Re: [Cooker] Jabber configuration

2002-11-02 Thread Richard Houser
Hash: SHA1

David Walser wrote:
| --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|>Hash: SHA1
|>Following the documentation at for
|>configuring a server -
|>exact page
|>, I have been unable to get it going from mandrake's
|>packages.  I double
|>checked and the version I have from Mandrake 9.0 is
|>the same version as in
|>If anyone has a working setup with jabber, could you
| I do
|>please tell me where
|>the spool directory should be, the permissions on
|>it, and anything other
|>than the hostname that needed to be changed in
|>jabber.xml?  Thank you.
| I see:
| drwx--5 daemon   daemon   4096 Jul  6
| 14:50 /var/lib/jabber/
| I actually *only* changed uncommenting the thing for
| the jud in jabber.xml.  The hostname is actually reset
| by the init script.  It's set to the value of
|>Note:  Attached is the error message I get when I
|>get the point where I
|>attempt to find the information needed to register.
|>from error.log ->
|>20021101T18:00:43: [notice] (-internal):
|>initializing server
|>20021101T18:08:14: [notice] (localhost): bouncing a
|>routed packet to localhost from 14@c2s/81076C0:
|>Internal Delivery Error
| The important thing with Jabber is when you make an
| account it has the *hostname* of the Jabber server.
| So even if you're on the server, you can't use
| localhost, it has to be the hostname.
| __
| Do you Yahoo!?
| HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now

Thank you so very, very much!  I can't believe I missed that command
line bypass of the hostname in the init script.  My situation is that I
should have my server respond to when the
server itself has another hostname (I plan to eventually have another
server here, or move everything to another machine later -- as such, I
use CNAME all over my DNS records).  Subsituting the actual machine
hostname got me up and going.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (MingW32)


Re: [Cooker] Re: openssh-3.4p1-5mdk

2002-10-10 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Oden Eriksson wrote:
| torsdagen den 10 oktober 2002 18.41 skrev Vincent Danen:
|>On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 08:14 PM, Oden Eriksson wrote:
|>>>I read part of the draft and nosed around the site.  Can't say that I
|>>>really care to include this.  Looks like it's a nice way for them to
|>>>make some extra $$.  I didn't really see anything about a license
|>>>there, so have no clue what the license is; there's just the one
|>>>copyright notice.
|>>>I can't say that I'm thrilled with the idea of adding something like
|>>You might be right about the $$. But it's new code following a new RFC
|>>what I could understand. New features are allways exiting. I have
|>>vandyke to make them clarify the license.
|>You're missing the point.  If you look at the RFC, *they* wrote it.
|>This isn't a "community" RFC that they decided to implement; they wrote
|>the RFC and they're selling the product.  It looks very self-serving to
|>me.  Not to say it isn't an interesting concept, but I would like to
|>see what the openssh team decides before arbitrarily adding it.
| Hmm..., you probably right about that. But then..., I haven't seen
| opened up from the commercial ssh folks like the originator, f-secure,
|>Of course, it would be a different story if vandyke wanted to "sponsor"
|>our adoption of their ideas.  Monetarily, of course.  =)
| Yes maybe a good idea, why not ask them?.
| dns distributed public ssh keys? hell..., then we need a secure dns
server too
| ;)
| But I wouldn't know since I'm not even allowed to download their
products, ha
| ha ha... ;)
|>>>Sure, it definitely might be interesting.  I'd like to get the
|>>>of the openssh team first, tho.  I really don't like adding stuff that
|>>>hasn't been audited by them (since they know the openssh code better
|>>>than I), especially with openssh being such a core component.  If it
|>>>was licq or something, no big deal.
|>>Yes, you're right. Let's wait and see what happens. I searched their
|>>archives but couldn't find a word about the keyserver feature.
|>Nope, haven't seen anything either.  I'll fire something off to the
|>list and ask about it.
| Great!, keep us posted.

Clock showing one hour into the future.  Perhaps you have the time zone
set wrong?
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] MakeCD problems: Warly, do you have a workaround?

2002-10-08 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Leon Brooks wrote:
| On Wednesday 09 October 2002 12:56 am, Warly wrote:
|>Leon Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>>MakeCD doesn't work on an 8.2 system. If I download Cooker (or 9.0) onto
|>>an 8.2 system and do a MakeCD, it does because it cannot find the
|>>librpm-4.0.4 libraries which are part of cooker/9.0. If I define
|>>LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the directory with those libraries, everything
|>>else in that shell session dies, including some system utilities
|>>necessary for making the CDs.
|>I just installed a 8.2 and test, and it works perfectly.
| OK, so what obvious-to-you thing are Trent Gunnarson and I not doing
to make
| it all work?
| Cheers; Leon

Not just you guys.  It's not working for me either.  I've got a RC2 era
cooker system that I will try to upgrade and see if it works from there,
but either way, I think there is a problem with the current setup.

Currently, my mirror is both standard binaries and contribs in
/remote/cooker/{cooker,contrib}.  SRPMS are also included.  I will
gladly send in an error log if someone can tell me a prefered command to
use.  I've got about 6GB free on my root partition, so I'll place it
anywhere but /boot, /remote, or /home per your instructions (different
hard disks).  System is a stock Mandrake 8.2 install with all the
official released updates I had packages installed for.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] bug report: openssh-clients 3.4p1 4mdk package

2002-10-02 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

frame wrote:
| I tried to use the cervisia plugin in konqueror and got some errors
... < a longer story >
| ...
| [meteor@maxwell2 meteor]$ ll /usr/bin/ssh-askpass
| lrwxr-xr-x1 root root   30 Oct  2 11:51
/usr/bin/ssh-askpass-> ../..//usr/lib/ssh/ssh-askpass
| [meteor@maxwell2 ssh]$ pwd
| /usr/lib/ssh
| [meteor@maxwell2 ssh]$ ll
| total 176
| -rws--x--x1 root root   172120 Sep 11 22:01 ssh-keysign*
| [meteor@maxwell2 ssh]$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/ssh-askpass
| openssh-clients-3.4p1-4mdk
| I'm using a fresh installed Mdk9.0 RC3.
| Hopefully there's a way to fix this.
| Good luck,
|   Frank.

System clock and or time zone seems to be set wrong, your mail is dated
about 20 hours into the future.  If you need help, give me a email please.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[Cooker] DVD-R ISO MakeCD Problems

2002-09-30 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Could anyone please tell me the command line to build these iso images?

