Summary: Konqueror fails to create valid PostScript files for Japanese in 
8.2 beta3. 
My explanation:  Qt is missing a patch. Pointer to patch below. This same 
bug is present in 8.1.

How to solve this problem:

Here is my explanation: Qt-2.3.1 has a printing problem due to a gcc 2.96 
bug. This bug is present in 8.1 and requires people to patch and recompile 
their Qt if they want to be able to print Japanese from Qt programs on 
their 8.1 systems.
I am confident this same bug is causing trouble in 8.2 beta3 since I 
cannot see this patch in the changelog in the spec file for qt.

Qt maintainers: Please have a look at at the patches provided by the 
Japanese KDE users group. They have a total of 6 patches to Qt 2.3.1, one 
of them for the printing problem. Please evaluate the others as well.


[This is not my patch. I have nothing to do with the Japanese KDE users 
How I arrived at this conclusion:

In my last email, I stated that printing to file in 
Mozilla created a postscript file that could not be viewed in gv.
I now tried to do the same with konqueror and the viewing failed in gv on  
8.2 beta3 with the same error messages from VFlib. No surprises there.

However, I moved those 2 postscript files (one created in Mozilla, one 
created in Konqueror) to my 8.1 which I have hacked to provide proper 
Japanese setup.
Viewing these files there showed:
The mozilla postscript file was displayed properly under 8.1 which 
confirms my suspicion in my previous email that VFlib is broken in 8.2 
The konqueror postscript file was >>not<< displayed properly under 8.1. 
This means that there are more things wrong on 8.2 beta3 than just the 
VFlib setup. The whole thing looks the same way my 8.1 box did before I 
patched Qt as described above.

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