Forget all the discussion; I heard back from Christian Bauer (the author) that 
he's already got a GPL'd version in CVS. So, here is the GPL'd version of 

The final 4.2 release may be a good while off, but the only substantive 
changes from this version will probably be the docs.

So, here it is. 

I've noticed that some emulators are in Mandrake, some are in PLF; what's the 
rule here? If Frodo is not appropriate for Mandrake, let me know and I'll 
submit it to PLF instead.

From the package description:
> Frodo is a free, portable Commodore 64 emulator that runs on a variety
> of platforms, with a focus on the exact reproduction of special graphical
> effects possible on the C64.
> Frodo comes in three flavours: The "normal" Frodo with a line-based
> emulation, the improved line-based emulation "Frodo PC", and the
> single-cycle emulation "Frodo SC" that is slower but far more compatible.

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