When a wireless pcmcia card is fitted after initial install the  wireless 
configuration gets corrupted.

1/ Install Mandrake with pcmcia wireless card - All wireless opts stored in 
/etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-eth0 OK.  Card works.
Wireless card can be hot swopped with Ethernet card later without any 
reconfiguration. Works real nice.

2/Install Mandrake with pcmcia Ethernet card. LAN parameters stored in 
ifcfg-eth0 as expected. Replace LAN card with wireless card, and go through 
the wizard of drakconnect to input wireless parameters. On clicking 'Finish' 
to the wizard wireless parameters are written to ifcfg-eth0 and wireless card 
works.  But on clicking 'OK' to exit drakconnect  the original ifcfg-eth file 
is written back again and wireless card stops working. 

3/ If drakconnect is exited with'Cancel' instead of 'OK' the wireless card 
continues working, but hot swopping does not work because the wizard insists 
on saving the MAC address of the pcmcia card in ifcfg-eth0 and will reject 
any other card.


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