I'm installing Mandrake 6.1 onto a Toshiba Tecra laptop.
Using FTP install with DHCP.
I start the installation....
DHCP works fine (the PCMCIA/Ethernet seems ok) and the machine gets it's DNS
and gateway settings properly.

I then enter "linuxTecra" for the machine name and leave the doman blank (I
have no domain - just 10.0.0.x NAT attached to a cable modem).

Then, right after entering my FTP server address ( and root
directory "/", the screen says "Loading second stage ramdisk".  The meter
progresses a little and then the message below comes on the screen.

I have installed another machine successfully from the exact same FTP server
(and Mandrake files) so those seem OK.  I have also successfully installed RH6.0 on to
this portable and it does *not* give this error message.

Any ideas what was changed on Mandrake to crash the install?

The tecra is: pentium, 144Meg, 2Gig HD on primary IDE, CDrom on secondary
IDE.  BIOS is current.
/usr/bin/runintall2: cannot create /modules/modules.cgz: read-only file
install exited abnormally
sending termination signals...cardmgr[14]: + cat: not found
cardmgr[14]: + ./network: /sbin/ifconfig: not found
cardmgr[14]: + sed: not found
cardmgr[14]: + .: Can't open ./setwork.opts
cardmgr[14]: check cmd exited with status 2
cardmgr[14]: exiting
sending kill signals...done
unmounting filesystems...
you may safely reboot your system

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