wha happens, because the logs are not 
used yet.

Thank you for any information,
-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems burning iso, smp kernel compilation and java1.3.1

2002-04-26 Thread Arto Leskinen

Is anyone having problems burning the 8.2 final iso image?
I've tried a few times now and it always fails when trying to verify the
disk after burning. I always use the disk-burning utility in OSX as its
never given me many coasters in the past, only when the iso's are faulty.
I will try a different mirror but they should all be the same yes?

I downloaded the images yesterday with ie. It claimed that both 
images were corrupt, but their size seemed right and I decided to 
burn them anyway. Only problem with installation was that I could not 
install printer during mandrake installation because at that point 
keyboard was totally messed up. After restart I typed printtool in 
console and everything worked like charm. I am using dualprocessor G4 
450 MHz.

Then I tried to compile kernel for two processors, but could not 
compile it with loopback device support. Without it the compilation 
went well. When I started the kernel, I got many complaints about 
sound modules and when starting X I got error that screens were found 
but none of them was usable. Have to try again when I have more time.

What I wandered was that why after compiling the kernel the old 
kernel also complained about sounds and rage 128 module. X was still 
operational but before compuiling the new kernel, there were no 
errors. Can compilation of new kernel of same version remove 
something from kernel modules?

I tried to install J2sdk1.3.1_2b and it installed all right. Then I 
added the j2sdk1.3.1/bin to path.
I also defined JAVAHOME and CLASSPATH. When I tried to install 
together control center the linux version complained about missing The general java version (java -jar 
togetherzzz.jar)complained about missing manifest. Is this because I 
have problems with Java isntallation? Can anyone give introductions 
how J2sdk should be installed to MDK 8.2 PPC?
I am new with Java.

Thank you for any help,
-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems burning iso, smp kernel compilation and java1.3.1

2002-04-26 Thread Arto Leskinen

   What I wandered was that why after compiling the kernel the old
  kernel also complained about sounds and rage 128 module. X was still
  operational but before compuiling the new kernel, there were no
  errors. Can compilation of new kernel of same version remove
  something from kernel modules?

Did you change the version before make modules_install (top level Makefile
- EXTRAVERSION)?  If not, you overwrote the modules from the rpm installed
kernel.  There has been talk about shipping the kernel-source with this
changed, to avoid bug reports on home compiled kernels that could be
confused with the shipped binary kernel.

I fromgot to reply to this. I did not changed anything in version. I 
thought that this
was the isuue. Should have known it beforehand actually. But first 
time for everything.
Nothing is lost, just maximum of two hours work. No big deal.

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: vote for packages

2002-04-12 Thread Arto Leskinen

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Nick Texidor wrote:

  Sorry Stew,  I misunderstood what you meant when you said you had a little
  space on the 2nd CD.  sorry for the mixup!

No problems.  I picked a few things that were left out and maxed them both
out at 650M.  I'm sure someone will be dissappointed in their favorite
being missing, but a fair amount of stuff is there.

Stew Benedict

For the next release, wouldn't it be nice to make up a email/web wote 
what packages
people want included in next distro. The basic stuff + peoples hopes 
+ dependencies would then
be start up for next distro. Could be common for inter and ppc users.

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New Mandrake ppc Beta 2

2002-04-01 Thread Arto Leskinen

   I changed the display resolution with mandrake
  and it worked.


This was first time it worked for me. This was very good news.

  So after first try only problem I found was missing sound. My
  computer is dual processor G4 with ATI rage 128 pro.

Only in KDE or in the whole system?

I have not tried sound outside KDE.

MandrakeSoft -

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 8.2 app testing... kdebattleships crashes!!!

2002-03-18 Thread Arto Leskinen

On 18 Mar 2002, Nick Texidor wrote:

  Hi Stew...

  No, that didn't work.. if it's ok for you, I must be missing something,
  or have an older version of something or other.  I'm still using the
  beta iso's, with the exception of the file you mentioned below.

  It sounds like the iso's are seriously out of date now, at what stage
  will we be able to get updated iso's?

Yes a bit out of date.  I need to rework XFree for the r128 folks, and get
some testers, then we can probably do another beta or rc iso.

