Hello All,

Just tried installing Beta 1 and suffered a hard lock when the kernel
came to initiallising the APIC.

System Specs:-

Asus A7M266-D (AMD 760MPX chipset)
Dual Athlon MP 1800+
ATI Radeon 8500LE
Asus PCI USB card
Netgear FA-311
Adaptec 2940
ATI TV Wonder
SB Live 5.1 Player.

Messages Prior to lockup:-

Setting 2 in the phys_id_preset_map
... changing IO-APIC physical APIC ID to 2 ... ok.
.. TIMER: vector=0x31 pin1=2 pin2=0

At which point I had to hit the reset button. This looks like a kernel
issue and I must admit to not trying any other version of Linux on
this machine yet.

Best regards,
 Rob                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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