There are far too many places to find the various configuration tools in
the current menu structure. I can never remember which does what, so
most times I need to make a change it takes quite some time to find the
right tool. Leave all the tools where they are now if you must, but at
least shadow them all to one main menu selection called "configure", so
that people stand some chance of picking the right one, or even finding
it at all.
". . . we live in an age of paper religion. We believe more in issuing
paper pronouncements on all subjects than in living our faith. The paper
pronouncements of America's once Christian establishment are not many.
Hence, it is assumed that the United States was never Christian."
        Rousas John Rushdoony, from his foreward to "The Separation
        Illusion", by John W. Whitehead, 1977, ISBN 0-915134-41-1

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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