I'll rebuild X tomorrow and test it on all the machines I have access to
here, but unfortunately none are r128, and those are the problem children
at the moment.

Stew Benedict

I can try to install it G4/DualProcessor 450 Mhz with Rage 128 Pro.
I have X srewed up at this moment any way, so new install can not 
harm anything.
Just tell me when I can try to download it.

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PB t get CD boot from mac 9.1 (fwd)

2002-03-10 Thread Arto Leskinen

Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 19:45:38 +0100
From: coin eric [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: PB t get CD boot from mac 9.1


i try to get mandrake 8.2beta1 for test. I get .iso and with shortent
if it good. I get the same number for two CD.

But when i try to burn CD ROM with toast, it does work .

First i see that name is too long (BEWARE ANY NAME event in CD should be
less than 32 caracters).
two what option should i use ? (alias resolution ?) and repertorie name
? )

What is the name of CD ROM (? i get CD ROM ?)

did you try to make cd under 9.1 ? How to do this correctly ?

Could you please tell my your option ? Why don't you explain on you web
how to to with standard ?

i use a firewire burner. it could running under 9.1 our mac os X. i have
toast titanium
for 9.1.

Best regards

I has no problems after I got two isos downloaded. I have toast 5.01. 
I selected other from
tabs and dragged iso on top of text drag iso image here. Then I 
burned. I used internal CDRW drive and I have also done it with 
Yamaha external SCSI drive. Same thing worked with os 9.04 and 9.2, 
so I do not thing that MacOs is issue. The cd 1 is bootable as it is 
supposed to be.

Arto Leskinen
-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 553 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dualprosesso with smp kernel

2002-03-08 Thread Arto Leskinen

I downloaded smp kernel from cooker, but when I try to start with it, 
the machine freezes after saying to use 33 Mhz bus as default? This 
was after ide message. Can not verify exact saying, because I am 
using now os 9, not linux.

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 547 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

G4/733MHZ w nVidia

2002-03-08 Thread Arto Leskinen

I sent earlier a message about not being able to get this to usable 
form  without rescue cd.
After new expert mode install-text I have it running successfully in 
text mode with US keyboard.
When I  try to star up X, the computer freezes screen black. Also 
sshd stops responding.

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 547 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mounting CD-rom

2002-03-05 Thread Arto Leskinen

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Arto Leskinen wrote:

  Now when I installed Mandrake 8.2beta, I can not mount cdrom. In
  fstab there is a device scd0, but in dev directeroy there is empty
  cdrom directory.

  How should I mount cd? Mandrake can not help. And I have new cdrom
  that came with G4/733Mhz installed. How I get cd out, when ecect
  button in keyboard does not seem to work?

Is the CD IDE or SCSI?  /dev/scd0 would indicate SCSI, but I thought the
newer machines are mostly IDE.

Normally the IDE CD resides at /dev/hdc

The eject key generally will not work in Linux, although there are
various programs folks are working on to enable these special keys.
Once we determine what you actual deviceis, you should be able to eject it
using the eject command.  In some cases it may just work without
specifying a device:

Please forward:

grep cdrom /etc/fstab

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

dmesg | grep CD

nothing. ls /dev/h* gives following list:

ls /dev/ide/ gives this:

Is it possible to do nework install from cooker with ftp?

When I have open firmware set up to ask where to boot from, I alwasy 
get error file system map broken when I try to boot to MacOS 9.2.2. 
When I clear parameter ram, everything is ok. Whats up?

Thank you for helping me,


Stew Benedict

MandrakeSoft   OH/TN, USA

-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 547 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mounting CD-rom

2002-02-26 Thread Arto Leskinen

Now when I installed Mandrake 8.2beta, I can not mount cdrom. In 
fstab there is a device scd0, but in dev directeroy there is empty 
cdrom directory.

How should I mount cd? Mandrake can not help. And I have new cdrom 
that came with G4/733Mhz installed. How I get cd out, when ecect 
button in keyboard does not seem to work?

Thank you of any help,
-- :^) - (^: ---
Arto Leskinen
Tel.   +358 9 2291 2242Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK
Fax.   +358 9 2291 2911Ratavartijankatu 2, FIN-00520 Helsinki
GSM+358 40 547 9474E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]