Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is curious; I had to recompile the 8.2 linux-2.4.18-6mdk kernel
> to install the linux-wlan pcmcia kit and I must have neglected to
> include something because I can no longer read only some parts of
> CDs -- I've never seen anything like this before: I can read all
> of the directories on the Mandrake distribution CDs _except_ the
> /Mandrake directories; on all three disks, this only gives the error
> ls: /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake: Invalid argument
> but I can read all other directories!  Is this a multisession thing?
> The default config for the kernel sets iso9660 as included in the kernel
> (instead of as a module like the distro binary kernel) -- the only other
> status message is the line
> ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
> repeated several times in the syslog.  What could I be missing?
> The CDs were fine using the binary kernel.

There is no multisession on Mandrake disk. 

The problem may be the options used to mount the disc.

What does isoinfo -i /dev/cdrom -l -R gives ?


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