Intel Compatible Binaries(DVD-R1) + SRPMS(DVD-R2) on 2 DVD-R 4.7GB media

I could even live with them split evenly between CDs, but that just adds
unneeded DVD shuffling later.  I do wish to include contribs, and both
the sources and binaries are in /mandrake-devel/contrib/.  Cooker
binaries and source are in /mandrake-devel/cooker.

I keep getting errors when I try to run any of the following:

/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --discsize=468000 -a -s -s
/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/ /install /RPMS /SRPMS

/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --discsize=468000 -a -s

/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --discsize=468000 -a -s -s
/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/ /RPMS /SRPMS

/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --discsize=468000 -a -s -s
/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/ /install /RPMS /SRPMS

/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --discsize=468000 -a


I've also tried a few other varieties, including on that worked on
cooker shortly after Rc2.

I always get an error of duplicate version on disc, depslist.ordered,
hdlists and RPMS mismatch.

My just checked my mirror with the following command, and there were a
few changes, but I still get the problem (note, they are seperate rsyncs
as I had to jump start this via my laptop at a connection to work with
my cooker mirror, copying one section at a time due to limited laptop
disk space).

rsync --archive --force --delete --progress --verbose --partial /mandrake-devel/cooker
rsync --archive --force --delete --progress --verbose --partial /mandrake-devel/cooker
rsync --archive --force --delete --progress --verbose --partial /mandrake-devel/contrib
rsync --archive --force --delete --progress --verbose --partial /mandrake-devel/contrib

I also simlinked the /mnt/BIG2/build/cooker/pieces/install/cooker to
/mandrake-devel and tried to use the 9.0.conf file in misc/doc, but I
get the same thing.

Thank you in advance.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] network card list is missing a name!

2002-09-25 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Berg M. van den wrote:
| Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
|> David Dreggors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>> I am still waiting for a response. Have you forgotten me? This can't be
|>> THAT hard to fix can it? I mean it has now been a year or more (since
|>> 8.0) that I have been asking this question and STILL have no response.
|>> If there is not a  "quick fix" for adding this card to the drop down
|>> list in netconf then please tell me but don't just never answer me again
|>> as has everybody I have asked at Mandrakesoft over this last year has
|>> done!
|> Please note that "netconf" is not the preferred way to configure
|> your network in Mandrake (by far). Use what's in the Mandrake
|> Control Center.
| If "netconf" is not the way to configure the network, than remove it
| from the distribution.So it won't give confusion.

Please do NOT remove netconf.  I use it extensively when setting up new
hardware.  Some mcc modules also tend to be less stable for me -- the
most recent problem I have in it is the network configuration for a
second adapter (eth1 802.11b pcmcia) that when the information is
entered and ok or apply clicked, seems to hang, then exits without an
error a few minutes later and never updated the configs.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.0 RC3 installation adventure part 2

2002-09-23 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Don't forget /lib, /opt, /tmp, /root, and /boot too!

You also have the damger of accidentally writing to a non-mounted
directory and getting some garbage in /mnt.  I know for /boot alone, I
often use 35MB just for different situations (openmosix kernel, acpi
kernel, stock kernel, upgraded kernel, cooker kernel, etc)

| forgot /bin and /sbin  :-) think that will reach your 94 meg limit very
| quick and break all kind of things.
| - Original Message -
| From: "Rob Halff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 7:25 AM
| Subject: Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.0 RC3 installation adventure part 2
|>Are u sure 94 meg for / is enough !?
|>this means the contains of /etc /lib have to be smaller then 94 meg.
|>I think you should be a little more generous with  your space overthere.
|>- Original Message -
|>Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:38 AM
|>Subject: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.0 RC3 installation adventure part 2
|>>Same system as my last message:
|>>My system is a home-built EPOX 8KHA/1.4 Athlon/768 Meg ram/100gig
| WD1000BB
|>>My partition table looks like this:
|>>94 meg /
|>>94 meg (future)
|>>94 meg (future)
|>>94 meg (future)
|>>200 meg /boot
|>>380 meg /swap
|>>Remaining is LVM
|>>4 gig /usr
|>>4 gig /var
|>>4 gig /home
|>>Preface:  Since my previous installs didn't work, I decided to try a new
|>>tack.  I installed a fresh 8.2 installation, working from the first CD
|>>alone.  I then tried an Upgrade, and ended up with another 5 installs
|>>(0. - I have a usbmouse and using an auto config floppy, doesn't
| configure
|>>the mouse properly again.  Even in 8.2.  This seems to be reproducible,
|>>unlike everything else)
|>>The first three were tried with the "Expert/Upgrade" option.
|>>1. - Hung during the find partitions step on /dev/hdb6.  So I reboot
|>>2. - This time it makes it past all the partitions, and I select the
|>>/dev/hda1 partition to upgrade.  As it is reading the RPMs from the 8.2
|>>install, I get this message on the console tty.
|>>"rpmdb: damaged header instace #202 retrieval, skipping"
|>>It doesn't really skip it, it just loops over and over again. Reboot
|>>3. - Makes it farther.  Kernel panic on checking  /usr partition (in the
|>>The Fourth install was "expert/upgrade packages" option
|>>4. - This time it upgrades, and I finish the installation.  I reboot.
| Then
|>>the fun begins.
|>>a.  during startup init.d/usb gives a message about "expr not found".
|>>b.  X doesn't start, and it starts up at a console a la Runlevel 3
|>>c.  I try "startx" to manually bring up X.  No luck.
|>>"libglx.a" is unresolved.
|>>d.  That is in XFree86-server, and I try a verify that works, but the
| file
|>>is definetly not there.
|>>e.  I remove XFree86 and XFree86-server, and then reinstall them.
|>>f.  my usb mouse is not activated, which makes X not so much fun.  I try
| a
|>>reboot, still nothing.
|>>g.  I bring up X and use mousedrake.  I'm able to select the wheel
| mouse,
|>>and restart X.  Now the mouse works again.
|>>h.  I notice that rpmdrake and MandrakeUpdate don't work because
|>>is having a problem loading librpm-4.0.4 (that's close to the name, I
|>>didn't write it down.  oops).  I figure out that the upgrade didn't
| update
|>>i.  I try to manually install rpm.  It has a long list of dependencies,
|>>but I get them all and the install starts.
|>>j.  Bad.  Not all of the rpms fail, but enough do: rpm,
| libstdc++5-devel,
|>>kernelheaders, libbinutils2, binutils, gcc, gcc-c++.  These complain
| that
|>>there are "MD5 sun mismatch" with cpio.
|>>k.  not rpm doesn't even recognize -qilp as an option.  Ugh.  It's
| hosed.
|>>Now I can't do anything.
|>>l.  In exasperation, I shutdown.  The shutdown fails during umount.
|>>m.  I hit the reset button.
|>>Overall, I'm really glad I decided to not mess with my existing year old
|>>8.2 installation.
|>>Scott Carlson
|>>PS.  I don't subscribe to the list. No time at this point. :(
|>> I am willing to try and answer questions if I can help

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Re: [Cooker] Gateway with Athlon 650 and a Kadoka motherboard.

