Hi all...

For those who care... this is a spec file for use in creating a dummy
kernel package. It's a minor irritant of 
mine to continually use --nodeps on RPMs. :o)

To use it, create a source package, kernel.tar.bz2 with the following


Mine are zero length files created using "touch".

As I said, I don't know if anyone cares, but here it is...


%define name kernel
%define version 2.2.15
%define release 1mdk

Summary: Dummy kernel RPMs for those who are well past Mandrake...
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Source0: %{name}.tar.bz2
Copyright: GPL
Group: System/Kernel
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
Prefix: %{_prefix}

Dummy kernel package that fools the RPM database into believing
that the kernel is installed.

%package headers
Summary: Dummy kernel headers
Group: Development/Kernel
Requires: kernel

%description headers
Dummy kernel headers that allows you to fool the RPM database
into thinking you have the kernel packages installed.



cp -R * $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr



%files headers

* Thu May 4 2000 John Cavan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- Created dummy kernel packages

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