[Cooker] Xfig bug report (2 problems)

2003-01-16 Thread Dean S. Messing
I just built the xfig rpm from the .src.rpm on cooker.
Compilation and installation went fine.

To tickle the bug:
After firing it up, go to `help' and bink
on Xfig Reference (HTML)

You should get an error dialog box
that says

  /usr/share/doc/xfig/html/index.html is not installed, please install package xfig-doc

# Problem 1 ##

Problem is, there is no xfig-doc either in the SRPMS or RPMS for cooker.
And none gets built.  Ok, minor error (but confusing to a newbie).

# Problem 2 ##

rpm -ql xfig | fgrep index.html



So a patch or a configuration option needs to be put
in  xfig.spec  to tell xfig where the (very excellent!!) HTML
documentation is.  This is one of the best documented tools
in Linuxdom and it would be a shame for the newbie looking
for a great 2D figure-drawing tool to miss it.


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-08 Thread Dean S. Messing

This is to report that with the cleanup of my "alternatives" stuff
for libgcj the gcc-3.2.1 build went through just fine.

Just for fun I did a

rpm -e --nodeps $(cat files | sed 's/\.athlon.rpm//')

where `files' contained the 21 .rpm names associated to gcc-3.2.1.

I then did

rpm -Uvh files

and looked in /usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1/
and found the link

libgcj-3.2.1 --> ../../usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1/

which, of course, is invalid (and bogus).
This was _not_ there when I installed gcc-3.2.1 from the hand-intervened
build from yesterday.

I'm not sure where it came from but I went ahead, re-deleted all the
rpms as above, hand deleted all the associated links in
/etc/alternatives and /var/lib/rpm/alternatives (by looking at
creation times) and deleted the directory /usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1/
with its bogus link file and re-installed the 21 rpms.

All seems to be correct now.  Don't quite understand where that
funny link came from.


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-08 Thread Dean S. Messing

Austin Acton wrotes:
 :: The %post macro is executed *only* when you install the actual
 :: i586.rpm.  It is not involved in the build process at all.
Ok. Thanks. I didn't know this (which just shows how profoundly
ignorant I really am!)

 :: > I know how to make sure there are no leftovers.  And there are none.
 :: > Each build is clean.  I have even deleted the the unpacked sources and
 :: > the spec file and done rpm -i on the .src.rpm a couple of times
 :: > "just in case".
 :: Then I was wrong, it's not leftover files causing the problem.
 :: However, considering that nobody else has this problem, and considering
 :: that it CAN'T have anything to do with the fact that it's a dual athlon,
 :: I can only conclude that you have a non-standard system, and the error
 :: is due to having a mix of 9.0 and cooker rpms on the same system.

I agree.  And with the cleanup of the "alternatives" links for libgcj-3.2
which I mentioned in my eariler private mail to you, I think this
build is going to work.  I just looked in the BUILD/gcc-3.2.1 dir
and I neither see the bogus link nor the root/etc directory


But I'll wait to completion of the build before I say any more.
It's currently do the compiler tests.

But I _will_ say that all I did on this machine that was different
than the laptop on which building always has worked was that I built
and installed gcc-3.2-4mdk from cooker in late Nov/early Dec.  I'm
guessing that something in _that_ install screwed up the alternatives
links for libgcj and led to my current problems.

So the fact that nobody has seen it only means that very few have
walked the exact path I did. Since I didn't even know about
"alternatives" before two days ago, I doubt I am (directly) to blame :-)
But who knows.  Clearly the bug is not in the current package.


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-08 Thread Dean S. Messing

Austin, as I just wrote you in private mail, I'm trying another build because
I found some funnies in my "alternatives" system.  
But I'll comment on your remarks below, nonetheless.

Austin Acton
 :: On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 23:26, Dean S. Messing wrote:
 :: > No it is getting created during the build.  I discovered, also,
 :: > that after the build bomb-out one finds in
 :: > /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2.1/include/
 :: > a `root/' directory in which there is both a usr/ subdir and an etc/
 :: > subdir.
 :: This is normal.  This is the buildroot directory.  It's where RPM gets
 :: the files to put into the package.

I'm not sure you read the above carefully (or maybe I was not clear):
I know about the buildroot directory in /var/tmp (and the little shell
rpm.tmp. script in /var/tmp assocaiated to it.