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
| I have an 8.2 customer in mandrakeexpert asking this
| question.  Does anyone know of this 'Mandrake-acknowledged
| problem' or the answer to his question, 'is this problem
| fixed in distro 9.0'?  Thanks.
| quoted text below
|  My homePC is a Gateway with Athlon 650. The
| motherboard model is Kadoka. There is a
| Mandrake-acknowledged problem with all 8.x distros
| using the 2.4.x kernel, involving this board -
| Mandrake have stated explicitly that it will not
| run (basically it installs OK then hangs at INIT
| whatever you do). I therefore had to revert to
| the 2.2.x kernel, which in turn meant that some of
| my more advanced hardware wouldn't run as it
| required the 2.4.x kernel. I have therefore been
| running SuSE instead, but would rather run
| Mandrake. Question - is this problem fixed in
| distro 9.0? I really hope so - Mandrake is
| smashing and does the job on my work machine.
| -end quoted text-

Easiest way would probably be for you to download the latest cooker
kernel-2.4.19-*, plug it into your SUSE machine, and see if you can get
into the bootup (as SUSE and Mandrake use different kernel patches, etc,
a bunch of failed messages are fine during bootup as long as your
machine actually does boot up).  If this is the case, you are in good
shape for 9.0, or if you really can't wait, you could install 8.2 and
then use the rescue mode on the cdrom to upgrade the kernel with the

Mount your partitions under /mnt
Go to console
#chroot /mnt
rpm -i path/to/kernel-2.4.19*
cat /etc/lilo.conf (just to make sure you have the two kernel entries,
should be a similar step for SUSE test stage earlier)

Assuming you don't get any strange error messages, reboot and you will
likely get in.  Alternatively, you might not know this, but you could
just run the SUSE kernel on Mandrake :)
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] MakeCD error (repost)

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Leon Brooks wrote:
| On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:32, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
|>I'm trying to use MakeCD on a RedHat 7.3 system and I'm running up again
|>the following error:
| Have a look at the mckd script options. There's something in there about
| getting dependent PERL modules from the tree you're making the CD with.
| Cheers; Leon

I think the options you are refering to is the MakeCD script itself.  If
you look, it sets up a bunch of environment stuff for perl.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Printing in MDK9.0 RC*

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Igor Izyumin wrote:
| On Tuesday 10 September 2002 07:08 pm, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
|>We have chosen not to use CUPS because it's far different from standard
|>unix printing systems. We have a team of SA's and it's nice to not have
|>too have a "CUPS guy" when stuff doesn't work. lpd and LPRng may  not
|>have an integrated webserver and magic integration with some very cool
|>but mostly unused internet printing standard. But LPRng is a very
|>nightweight printing system, it's secure, not undergoing tons of changes
|>like CUPS is, and it just plain works.
| While I do not agree that LPRng should be removed, I would say that
| about ten times better for the desktop user.  No screwing around with
| files (is there anything more arcane than /etc/printcap?) and no
| with trying to figure out where the heck your print job is getting lost,
| thanks to the webserver.
| The IPP stuff is quite useful if you have Windows XP clients, because
| plug and play and you don't have to mess with samba.  You do have to
edit a
| text file (etc/cups/mime.types), because the raw print file option is
| commented out by default, and that's what Windows uses.  Any chance this
| could be integrated into the GUI?

Windows may use the binary drivers my default, but I run standard
postscript drivers (Apple Color LaserWriter something) on on my XP
machines and let CUPS do the translating.  Combined with the PDF backend
for CUPS and apache, it makes for a rather nice electronic printer (and
a DVD-R full of PDFs holds more documentation than my walk-in closest
would in paper form.

I recommend you use a Postscript driver and let CUPS handle the
conversions unless you need the native Windows drivers.  Otherwise, you
loose out on all the backends and the more advanced class type options
where you can print to a bank of dissimilar printers to better manage
jobs and provide fallover support.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Problem booting into RC1

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Trevor Ramoutar wrote:
| Problem is that LILO doesn't work properly.  Every time I install Linux
| on my second harddrive (this happens with all distros) LILO and GRUB
| don't work.  Which is why I need a bootdisk...
| How do I manually re-create the bootdisk?  Is there an .img file that I
| can use?  I can still access my linux partition, so that's not a
| problem.
| Thanks.
| -Original Message-
| Sent: September 10, 2002 5:40 AM
| Subject: Re: [Cooker] Problem booting into RC1
| "Trevor Ramoutar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>I grabbed the report.bug.gz from /root/drakx.  It should be attached.
| [...]
|>>I was able to successfully install RC1.  In the last part of the
|>>install, I created a bootdisk and then rebooted.  However when I
|>>try to boot off the floppy into my Mandrake install all I get is:
|>>Loading vmlinuz.
|>>Boot failed:  Please change disks and press a key to continue.
| According to the logs, the creation of the bootdisk had been
| successful. The two options are: either our bootdisk creation is
| bugged and doesn't report failures, or your floppy has an
| hardware failure that didn't report to the floppy drive during
| bootdisk creation but lead to a misread when you tried to boot
| with it. I would favor the second option.
| What you can do is boot into your Mandrake (according to the
| logs, lilo was correctly installed on your harddrive) and try to
| copy the contents of the bootdisk on the harddrive, and see if
| there is any failure. Then retry by hand to create the bootdisk.
| You may also format your floppy.
|>>My Mandrake install is on my second hard drive.  Is this the
|>>problem? What can I do to fix this?  Thanks.
| I can't say for sure for I think it should work ok.

To boot with LILO, I think you still need a /boot partition somewhere on
the first drive.  I could be wrong, but if you have about 10MB to spare,
might be worth a shot to you.  I can't help you with a floppy, as only
two of my machines even contain one (laptop and a server I rarely if
ever bring down).
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] more translation comments

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

David Walluck wrote:
| Igor Izyumin wrote:
|> On Tuesday 10 September 2002 07:30 am, Brad Felmey wrote:
|>> "Software Package Installation" sounds the most graceful to these US
|>> ears.
|> Agreed.  I suggest throwing out the "Package" stuff from the title,
|> though.  Just "Software Installation."  You can explain the package
|> part on the intro screen or somewhere else.
|>> I also agree with you that keeping the word software in there is helpful
|>> to newcomers.
|> Definitely.  I'm not sure having "package" in there is useful.
| Mandrake should hire someone to fix up the translations, or at least
| make the changes that the volunteers request.
| Since most of the guys are French, relatively, their English is very
| good, but we talk about the lack of feeling 'professional' or 'polished'
| if some word really seems out of place.

