[Cooker] Another 9.2B2 issue...

2003-08-20 Thread Kevin J. Maciunas
...Just upgraded a 9.1 machine.  All went smoothly until install
bootloader time.

I use grub (why would anyone want lilo???).  The script grabed a lot of
old kernels from the /etc/lilo.conf file (a file I never noticed had all
the old cruft in it) and tried to install them.  Of course, this fails
miserably.  Fixed by symlinking to make lilo happy.  This truly sucks,
there is just so much vmlinuz-x.y-nzzzmdk you can type before going nuts

This seems to me to be a bit of a problem - /boot/grub/menu.lst and
/etc/lilo.conf *can* be horribly out-of-sync.  

Seems to me a reasonable solution is to just install a new lilo.conf
which lacks all the users old stuff (this can't fail); or fall back to
this if lilo barfs trying to incorporate the old stuff.

Anyone have an opinion?

Kevin J. Maciunas  Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computer Science  Ph : +61 8 8303 5845
University of Adelaide Fax: +61 8 8303 4366
Adelaide 5005 SOUTH AUSTRALIA  Web: http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/~kevin
Fingerprint = 7E5A A0C2 22BC 5993 17F2 93CE B1FD DEC6 D0C0 50CD 

[Cooker] Another 9.2B2 issue

2003-08-20 Thread Kevin Maciunas
[it seems my original post didn't make it]

Upgraded a 9.1 system with the 9.2B2 CD's yesterday and ran into a bug -
that stopped installation dead.

The system in question has always used grub as its bootloader (why would
you use anything else?).  I've built many a custom kernel on this box,
and deleted old ones to make space.

9.2B2 wants to use lilo - so it grabs my old /etc/lilo.conf file and
adds the new stuff to it.  Trouble is, /etc/lilo.conf is full of garbage
- all the old experimental kernels, for example.

Result - it fails.  Solution - create appropriate symlinks to make it
think those kernels and initrd's are there.  This got the installation
to complete.

I think we need to do a bit better than this, if the user is using lilo,
it'll work as is mostly.  Unless they've deleted something from /boot;
in which case they have the same problem I had.

How about the perl script sanity checks things?  Or we go with just the
new stuff and have a post install migration script for lilo?

Or just use grub :-)

Kevin J. Maciunas  Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computer Science  Ph : +61 8 8303 5845
University of Adelaide Fax: +61 8 8303 4366
Adelaide 5005 SOUTH AUSTRALIA  Web: http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/~kevin
Fingerprint = 7E5A A0C2 22BC 5993 17F2 93CE B1FD DEC6 D0C0 50CD