I have tried setting up the modules for my joystick. To get it
configured for a generic 4-axis, 4-button stick I did:

rmmod es1370
insmod es1370 joystick=1
modprobe joystick
modprobe joy-analog

Everything setup without error messages.  Next I tried to test and
calibrate it but could not find any programs in 7.2beta3 which supports
this.  Are there any?

I then downloaded joystick-1.2.15.tgz from
www.suse.cz/development/joystick and compiled jscal and jstest (since
the modules are already included in cooker).  This worked but they are
only comsole/text based programs :-(

I then found ftp://fox.mit.edu/pub/xsw/libjsw1.3.0.tgz which was an
excellent Xwindow based calibration  and test program (and its GPL!).

If no other joystick cal program is currently supplied, can this one (or
something better anyone?) be included with 7.2?

I would consider trying my hand at building an RPM for it if there is
interest in including with 7.2.


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