You might be able to get rid of the need for hiring someone for
translations if you could dump lists of English -> Translated Language
and provide a simple post/vote system for each translation.  I remember
that a voting system for Mandrake Club was mentioned.  Perhaps code
reuse for something such as this could be kept in mind when designing
that service?
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Nvidia 3.3.6 / 4.2.0 choice on install

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

| Quoting Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
|>020909 Adam Williamson wrote:
|>as the subscriber who first raised this, i can only agree with
1st-time AW.
|>there are degrees of expertise, very wide ones:
|>i've been using Mandrake for  2 years  ( 6.1 , 8.0 briefly, 8.2 ,
9.0rc1 ),
|>but i have no idea what the strengths or weaknesses of 3.3.6 & 4.2.0 are.
| The best thing (IMHO) is to install 4.2.x, download the NVidia
| drivers, and install them. Mega performance improvement.
| The edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file and add a -dpi 75 to the server
| line(s)

I'm running an Inno3d Tornado Geforce2 Pro 64 (64MB) and a Diamond V550
(Riva TNT 16MB) under the XFree86-4.2.0 that ships with Mandrake 8.2
both with the NVIDIA supplied drivers (latest).  I can say that the 2D
drivers in the nvidia module are a lot, lot better than those in the
binary drivers in regards to startup.  The binary drivers take anywhere
from 2 to 5 attempts at starting X on my 1Ghz Athlon Thunderbird w/ 1GB
RAM enterprise kernel (tried a bunch of varieties, think this one was
2.4.19-8mdk) and 10 to 20 attemps on a K6-2/400 w/ 256MB RAM standard
(2.4.18custom, 2.4.19-5, 2.4.18custom-openmosix).

I almost took out the binary drivers on the K6-2 (my server) as anytime
X has to be restarted (for example a logout back to gdm), the system
spends about 10 seconds worth of X starting and dying before it gets to
the splashscreen and then another 10 seconds until X and the window
manager actually start.  During this time, any network based connections
are frozen.  I'd bet the whole machine itself it locked in such a
manner, but I don't have 2 video cards on the box to give it a shot.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] CS46XX - Sound problem continued

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Robert Fox wrote:
| Please look at the attached snapshot.
| I just performed a clean install and this is what modules.conf and
lsmod say.
| Sound is broken from the start.
| I know how to fix it, but your average newbie will not!
| Thx,
| R.Fox

Am I missing something, or was there no reason to send this as a graphic
(some of us still run over shared ppp links)?
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] zip/unzip ark Kde

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Götz Waschk wrote:
| Am Dienstag, 10. September 2002, 09:51:17 Uhr MET, schrieb Ben Reser:
|>On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 06:31:19AM +, Jose wrote:
|>>I noticed on a fresh install that one of my students was trying to open
|>>up a zip package from within Kde, but it wouldn't open up because ark
|>>complained that zip was not installed.  Shouldn't ark's depend on zip
|>>and unzip?
|>No because ark will still work for other formats without zip/unzip.
|>zip/unzip is one of those it's nice to have packages but not required.
| Come on, the kde packages depend on so many other not really needed
| stuff, these two additional packages won't make a difference.

Zip and Unzip really aren't used that much in the linux world from my
experience (I keep them installed though of course along with almost
everything else from the CDs on my development/testing machines).  You
could always extend that train of thinking and require all plugins for
xmms, etc.  The modularity, however is part of what makes a Linux
machine so powerful.  You could for example plug in your own third party
archive tool that handles zips with added features without dealing with
all the rpm dependencies.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Nvidia 3.3.6 / 4.2.0 choice on install

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

dcd wrote:
| Hi,
|I don't understand why these drivers are excluded. They are a free
| download from NVidea, and currently it only hurts the distro that 3d is
| so poor in the standard edition.
| dcd
| Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
|> Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>> On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 10:43, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
| (13) 3D acceleration: whatever does this refer to?
| why would 3.3.6 give 3D, but not 4.2.0, and why is it "experimental"?
|>>> There is no free software 3d acceleration for nvidia in XFree-4,
|>>> while there was an experimental one in XFree-3.3.
|>> Personally I think this section should be changed to make it *REALLY*
|>> clear that X 3.3.6 really isn't recommended. The wording here could well
|>> lead a newbie to choose 3.3.6, thinking it's the best option, whereas it
|>> definitely isn't (I know this because it's exactly what I did the first
|>> time I installed Mandrake); the 3D acceleration in 3.3.6 is pants anyway
|>> and unusable for most things you'd want 3D acceleration for, and 4.2.0
|> It's tagged "experimental". If people choose it, it's on purpose!
|>> is so much better in other areas that everyone should use it unless they
|>> have a really pressing reason not to. Perhaps it could make this more
|>> clear, and also mention the availability of closed-source drivers for
|>> 4.2.0 providing proper 3D support, which would hopefully mean less
|>> people would make my mistake.
|> When you buy the powerpack, you have the proprietary drivers in
|> the commercial CD's, and I think the drivers are automatically
|> installed (it's bad, but too many customers ask for it).

