Couple things I noticed today:

1.  Has this change been reverted?

>From Drakx 1.722 change log:

        * (add_entry): new entry will now keep its label, the
        conflicting one will be renamed "old_xxx" (and not the opposite)

Today's testing showed that the new entry is being renamed to old_...

2.  Mount points for NFS mounts declared in manualFstab are not getting 
created, but the /etc/fstab is updated.

3.  X configuration ok but X declaration wrong:

using this:
      'X' => { 'resolution_wanted' => '1024x768', 'default_depth' => 24 },

i get: 
      'X' => { 'bios_vga_mode' => undef, 
                 'resolution_wanted' => undef, 
                 'default_depth' => undef 

using this:
       'X' => {
                'bios_vga_mode' => undef,
                'resolution_wanted' => 1024,
                'monitor' => {
                               'HorizSync' => '30-54',
                               'VideoRam_probed' => '8192',
                               'size' => '14.88',
                               'ModelName' => 'AOC SPECTRUM 5Elr & 5ElrA & 5E & 5EA',
                               'VendorName' => 'Plug\'n Play',
                               'manually_chosen' => 1,
                               'Identifier' => 'monitor1',
                               'EISA_ID' => 'aocd556',
                               'VertRefresh' => '50-120',
                               'dpms' => '1'
                'default_depth' => 24

I get:
       'X' => {
                'resolution_wanted' => undef,
                'bios_vga_mode' => undef,
                'monitor' => {
                               'HorizSync' => '30-54',
                               'VideoRam_probed' => '8192',
                               'size' => '14.88',
                               'ModelName' => 'AOC SPECTRUM 5Elr & 5ElrA & 5E & 5EA',
                               'VendorName' => 'Plug\'n Play',
                               'manually_chosen' => 1,
                               'Identifier' => 'monitor1',
                               'EISA_ID' => 'aocd556',
                               'VertRefresh' => '50-120',
                               'dpms' => '1'
                'default_depth' => undef

more later...

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