I'm using drakconf-9.1-0.7mdk and I see the same thing.


On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 10:04, Chuck Shirley wrote:
> On Thursday 09 January 2003 18:41, I wrote:
> >I've been noticing it for a while now, but I figured it would be
> >resolved eventually, though this makes about a month with the
> >problem.  Every module in the Contol Center lists the module's
> >name followed by the phrase "dummy description"  Is this a
> >temporary situation, or have my periodic updates provoked it at
> >some point along the way?  ((For example, under the System
> >section, the MenuDrake icon says "Menus: dummy description" in
> >the text box area next to it.
> Am I the only one experiencing this malady?  It seems to me that
> having the mcc describe every module as "dummy description" is a
> pretty severe problem considering the (premature?!) move to a
> beta-1 pre-release.  Should I be submitting it as an actual bug
> rather than informally whining about it here in the List?
> The involved package is drakconf-9.1-0.6mdk
> -C.S.

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