As I understand it, Mandrake's policy is that the download edition only
contains free software (as in open source with few if any exceptions).
The NVidia drivers are not provided in a source format (they consist
largly of pre-compiled object code), so they do not fit into these

I do think it would be a major plus for mandrake if the mandrake
customized rpms were posted on NVidia's driver page -- even if it's as
simple as just renaming the package.  I doubt NVidia would object to
such a request.  I personally use the NVidia provided SRPMs to compile
my own (and I have had minor issues with modules getting lost anytime I
boot into another kernel and back).
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] 9.0 Beta3, Beta4, RC1, RC2 - No Boot From Boot Floppy

2002-09-11 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
| Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| [...]
|>>bugged and doesn't report failures, or your floppy has an
|>>hardware failure that didn't report to the floppy drive during
|>>bootdisk creation but lead to a misread when you tried to boot
|>>with it. I would favor the second option.
|>Not likely on mine. 8.2 installed just fine, but beta 3, beta 4, RC1, &
|>RC2 all did the same thing as above with me, except Beta 3 created
|>several zero byte files on the floppy. No zero byte files on the three
|>latter, but same error message when attempting boot as above. On all
| Is the floppy full? What happens when you try to copy the
| contents to the hd? And when you try to mount it? And when you
| try to read the files on it?
|>four 9.0 installs, installation boot was initiated from floppy,
|>network.img on the first, and hd.img on the latter three. On RC1 I
|>attempted mkbootdisk & drakfloppy after booting the HD, but got no
|>improvement. I emailed cooker list about this Thu, 29 Aug 2002 00:29:20
|>-0400 & Tue, 03 Sep 2002 03:00:11 -0400 & Thu, 05 Sep 2002 21:32:33
|>-0400 and got no replies.
| When no one answers on this list, it generally means that either:
| 1- the bug is likely to be invalid (happens when only one person
|reports something which is unlikely to happen)
| 2- the bug is considered non important, or we have more important
|bugs pending
| 3- the reporter doesn't report enough information
| 4- the reporter writes 200 lines talking about his life, so no
|one bothers wasting time to read
| 5- it would need much investigation from the reporter and we
|consider it would be a useless effort to try to initiate it
| 6- we don't have the knowledge to fix it
| 7- serveral people reported the same problem but the reports are
|inconsistent with each other
| 8- a similar problem has recently been fixed and the reporter
|doesn't clearly specify the version of software with failure
| (of course, I may have forgotten other situations ;p)
| In this situation, I'd favor `2', but it's true that the problem
| also needs investigation from the people involved. Also, a big
| problem is that floppies are very likely to have hardware
| failures. Many times with similar bugs we spent time trying to
| investigate, just to see that it was only due to h/w failure, so
| most of the times we don't bother.

You missed one:

9- It gets eaten my the mail list server and never shows up in anyone's
mailboxes.  I've seen a fair share in the archives that don't arrive in
my mailbox, and others have been talking about the same in some other
threads.  I've had to resubmit a few that never got posted to the
archives -- hopefully I'm not giving anyone duplicates.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] urpmi + cd burner

2002-09-10 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Henri wrote:
| Hi,
| each time i want to install something with urpmi, i've got towait for
| ten minutes it stops searching my empty cd-drive, or i have to put any
| cd in it to make it stop.
| I've got a got an ide cd-burner (emulated as scsi),
| Henri.

I've seen this a lot in Windows as well myself, but it seems to be drive
specific.  Some drives tend to auto-detect blank media and report a
drive not ready, others just tend to time out like with a badly
scratched disc.  I don't know why urpmi would be looking at your drive
though unless you set up a media for it there, or it thinks it needs a
file off one of the discs (in which case you can't leave the blank in
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Why 700MB CDs there is easyer to write to 650MB andless to download

2002-09-10 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

erik wrote:
| Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
|> On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 21:41, erik wrote:
|>> If for instance Openoffice is remove from download version no problem
|>> to get M9.0 into three 650MB CDs. Possible to burn CDs from 650MB
|>> burners increase market.
|>> And less download time
|> Unfortunately OpenOffice is exactly the sort of app that I want on my
|> CDs. So what you are suggesting is a something I would hate to see
|> Mandrake do. You don't even have to get anything past the first CD if
|> you just want a basic system...
|> There is a fine line between what's useful and what will be too many CDs
|> and I want to see how the current situation pans out. The whole reason
|> why I prefer Mandrake to RedHat is because I don't have to download all
|> the extra apps I use separately from the distro.
| Well, as I see it all these extras can be included in the boxed version,
| the boxed I buy to get the extras and the boxed that support Mandrake .
| Specially as Mandrake hdinstall today do not support install from more
| than 1 (one!) ISO (RH7.3 can install from all 3 ISOs) and 700MB CDs are
| more difficult to burn. Thats the reason I suggested staying with 650MB
| CDs, avoid making Mandrake 9.0 download an expert distro.

You can buy new burners for about $30 ($40 for a 24-40x) that can easily
handle 700MB discs.  If you have a burner that can't (as 700MB discs are
the now defacto standard and almost completly replace 650s)), it's
either very buggy or total junk.  That extra 50MB per disc won't take
too much longer when you figure the download time for the total set, and
that extra 150MB set just might have the killer utility you need to fill
in the gaps on any system.

You could always reduce the size of the discs to 500MB so that someone
with a very buggy 1X burner can make discs too, but that's even more
foolish.  As long as the official iso's don't require a dvd-r (I go this
route myself) or overburning, I say pack them as full as possible.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] kernel-

2002-09-09 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Igor Izyumin wrote:
| On Saturday 07 September 2002 09:05 am, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
|>Le Samedi 7 Septembre 2002 16:03, O Beckles a écrit :
|>>I see an NTFS update here, how do I get access to an NTFS drive?
|>You mean "how do i access a NTFS partition ? ", i guess.
|>Just mount it, assuming it's on a local drive.
| By the way, how dangerous is NTFS write support?

If this is the same NTFS driver as in 2.4.18 (and not the backport from
the 2.5 kernel), you WILL cause damage to your filesystem on each and
every write.  It then requires linux userland tools to partially patch
up the filesystem and then a boot on a Microsoft machine and their
utilities to "hopefully" make the drive usable.  So, unless things
changed a LOT, we don't want write access to be in by default, or
everyone dual booting is likely to hose their Windows machines.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] WineX

2002-09-09 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Pbt wrote:
| Le sam 07/09/2002 à 07:43, Florent BERANGER a écrit :
|>Le Vendredi 6 Septembre 2002 13:08, Florent BERANGER a écrit :
|>>Very important / urgent :
|>>- add pcnet_cs driver in network driver list !
|>>- put the host name in /etc/hosts !
|>Is anyone working for it ?
|>>- to have the possibility to add an SCSI card (we can do
|>>it at install in expert mode but no otherwise -> that's
|>>not normal -> (scsidrake ?)).
|>The tool exists at install in expert mode, just add this
|>possibility in MCC and/or harddrake.
|>>- AGFA snapscan scanners have a library, who is in libsane
|>>but they are listed as unsupported in this version of
|>>Mandrake. ???
|>in next release, snif.
|>>Important, not urgent :
|>>- create (at install or with lirc RPM) the /dev/lircd file.
|>rebuid the lirc RPM with devfs gestion ?
|>>- wine ~/.wine/config file is missing, wine dosn't works
|>>out of the box.
|>and a new version is out. I think it's time to rebuild
|>wine RPMS ;)
| It would be a great thing to add wineX and others packages for wine.
| Is it possible or is there a problem with the type of licence?
|>>Thanks to fix,
|>>  Florent
|   Pierre