My point was the existence of the root/etc directory in

On the machine (my laptop) for which the build goes through, this directory
is _not_ present.  Only root/usr.

 :: > The lines I suspected of creating the alternative stuff
 :: > were:
 :: > 
 :: > %if %{build_java}
 :: > %post -n libgcj%{libjava_major}-devel
 :: > update-alternatives --install %{_includedir}/libgcj libgcj 
 :%{_includedir}/libgcj-%{version} %{gcj_alternative_priority}
 :: > %endif
 :: These lines are executed at install-time, not compile time.

I know. I probably was sloppy in my terminolgy if I said "compile" when
I should have said "build".  I do realise the problem is occuring
during "installation" into the buildroot.  That's how come I was
able to "fix" it.

 :: > Didn't try, but I seriously doublt it because the .spec file
 :: > contains the explicit `ln -s' commands that cause the failure.
 :: ln -s is not causing the failure.  The failure is caused by said
 :: symbolic link already existing.  Which is why Todd and I both had the
 :: initial question: are you 100% sure your buildroot was empty?

ls -s "exposing" the failure.  The existence of the link is "causing"
the failure.  Sorry, again for my impreciseness.

 :: > I did discover two differences between the system on which it
 :: > builds and the one on which it does not.
 :: > The working system had a stock Mdk 9.0 installation of gcc-3.2-1mdk.i586.rpm.
 :: > The non-working system had a re-build of the cooker gcc-3.2 from
 :: > around Nov 25th. built for an athlon-mp. (This was necessary to
 :: > get MPlayer to compile).
 :: Again leads me to believe that the symlink was leftover from that build.

Please trust me (you and I have both heard that before).
I know how to make sure there are no leftovers.  And there are none.
Each build is clean.  I have even deleted the the unpacked sources and
the spec file and done rpm -i on the .src.rpm a couple of times
"just in case".

 :: > I did "solve" the problem by deleting the link and root/etc/ directories
 :: > deep down in the /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/gcc-3.2.1 (again, sorry
 :: > for not remembering exactly where)
 :: You mean /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-buildroot/etc.  

No I (think) I mean in the BUILD dir.  After deleting
the root/etc/  and the bogus link in


I also deleted the buildroot in /var/tmp
as well as the rpm.tmp. file, and did

rpm --short-circuit -bi gcc.spec
and it rebuild the buildroot and generated the .rpm files
This was couple of days ago and so I hope I am not experiencing
a case of "I dreamed that I did it" :-)

 :: > So when I find bugs is it OK to report them here as I did?
 :: Yes.  Although this wasn't technically a 'bug'.


 :: > Shall I assume they will get seen even if there's no ack?
 :: They will get seen.  But it's always possible that nobody will have time
 :: to work on it.
 :: > If someone instructs me on what, exactly, to do to trace this
 :: > I'll do it.  Problem is that now that I have installed the
 :: > latest gcc the bug may vanish, if it had anything to do
 :: > with the above machine differences.
 :: Do this:
 :: # rm -fr /var/tmp/*root

Have done this each time.

 :: # rm -fr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/*

As well as this.

 :: # rm -fr /usr/src/RPM/tmp/*

/usr/src/RPM/tmp does not nor ever has existed on my system.

 :: before you try to build anything, and you won't have any problems like
 :: this.

I wish.


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

Austin Acton writes:
 :: $ rpm -bb gcc.spec
 :: worked perfectly on my dual Athlon 1900
 :: $ rpmbuild -bb --target=athlonxp gcc.spec
 :: failed to even get underway, but that's because I have no
 :: athlonxp-mandrake-linux-gnu target on my machine
 :: Are you 100% sure your rpm/BUILD and rpm/tmp directories were clean?

Yes, absolutely sure. I hand cleaned /usr/src/RPM and /var/tmp
before issuing rpm -i on the .src.rpm

 :: Austin

To build athlon-mp centric .rpm's here is my /etc/rpmrc file:

optflags: athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -march=athlon-mp -ffast-math 
buildarchtranslate: athlon: athlon
buildarchtranslate: i686: athlon

It turns out to be necessary to build the compiler (at least gcc-3.2-4)
so that MPlyayer will  properly compile.  Otherwise you end up
with compiler errors on the embedded assembler w/in MPlayer.

I'm now starting the build I memtioned in the previous message.
Will see what happens in the morning.


