RE : RE : [Cooker] Partition table after WindowsXP

2001-10-30 Thread Whisper

That s not the point ;=)

>Please..., try to remove the windows partition completly, wipe it clean
>your hard drive!!!... If you have M$ Windoze related questions I
>advise you to seek professional help in that genre, and/or elsewhere.
>please do not take offence..., I'm a former (MCSE) ms
>and I'm so very tired of that enormously stupid os that ms has
presented so 
that's just as stupid, I hate that one even more...

>I> have seen the light!

Have mercy miss percy"

| Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT Networks, Jokkmokk, Sweden.
| Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Cooker) for i586
| Current uptime with kernel 2.4.13-1mdksmp: 13:09
| cpu0 @ 814.28 bm, fan 4500 rpm, temp +39.0°C
| cpu1 @ 815.92 bm, fan 4470 rpm, temp +36°C

RE : [Cooker] Partition table after WindowsXP

2001-10-30 Thread Whisper

Hello World,

If I may, i have this kind of probleme with an Win98 allready Installed.
When then i install Mdk 8.0; Windows 98 (Fat32) is unabled to be booted
;=[ But not NT4 (Fat16) or NT4Server(Fat16).

Here is the caracteristics of the partitions :

/hda1 [ Fat 16 Dos 6.2 50Mo ] Primary
/hda2 [Ext. Part. 30 Go]
/hda5 [Fat 32 W98 OSR2 2 Go]
/hd6 [Fat 16 NT4 SP 6.2 2 Go]
/hda7 [Fat 16 NT4 Srv SP 6.2 2 Go]
/hda8 [Fat 16 Data 15 Go]
/hda9 [Fat Ext2 350 Mo root]
/hda10 [Fat Ext2 6.5 Go /usr ]
/hda11 [ Linux Swap 250 Mo]
/hda11 [Free Unallocated 6.5 Go ]

< Unaccessible > Novell Netware 5.1 5 Go (DATA and SYS)

But if Idestroy my three Linux partitions Win98 boot perfectly ;=) ??
Strange to me ?? Is Win98 Osr2 incompatible in anyway with Mdk 8.0 ?? Or
Novell stuffs I don't know ?

During the installation I ask Lilo to place the Boot Loader Lilo on a
Floppy; if it help ?

Meanwhile, i cant have Linux installed on my school hard drive that make
me sad ;=)

Have a nice day ;=) Whisper