Using the transgaming provided binaries would be a problem.  Those are
offered as binary only under a subscribers only type license.  Although
CVS is availible, it lacks the cd copy protection code that makes WineX
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] suggestion for systems with VIA sound chips

2002-09-07 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Pixel wrote:
| Levi Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>There is a problem which exists on many systems with VIA 82C686 sound
|>where X causes the sound to become crackly.  This behavior can be fixed
|>by adding the following to the Device section of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:
Option "PciRetry" "true"
|>Would it be possible for DrakX to, if it detects the presence of this
|>sound chip, to make this addition?
| it could be. but:
| - are you sure it *can't* break anything, esp. that it works for every
| video card
| - do you have a web page explaining this
| - i'd rather have this added only for a sound card/video card
| combination

I'll try to give this a shot on the Compaq Presario 700 series of
laptops to potentially confirm the Via Twister chips (Savage 4 core),
they exibit the crackling sound and have that same chip.  Unfortunately,
I can't get to this right away.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] special deal on mdk 9 dvd edition?

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Brent Hasty wrote:
| On Thursday 05 September 2002 20:47, Richard Houser wrote:
| where does one go to place thier order?
|>Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
|>| Brook Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>|>>this offer doesn't look like being "limited" to "registered"
|>|>Hm I've been on this list since mandrake 5.3. I do believe thats
|>longer than
|>|>pixel. How do I make sure I'm registered?
|>| there's not even such "registration", at least to my knowledge.
|>It's not limited to cooker members or such.  I think the comment about
|>the testers came from the time it was originally offered.  Somtime
|>around Beta 1 if I remember.  It's just a traditional pre-order setup
|>with an added cap thrown in and now free shipping (I ordered mine last
|>week with no problems).

Either a quick google search, or a look back a few messages into this
thread yields:

From: "Vincent Danen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Take a look at:


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[Cooker] MakeCD Problem

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

I'm getting a
"bad rpm $COOKERDIR//Mandrake/RPMS/perl-DB_File-1.804-3mdk.i586.rpm"
during what appears to be the mkcd_build_hdlist phase.  I've tried a
dozen or so command lines for the script and still nothing.  It bombs
out at this point.  Sync was as of about 7:45 EDT Thurdsay.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] and what about a kernel especially for laptops ?

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Juan Paolo Carballo wrote:
| Richard Houser wrote:
|> I'm currently working on modifying the latest ACPI patch for the 2.4.19
|> kernel to work on mandrake 2.4.19-8mdk kernel.  I have no clue if my mod
|> will work, but I'll post it if it does (I'm about 3 hours in now and I
|> see a lot of inconsitencies in the variable names for the ACPI machine
|> width).
| You might like to take a look at one of SUSE's kernel developer's
| kernel images.
| Last I heard, they've incorporated ACPI (2.5er acpi backport),
| but as I understand it, it won't work for other laptops that do not
| need ACPI, (like mine).
| It's at:
|> I think providing a kernel with ACPI support (or at least patching it in
|> disabled by default) would be a huge plus for any of the modern laptop
|> users.  Running without any power management makes my machine very,
|> very, very hot and it gets less than a quarter battery life even after
|> modifying the hard disk spindown times.
| I dunno.
| My battery life under mdk is the slightly better than under win2k.
| Personally, even though my USB mouse, touch pad and ethernet card work
| fine with mdk's default kernels, I would have wanted to have the sound
| card and sonypi support included too.
| But since I prefer to slim down and recompile my own kernels from
| mdk's stock, it matters little to me.
| Besides, with a base spec file, it's very easy to create rpms of new
| mdk kernels with my hardware supported.

It sounds a lot like your laptop supports APM.  Many of the newer
laptops such as the Compaq Presario 700 series are 100% ACPI and include
none of the legacy APM support.  With the linus 2.4.18 kernel, ACPI +
kacpi patch, and compaq sound patch, I do indeed get better battery life
than under Windows.

My issue is that the mandrake-kernel already includes small parts of the
ACPI patch and various other patches on the same files.  Merging in the
ACPI4Linux patch is causing me a lot of grief lately.  I will need much
of the functionality in the Mandrake kernels such as IPSec soon.

I might give that SUSE kernel a look too, might make the porting a bit
easier if I see the patches they used.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] special deal on mdk 9 dvd edition?

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
| Brook Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>>this offer doesn't look like being "limited" to "registered"
|>Hm I've been on this list since mandrake 5.3. I do believe thats
longer than
|>pixel. How do I make sure I'm registered?
| there's not even such "registration", at least to my knowledge.

It's not limited to cooker members or such.  I think the comment about
the testers came from the time it was originally offered.  Somtime
around Beta 1 if I remember.  It's just a traditional pre-order setup
with an added cap thrown in and now free shipping (I ordered mine last
week with no problems).
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] and what about a kernel especially for laptops ?

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

James wrote:
| On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 23:39, Florent BERANGER wrote:
|>Le Jeudi 29 Août 2002 15:26, Guillaume Rousse a écrit :
|>>Le Jeudi 29 Août 2002 15:00, Florent BERANGER a écrit :
|>>>A kernel without desktop modules -> faster start.
|>>What do you call desktop modules ? those corresponding
|>to hardware which
|>>isunlikely to be found on laptops ?
| I don't know about excluding modules, but I for one would be thrilled to
| see a mandrake kernel patched with the current ACPI stuff, or a working
| version of acpi or something. Likewise, I heard rumours some time ago of
| a patch for the kernel that modified the disk-cache flushing algorithm
| to extend battery life on laptops. There's also the soft-suspend patch
| which would be great.
|>ok. In fact, I find the start too long and I try to find
|>ways to make it start faster (I don't have many services
|>at startup).
| do you have a dhcp timeout specified?
| one thing that would help boot up times (as I understand it) would be a
| move to dependency based init scipts - that way stuff could start in
| parallel which (theoretically) improves boot times.
| Just my 2c.
| James.