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

Austin Acton wrote:
 :: Seems hard to believe that error.

Yeah. I know.

 :: If you're just doing
 :: rpm -ba
 :: it won't make ANY difference what processor you're using.

Unless there's some logic in the .spec file that detects processor
and branches differently. The .spec file for MPlayer certainly does this.

 :: It will build
 :: for i586 (unless you have altered the .rpmrc file).  In fact, from your
 :: post, it looks like you were building i586-mandrake-linux-gnu.

(see below)

 ::  So the
 :: error shouldn't be caused by building on an athlon.  And if it works on
 :: you other system, it makes me think that your dual athlon has a dirty
 :: build environment or something.

(see differences between the two systems in my "other message" dicussed below)

 :: However, I have a dual athlon and I will try to reproduce the problem
 :: right now.
 :: Austin

Austin, be sure to read the (long, involved) message I just
wrote to Todd L. on cooker about this.

In fact (as I said in that message) the bug was originally tickled
when I built for the athlon-mp (modifed /etc/rpmrc file) but
I deleted that file on a second attempt to remove one variable
and the build still bombed out.

See that message for the two other differences between the
"good" and the "bad" system.

Now that I "fixed" the problem (see message on how) I will build again
tonight to see if the build goes through.

Problem is that I know nothing at all about "update-alternatives"
which seems to be the fundamental cause of the problem.
For some reason it is creating the error-causing link on one machine
and not in the other.

Dean, starting yet another build of gcc-3.2.1

Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

Sorry for the gory details below.  I know no other way
to communicate exactly what I did, what I found, &c, so
someone can find the build bug (or my config bug).

Todd Lyons writes:
 :: Dean S. Messing wrote on Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 12:28:14PM -0800 :
 :: > 
 :: > + ln -s /usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1 
 :: > ln: 
 : File exists
 :: > error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71143 (%install)
 :: > The problem is that there is already a file (link) in
 :: > /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2.1/include/
 :: > called `libgcj'.  It points to `root/etc/alternatives/libgcj'
 :: > so when the above link is attempted, it fails.
 :: > Surely other athlon users have run across this?  But I've not seen
 :: > anything mentioned.  I  went over the cooker archives and see nothing.
 :: Can you isolate
 :: 1) Does the link already exist in some tarball (almost certaily no).

No it is getting created during the build.  I discovered, also,
that after the build bomb-out one finds in


a `root/' directory in which there is both a usr/ subdir and an etc/
subdir.  In the etc/ subdir there's an empty alternatives/ subdir.

They are also present in the BUILD/gcc-3.2.1/blah-blah diretory in /usr/src/RPM
and are created during build.  (Sorry I don't remember exactly the path.)

On my PIII laptop  the link I mentioned in the
first message and the above subdirs don't exist
and hence the bomb-out never occurs.

 :: 2) Does the link get made by some earlier invocation of
 :: update-alternatives?

I don't understand update-alternatives at all except from what little
I read in the man page.  In trying to trace the error I think I
found a possible source in the .spec file but I really don't
understand it enough to say for sure.

The lines I suspected of creating the alternative stuff

%if %{build_java}
%post -n libgcj%{libjava_major}-devel
update-alternatives --install %{_includedir}/libgcj libgcj 
%{_includedir}/libgcj-%{version} %{gcj_alternative_priority}

in the .spec file.  But again I really don't understand what
"update-alternatives" does or why these lines would be triggered on one
machine and not other (but see differences between machines below).

 :: 3) Can you ascertain exactly where it gets created?

No.  I'm too ignorant of the process.  

 :: 4) Does it do the same thing if you do everything by hand?

Didn't try, but I seriously doublt it because the .spec file
contains the explicit `ln -s' commands that cause the failure.
And, as I said, I believe the offensive "alternatives" stuff is called
from the .spec file also.

I did discover two differences between the system on which it
builds and the one on which it does not.

The working system had a stock Mdk 9.0 installation of gcc-3.2-1mdk.i586.rpm.

The non-working system had a re-build of the cooker gcc-3.2 from
around Nov 25th. built for an athlon-mp. (This was necessary to
get MPlayer to compile).
It's rpm was gcc-3.2-4mdk.athlon.rpm

The second difference was that on the working system only


were present.

On the non-working  system


were present.

