Re: [Cooker] Very nonnonstable final distribution

2000-06-08 Thread montek

I am happy, because many people answer to me. I think these problems 
disapears in next distributions and I (and many people from Lithuania 
too) can use Linux-Mandrake. 

P.S. I send many e-mail with M$ Outlook, because in my working place, 
i can't using

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[Cooker] Disk partitioning (diskdrake) bugs

2000-05-24 Thread montek

I have 1 ntfs primary partition, and 1 ntfs logical drive in extended
partition and some free space.

I make 1 linux native and 1 linux swap partitions

when I try to mount any partition (exclude linux swap) I got this 
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: No such file or directory 
at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 209.
(in lithuanian 'prijungimas nepavyko' mean 'mount not successfull' or

It happened in all previous betas also, but error was at line 208:
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: No such file or directory at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 208.

and second warning is:

* warning: failed to read kmap magic at /usr/bin/perl-
install/ line 213, F chunk 1.

Can anybody help me ?

from my /var/run/ddebug.log

* no scsi devices are available
* formatting device hdc1 (type Linux native)
* running: mke2fs /dev/hdc1
* mounting /dev/hdc1 on / as type ext2
* calling mount(/dev/hdc1, , ext2, -1058209792, )
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: No such file or directory 
at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 209.
* formatting device hdc5 (type Linux swap)
* Setting up swapspace on /dev/hdc5 version 0, size = 16994304 bytes
* swapon called with hdc5
* step `partitionDisks' finished
* starting step `formatPartitions'
* formatting device hda3 (type Linux swap)
* Setting up swapspace on /dev/hda3 version 0, size = 131600384 bytes
* swapon called with hda3
* mounting /dev/hdc1 on /mnt/ as type ext2
* calling mount(/dev/hdc1, /mnt, ext2, -1058209792, )
* warning: can't open /etc/raidtab for reading: No such file or 
* step `formatPartitions' finished

/var/run/ddebug.log is

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[Cooker] BETA 3 ISO ?

2000-05-23 Thread montek

I see directory named 'newbeta' in

I can't go into this folder (Permission denied)

Are there *.iso files ?

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[Cooker] Disk partitioning and diskdrake bugs

2000-05-05 Thread montek

I have 1 ntfs primary partition, and 1 ntfs logical drive in extended

when I try to mount linux partition I got this error:
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: No such file or directory at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 208.
(in lithuanian 'prijungimas nepavyko' mean 'mount not successfull' or

then I click OK and Finish partitioning, and got second error message:
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: Device or resource busy at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 208.

then I click restart partitioning and got 3 error message:
 warning: Can't call method "cylinder_size" on an undefined value at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 64.
..and then graphical install hangup :)

then I press CTRL+ALT+DEL :)

Can anybody help me ?

from my /tmp/ddebug.log

* running: extract_archive /usr/share/xmodmap.cz2 /tmp xmodmap.lt_b
* running: xmodmap /tmp/xmodmap.lt_b
* step `selectKeyboard' finished
* starting step `miscellaneous'
* perImageAppend:
* step `miscellaneous' finished
* starting step `partitionDisks'
* no scsi devices are available
* warning: partitions sector #204624 (30MB) and sector #65520 (96MB) 
overlapping! at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 243.
* warning: Skirsniø lentelëje yra tuðèios vietos, bet ji negali bûti
Vienintelis sprendimas yra perkelti pirminius skirsnius taip, kad 
vieta bûtø ðalia iðplëstiniø skirsniø at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 535.
* formatting device hdc3 (type Linux swap)
* Setting up swapspace on /dev/hdc3 version 0, size = 33509376 bytes
* swapon called with hdc3
* formatting device hdc4 (type Linux native)
* running: mke2fs /dev/hdc4
* mounting /dev/hdc4 on / as type ext2
* calling mount(/dev/hdc4, , ext2, -1058209792, )
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: No such file or directory at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 208.
* mounting /dev/fd0 on /mnt as type vfat
* running: extract_archive /lib/ /tmp fat.o
* running: insmod_ -f /tmp/fat.o
* running: extract_archive /lib/ /tmp vfat.o
* running: insmod_ -f /tmp/vfat.o
* calling mount(/dev/fd0, /mnt, vfat, -1058209792, check=relaxed)
* step `partitionDisks' finished
* starting step `formatPartitions'
* mounting /dev/hdc4 on /mnt/ as type ext2
* calling mount(/dev/hdc4, /mnt, ext2, -1058209792, )
* warning: prijungimas nepavyko: Device or resource busy at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 208.
* starting step `partitionDisks'
* unmounting all filesystems
* warning: setstep partitionDisks
* warning: setstep partitionDisks
 ...propagated at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 196.
* starting step `partitionDisks'
* unmounting all filesystems
* warning: Can't call method "cylinder_size" on an undefined value at
/usr/bin/perl-install/ line 64.

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