I'm currently working on modifying the latest ACPI patch for the 2.4.19
kernel to work on mandrake 2.4.19-8mdk kernel.  I have no clue if my mod
will work, but I'll post it if it does (I'm about 3 hours in now and I
see a lot of inconsitencies in the variable names for the ACPI machine

I think providing a kernel with ACPI support (or at least patching it in
disabled by default) would be a huge plus for any of the modern laptop
users.  Running without any power management makes my machine very,
very, very hot and it gets less than a quarter battery life even after
modifying the hard disk spindown times.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] DVD edition question/suggestion

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Jason Straight wrote:
| I have a question, that if not for the fact that might also be a
| that should probably be on expert list, but:
| Considering the DVD edition - how are the packages laid out on the DVD?
| Is it easy to make iso's from the DVD in the event that I should need to
| install on a machine that doesn't have a DVD player?
| And my suggestion is - if it's not simple to create good CD's from the
DVD why
| not put .iso's on the DVD and have the installer mount them via
loopback as a
| filesystem during installation?
| Just wondering.

How about making a prominent README with the exact syntax needed to
generate the ISO images much like the current MakeCD script, but for the
commercial packages (or just which directories go on which CD, etc).
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] RPM not case sensitive?

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

David Walser wrote:
| That's not really a NFS namespace on a ncpfs volume is
| it?  (sorry, I don't know anything about the Quantum
| Snap)
| --- Digital Wokan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|>Is it just my weird setup?  (NFS share off a Quantum
|>Snap 4100)  RPM was
|>always case-sensitive in the past, but when I do
|>something like rpm -Fvh
|>[A-C]*.rpm now it was updating cups-drivers, arts,
|>console-tools, etc.
|>So was there a change made, or is it something in my
|>setup that'll probably
|>have me beating my head against the wall repeatedly
|>for not seeing it sooner?
|>(Yes, it's mounted using NFS, not SMB.)
| __
| Do You Yahoo!?
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Quantum snap servers are basically a hard-drive and NIC in a box.  As
far as I know, they run an embedded version of linux and provide a
combination of http, Netware, NFS, SMB, and Apple*_somthing access.
Administration is done via a web browser.  The boxes are expensive, but
almost foolproof for use in workgroup file sharing situations (and I
hear very easy to upgrade with a pair of modern hard drives and an
unofficial swap).
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Faster download ?

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Thomas Backlund wrote:
| From: Valéry Raulet
|>Yes, done for First CD !
|>Results ...
|>-rw-r--r--1 mantis   mantis   729153536 sep  2 15:19
| MandrakeLinux-9.0rc1-CD1.i586.iso
|>-rw-r--r--1 mantis   mantis   672619543 sep  2 15:19
| MandrakeLinux-9.0rc1-CD1.i586.iso.bz2
|>Not really miraculous !
| Well that is about 8% saved space...
| So just for fun... Here goes ...
| If the same is applied to all 3 CD:s, it would be a total saving of about
| 150MB ...
| Translated to download speeds according to calculated theoretical maximum
| ...
| ( nicely put , eh... ;-) )
| ADSL 8Mbit - saves 2.6 minutes
| ADSL 2Mbit - saves 10.3 minutes
| ADSL 1Mbit - saves 20.6 minutes
| ADSL 512Kbit - saves 41.1 minutes
| ADSL 256Kbit - saves 1 hour 22.3 minutes
| ADSL/ISDN 128Kbit - saves 2 hours 44.6 minutes
| ISDN 64Kbit - saves 5 hours 29.2 minutes
| Modem 56Kbit - saves 6 hours 16.2 minutes
| Modem 33.6Kbit - saves 10 hours 27.0 minutes
| Modem 28.8Kbit  - saves 12 hours 11.5 minutes
| - Below this line is modems that is not so much in use anymore -
| Modem 14.4Kbit - saves 24 hours 23.1 minutes
| Modem 9.6Kbit - saves 36 hours 34.6 minutes
| Modem 2.4Kbit - saves 146 hours 18.4 minutes
| I used to have a simple 56K modem before, and it's download speed was
| between the 28.8K and 56K, so time saved would have been 6 - 12 hours.
| Multiply that by 7 (4 betas, 2 rc, one distribution...) and you get
| a saving of 42 - 84 hours... NICE, huh...
| And if you dont care about the time,
| what about the servers / mirrors saved bandwith ?
| Say 150MB saved, multiply by 7, and you will get 1 GB saved per user...
| Multiply that by all relevant users, and you get BIG SAVINGS ...
| Of course building/maintaining a rsync type of system,
| (transfer only changed parts), would save even more bandwidth...
| (This function has already been discussed here in cooker,
| pointing out the problems that exists or may arise, but problems
| are to be solved, aren't they ... ;-) )
| Thomas
| *** Tämä viesti on VirusTarkistettu INRITEL OY:n postipalvelimella!! ***

Please keep in mind that the first CD is not a good representation of
the entire distro.  The first CD tends to have most all the uncompressed
content as it must run the installer, etc.  I submitted a post here
which seems to have vanished in cyberspace, but if you look at the
cooker distribution, you will see about 1.9GB of RPMS and about 2.0GB
total files.  As "du -s -h" only reports to the nearest 100MB in this
range, that uncompressed content would almost perfectly coincide with
the savings shown on this first disc.  If you try this on the second or
third discs, etc, you would get extremely minimal savings.  Also, each
end user would need aabout 750MB extra free space at a time (assuming
someone makes a script to delete the bz2 of each after the expansion)
and then a couple hours for the decompression.
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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Suggestion cdrom recognition

2002-09-05 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

dcd wrote:
|  Hi,
|Not sure where this should be addressed to but here goes.
| I've been using mandrake for a while now myself and the most common
| complaint I get from other new users
| is as follows
|It recognised my cdburner (and called it scsi-ide)
| But I cant get any of the cdburning programs to recognise my cdrom(atapi
| ide) so I can burn on the fly like i do in windows.
| My suggestion is that detection of a cd burner, then alters any atapi
| cdroms detected to be scsi-ide links also.
| Can these co-exist with the std setup, ie links created but not obvious
| at the GUI level except when detected by programs such as xcdroast.
| dcd
| IMHO this would make the whole cdrom cdburning experience much easier
| especially as most  howtos convert your cdrom to scsi-ide are written
| for the old /dev system no longer used by Mandrake

I might not be understanding you, but as of Mandrake 8.2, my CD-burners
(3 different IDE models) have been properly configured and setup to use
the SCSI device names as assigned via scsi-ide.

Did you possibly add the burner after installing the system (something I
did not test, or would you be willing to explain further?

Also, a small note for the mailing list maintainers: The original
message didn't have a reply to addess that would place it on the list.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] 9b3 and suspend/reboot problem on HP XE3

2002-08-27 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Robert martin wrote:
| one thing that bugs me (sorry about the off topic subject)
| like Thomas Backlund (who is being cc'd this) why don't you unset the
| confirmation when you send to a list (or are you maybe harvesting
| addresses??)