I did "solve" the problem by deleting the link and root/etc/ directories
deep down in the /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/gcc-3.2.1 (again, sorry
for not remembering exactly where)
and then issuing

rpm --short-circuit -bi gcc.spec

It then correctly did the "install" in /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root
and built .rpm's.

The astute reader will now be wondering why, when I reported
the error the messages refer to `i586-mandrake-linux-gnu'
whereas the above installed .rpm's have "athlon" in their name
(so that the messages should have had `athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu'
in them.

It is because when I first started to get the error, in order
to simplify things, I got rid of my /etc/rpmrc which builds
for athlon-mp.  This did not get rid of the build bomb-out so
I reported errors relative to a vanilla i586 build (on my athlon) to
avoid someone saying "It must be your /etc/rpmrc file".

After I discovered how to make it work (with user intervention) I put
the /etc/rpmrc file back and re-built for athlon.

 :: I'm really just replying to this to acknowledge your message.  I know
 :: that nothing I've written above is something you couldn't do on your own
 :: (and probably already have), but I saw your "was this a faux pas"
 :: message and just wanted to send the acknowledgement.

[Cooker] Is this the place to post cooker bugs?

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

I posted a (possible) cooker bug here yesterday.
The bug appears in the build process for gcc-3.2.1
on my athlon machine.

It's entitled:

[Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

and can be found here:


I have seen no remarks, acknowledgement of receipt, questions, or
statements to effect that I'm an idiotic doofus and the "bug" is all
my fault.

Is anyone listing?  Did I commit some cooker social faux pax by posting
bugs here?


P.S. In another message I also asked about why I can't
digestify this list.  My mbox is getting swamped with individual
cooker message which I would dearly love to have in  digest form
but sympa tells me that "SET cooker DIGEST" is not an allowed commend
for this list.

Can anyone tell me why?


[Cooker] why can't I digestify this list?

2003-01-06 Thread Dean S. Messing

I just sent the magic command


The reply was that cooker does not allow digestification.
Why in the world not?


[Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-06 Thread Dean S. Messing

There's either a bug in the build procedure
or a misconfig. on my system.  In any case
I'd appreciate some help.

I tried  to build the gcc-3.2.1 rpm's from 


(using rpm -bb gcc.spec) and the build bombs out during
installation into /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/

Here are the final lines of the build:

+ rmdir /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/java
+ mkdir -p /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1/javax
+ mv /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/javax/naming 
+ rmdir /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/javax
+ mkdir -p /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1/org
+ mv /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/org/w3c 
+ rmdir /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/org
+ mv 
+ /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1/gcj/
+ rmdir 
+ ln -s /usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1 
 File exists
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71143 (%install)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71143 (%install)

The problem is that there is already a file (link) in


called `libgcj'.  It points to `root/etc/alternatives/libgcj'
so when the above link is attempted, it fails.

Surely other athlon users have run across this?  But I've not seen
anything mentioned.  I  went over the cooker archives and see nothing.

Incidently, the packages build just fine on my nearly identically
configured i686 laptop.  The only differences are  this machine
is an SMP Athon MP and that is a UP i686 PIII.

My System Information:

  * Linux distribution:
o Mdk 9.0 with come selected cooker additions
  * kernel version:
   Linux medulla 2.4.19-16mdksmp #1 SMP Wed Sep 24 12:26:01 EDT 2003
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
  * libc version:
  * X version:
   XFree86 Version 4.2.1
  * gcc and ld versions:
  gcc -v:
   Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2/specs
   gcc version 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-4mdk)
  ld -v:
   GNU ld version 20020717
  * binutils version:
   GNU assembler 20020717

  * CPU info (this works on Linux only):
 processor : 0
 vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
 cpu family: 6
 model : 6
 model name: AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1500+
 stepping  : 2
 cpu MHz   : 1333.410
 cache size: 256 KB
 fdiv_bug  : no
 hlt_bug   : no
 f00f_bug  : no
 coma_bug  : no
 fpu   : yes
 fpu_exception : yes
 cpuid level   : 1
 wp: yes
 flags : fpu vme de tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic
 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 mmx
 fxsr sse syscall mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow
 bogomips  : 2660.76

  processor: 1
  same thing as processor 0.

Dean S. Messing
Display Algorithms & Visual Optimization Lab
Information Systems Technologies Dept.
Sharp Laboratories of America