Re: [Cooker] Beta 3 CD's?

2002-08-20 Thread James Chance

I have a Lite-On 12x burner, and a Sony 40x burner. The Lite-On chokes on
quite a few iso's these days, but works on others all right (sometimes
slowing down the burn to 1x fixes things, sometimes not). The Sony burns
everything ok at 16x (I bought 1000 16x cdr's a year ago, they aren't all
gone yet :-)). Your drive's laser is probably a little weak (or dirty).

So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even
with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll
it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.'
they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we
don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.'
  -- Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari and HP interested in his and Steve
   Wozniak's personal computer
- Original Message -
From: R. Scott Chevalley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Beta 3 CD's?

 I have those cd's and I can't reliably burn Beta3 cd's.  I tried, then
 gave up and ran makecd on a local mirror of cooker, using 73000 as
 the disk size.  They worked just fine.  Although I'd have to say my
 computer is anything but normal!  I have a hi-val 32x burner that burns
 disks just fine, but won't read them with I boot with them.  Even the
 disks that I make using makecd.  But I have an old iomega 4x burner that
 does not burn anything but coasters, and it reads and works fine with
 the disks.  Strange.  I think that problem has to do with some odd
 kernel bug related to the 32x cd burner and DMA mode.

 Anyway,  I think it has more to do with the burner than with the disks,

 Just my 2 cents worth...


 tarvid wrote:

 On Monday 19 August 2002 05:51 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the beta 3 CD's pre-burned.
 system is having a hard time with the 700MB images.  I checked
 but they're only up to beta 2.  Any help would be appreciated.
Stephen Anderson
 You can get some cheap 24x 700MB CDRs from Walmart which work fine.
 Jim Tarvid


2000-05-27 Thread James Chance

Randy Welch wrote:

 Ron Stodden wrote:

  I cannot see any way of avoiding the initial download of that much
  data, other than mailing out CDs, but for V90 access it is a killer
  (gone from 50 hours to 77 hours, all going perfectly).I thing
  most V90 beta testers will have little option but to walk away.
 I'm kind of surprised that V.90 users would download a whole linux
 distribution these days anyway.  I tried that once.   Before DSL I would
 download the distro image at work toss it on a jaz disk ( or burn a CD
 at work )  and then install it at home.

Some of us who can't get ANY kind of broad band connections still do (I just
spent the last three days downloading the new beta iso)

  Distribution by iso images is NOT practical yet for people without CD
  burners or inadequate disk space.  So you will lose another major
  group of beta testers, unless the ability to install directly from
  the two iso images (does not yet exist) is made available.

 I actually think that you find the beta testers are those with spare
 disk space.  And one can get other testers by being nice to co workers
 and friends and burning CD's if one is so equipped ( I did that today
 for a co worker who I've raved about Mandrake about.)

  That aside, a concerted effort should be made to devise an efficient
  beta update distribution process.  I strongly recomment rsync, since
  it will make updates within files (such as iso images) practical,
  using an absolute minimum of server and client bandwidth.  This makes
  keeping up to date quite practical for the V90-equipped beta
  testers.   However, there are three requirements on Mandrake:

 I agree here.  Though perhaps in the beta test distributions one could
 use Mandrake Update that gets the changes from the cooker distribution

This would certainly be nice