I used to always request a read reciept as well.  I now turn it off each
time I send to a list such as this one.  Too many people have it
misconfigured on their machines.  The default on just about any client
is to either not return any reciepts, or to ask if it is addresses too you.

The problem seems to be with people that override that and return
reciepts to all without asking.  Normally, you would do something like
automatically return receipts to everyone in your domain and ask if from
outside the domain.  Both of these assume that your email is in the to
or cc -- a bcc would not return a confirmation.

I wish I didn't have to turn it off, but I got about 6 confirmations the
first time I sent to this list (I did happen to mention this config was
nonstandard and IMO setup wrong).  I certainly was not harvesting mail

In Mozilla Mail (same for Netscape Mail) for example, the settings would
be as follows:

Edit -> Preferences -> Mail and Newsgroups -> Return Reciepts
YES - When sending messages, always request a return reciept
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Re: [Cooker] V9.0b4 gnome/ssh lockups?

2002-08-27 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Just try to start eliminating possibilities until you rule out enough
you can solve the problem.  Start with ping, can you ping both ways
(assuming you have not blocked it explicitly)?  Enable telnet in the
"/etc/xinetd.d/telnet" and make sure you have the telnet server and
client installed on each machine (do NOT forget to turn this off after
testing).  You can also try going back to openssh-3.4p1-1.1mdk as it is
the current version in the updates for Mandrake 8.2 (I'm running it on
at least 20 machines all but 2 with mostly unique hardware).  If the
lockups are actually taking your machine with it, or bringing
performance to a crawl, then look for conflicts on such things as IRQs
in hardware.  If the lockups are just openssh programs hanging, then
look for things like eliminating the resolver as a potential problem
(ssh to the ip address, etc) until you get it.  And, if it doesn't turn
out to be something simple like this, please let us know in case we find
it later!
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[Cooker] Anyone have a list of rsync mirrors please?

2002-08-25 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

The only posted rsync mirror (sunet) is currently only deleting changed
files and skipping any of the actual updates.  This has been going on
since Thursday.  I'd be really appreciative if someone else could either
give me a new mirror, contact name of the sunet mirror manager (and
possibly be willing to translate a couple messages if he is not english
speaking) name or straighten out this situation.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] gnupg-1.0.7-3mdk

2002-08-14 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Ben Reser wrote:
| On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 07:15:53PM +0200, Vincent Danen wrote:
|>- add as the default keyserver in newly-created
|>  options files
| You're kidding right?
| The vast majority of people aren't going to have their keys in the
| mandrakesecure keyserver. or the like should be the
| default.

I think this behavior is fine.  A lot of people were coming into
problems by loading keys into servers that weren't properly handling the
round-robin syncronization they were designed for.  This has come up a
LOT for the Engimail addon for Mozilla/Netscape in their mailing list.
In version 1.0.6, the default was to actually disable a default
keyserver lookup.

As long as is permanently kept in the loop, I can't
find any way to complain about this (I've personally tested the
synchronization on at least 5 other recommended servers elsewhere, and
they all worked -- I've been told some servers affiliated with NAI
stopped synchronizing keys, but still allow uploads).
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] ripperX still not encoding MP3's

2002-08-14 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Ben Reser wrote:
| On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 12:26:33AM -0400, Richard Houser wrote:
|>I'm joining in a bit late, but as far as I remember there were three
|>(maybe more?) totally different algorithms in common use to get an mp3
|>as a result.  I think these were ISO, Xing, and Fraunhofer based.  If I
|>recall, Fraunhofer was the fastest algorithm that gave the most lossy
|>compression encoding, and ISO was the highest quality out there.  I
|>think BladeEnc and a few other open source codecs used the ISO
|>algorithms.  Do you mean to say that Fraunhofer owns the patents on
|>several algorithms, and only markets the lossy version?  I'm not joking,
|>but am really curious about this one.  I remember hearing about lawsuit
|>threats about 5 years ago relating to this, but as far as I know it was
|>determined that Fraunhofer didn't hold the pattents on the algorithms in
| Fraunhofer claims their patent covers all mp3 audio streams
| irregardless of the algorithm's that generated them.  Other people
| dispute that.  To my knowledge it hasn't been fought in court yet.
| Which means either Fraunhofer has a good case or everyone else is too
| chicken to stand up to them.

Ahh, yes, I recall something about this.  I think it far more likely
that the general concensus is that Fraunhofer doesn't have any ground to
stand on, and that they know it.  There are too many commercial mp3
ventures that use ISO or formerly Xing codecs for us to have not heard
of a lawsuit over the issue.  Kinda the same deal with trying to claim a
pattent on JPEGs this month (and practically all other forms of MPEG
like frame compression) .

I certainly respect M's decision to stay out of it though.  As long as
it's easy enough to add support afterwords without rebuilding all the
apps, it's good enough for me anyhow.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)
Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] ripperX still not encoding MP3's

2002-08-14 Thread Richard Houser

Hash: SHA1

Levi Ramsey wrote:
| On Thu Aug 15 10:18 +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|>Why?? Is the MP3 format licensed?? There are plenty of freeware programs
|>for emcoding MP3's in Windows, do they pay license fees?? And there are
|>Open Source MP3 encoders, what precludes their inclusion in ML? Why is
|>RipperX included in the distro then?? Just to rip waves and encode OGG
|>files?? I think it is legal to RIP one's own CD's to MP3 for use on
|>one's own PC, so I'm sorry if I don't see the problem here. Please
|>enlighten me and others who may also wonder...
| An outfit in Germany (the Fraunhofer Institute) has patents on several
| algorithms that are used in MP3 encoders.  Essentially, binary
| distribution of MP3 encoders that use these algorithms is highly
| questionable in nations (such as the US and Japan) that have software
| patents, unless one pays Fraunhofer.

I'm joining in a bit late, but as far as I remember there were three
(maybe more?) totally different algorithms in common use to get an mp3
as a result.  I think these were ISO, Xing, and Fraunhofer based.  If I
recall, Fraunhofer was the fastest algorithm that gave the most lossy
compression encoding, and ISO was the highest quality out there.  I
think BladeEnc and a few other open source codecs used the ISO
algorithms.  Do you mean to say that Fraunhofer owns the patents on
several algorithms, and only markets the lossy version?  I'm not joking,
but am really curious about this one.  I remember hearing about lawsuit
threats about 5 years ago relating to this, but as far as I know it was
determined that Fraunhofer didn't hold the pattents on the algorithms in
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6-2 (MingW32)
Comment: For info see
