
during the last 3 days I've installed LM 9.0 on 4 machines. On three
PC's it was an update from LM 8.2 to 9.0 and one fresh install.
I found some bugs which in my opinion can exist in a beta version of a
distribution but not on a final one. I've split the problems into

- static routes made via netconf or linuxconf will never be started
because of a new format in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes
The routing is expected in a file called route-eth0 for example.

temp. Solution: uncomment the old version in

- network probe doesn't exist, so linuxconf fails to get the current
status of the network

- an old problem with nfs: if i have open files on a nfs mounted share
and make a /etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs stop (or a shutdown/reboot)
the first time umount fails, then fuser -km kills the process and the
share is umounted - but the netfs script retries to umount the share 2
times more because the nfs share is still listed under /proc/mounts.
For me a workaround is to fuser -km the procs before the first try of
umount -f -a -t nfs
[ -n "$NFSMTAB" ] && {
                remaining=`awk '!/^#/ && $3 ~ /^nfs/ && $2 != "/" {print
$2}' /proc/mounts`
                /sbin/fuser -k -m $sig $remaining >/dev/null
                while [ -n "$remaining" -a "$retry" -gt 0 ]

Not a good solution - but it works for me.

So, enough of the network problems - supermount, mysql and shutdown
trouble will follow later.

At the end something positive:
I think Mandrake Linux is one of the best linux distributions. With LM
8.2 i haven't big trouble and the configuration is much better than in
other distributions.


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