Some points were answered by Warly, but here is my (long) answer:

Juan Quintela wrote:

>>>>>>"michal" == Michal Bukovjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>michal> Brad Felmey wrote:
>>>On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 18:33, Pixel wrote:
>michal> Or set up and use and make people use Bugzilla system for cooker.
>michal> Otherwise you forget / lose / duplicate a lot of information on this list !
>I can speak for other MandrakeSoft employees, but for me mails on this
>list is _way_ better than bugzilla. Reasons:
>- you can easily answer and ask for more information
You can do that with Bugzilla, too. In fact, it is open to much more 
people if you do that via Bugzilla. Anyone interested in a particual bug 
can add himself as CC and keep being informed. Just try to go to and see new checkins, browse their Bugzilla a bit. I do this 
for my reported bugs on Mozilla project and always know what is going 
on, who cares about what, and even if my or others suggestion is 
postponed or rejected, I know that it is in there and that it was 
decided so and why. Anyone else from the community making such 
suggestion knows that as well or can find and don't bug mailing list or 
developers directly.
And there is this voting stuff, which, for example, could be one of the 
perks of the Mandrake club, i.e. the ability to actually have your share 
in controlling Mandrake;s future.

The voting stuff is used for example in Abiword's Bugzilla.

>- it is trivial to find the me too messages (in bugzilla they can also
>  happen, but people normally:
>  * don't report that they alsa have the same problem if there is
>     already a bug report
>  * They use a different bug ticket
Then there must be somebody who does bug triaging, who marks duplicates, 
etc. But then again, you need this anyway, as some Mandrake developers 
said. if there is a lot of (duplicate or not) bug reports, they are 
flooded by cooker mail and eventually stop reading it!

>- bugzilla is too slow, I can fix quite a lot of problems in one
>  kernel update (ok, in frozen state I only do minimal modifications),
>  but during cooker development, I fix several problems on each new
>  release.
Hmm, Mozilla Bugzilla now tracks around 130000 issues, has a lot of 
users (thousands), and is fast, so I guess it must be a hardware prob 
more than anything else.

>Using cooker list:
>- users send mail
>- I read meal
>- I fix errors
>- I can send a single mail (or only a few mails) telling that the
>  error is supposed to be fixed.
>- people ack that the error is fixed or not.
Now this is the problem.  You may read the mail, but the cooker traffic 
is very heavy and most Mandrake developers actually stopped reading the 
cooker mail (and they admit it!). That is the source of frustration (the 
original thread) people have here. They invest time in bug reporting, 
trying to make the distro better, and they are being ignored.
Do you have a QA department? How do you automate their work? By personal 

Let's say we have the following scenario (this is an example): I use 
Mandrake 8.2 beta 3 and have a problem with Alcatel modem (whatever 
kind). Can I:
- find out somebody reported that? How? by searching archives? Was the 
problem resolved? How can I find out if the communication between 
original reporter and package maintainer took off the list?
- I find in cooker mailing list that the Mandrake developer said he will 
look into that later, as he has other issues on his plate. Period. Did 
he? When? Is it considered showstopper? Not? Do they release 8.2 without 
this bug fixed? Do they postpone this because it depends on another 
issue (say modem setup in *drake tool) to be resolved?
- I want to be informed when my Alcatel modem issue is resolved. How? No go.

>Using bugzilla:
>- have to go there to read it
>- have to read each bug report
>- fix errors
>- go to _every_ single error that I fix, and answer that it should be
>  fixed
>- wait for users to ack or nack the fix
>- go through the bug reports mark them as fixed
No. In Bugzilla, you design components (kernel, GNOME, KDE, X, etc.), 
every component has a default owner that is assigned to the new bug. 
Thus, if you are a 'owner' of kernel component. you only receive mail 
about new bugs regarding / assigned to this component.
For every change in the bug (submission, change, duplicate report, new 
patch), you get a mail informing you about the change. You can ignore 
it, or go to Bugzilla, it's your choice.
In every Bugzilla mail, you have a link into the system, that takes 
directly into a bug, so you can quickly navigate and change params.
Further reasons touse Bugzilla:

- milestone designation. I read everyday questions like this: will this 
make it into RC1? Final? Is this 9.0 material? What else is 9.0 
material? Are there any showstoppers for release x.y? How can I help?
- priority / severity : every bug can have a priority and severity 
assigned : blocker, major bug, minor bug, enhancements. Every developer 
can focus on blockers first, for example, and do enhancements at 
convenient time
- keywords, status whiteboard, possibility to have patches in one place. 
Everything related to the bug is on one place, you can be sure that 
everyone has access to the same patch, for instance, and everyone is up 
to date when talking about a bug.
- possibility to reassign bug to someone else, should the one working on 
a bug go to vacation, is sick or leave the company. The bug agenda is 
still the same.

>My experience is that bugzilla is very good for small packages, or
>packages that don't have a lot of bug reports (a lot is more that 1/2
>daily).  For bigger packages, email is easier/better in my experience.
In my experience, it is the other way around. For small projects, emails 
are enough. You can keep track of who wanted what, for some time.
It is evident that in case of cooker, a lot of information was lost. It 
is evident that for such a project like Mandrake distro, a mailing list 
is not enough.
Bugzilla was created for managing big projects, like Mozilla is (40+ 
full time developers), large (1000+) community making comment here and 
there. I began using that in my previous job to keep track of my 
client's request, and to manage a team of about 5 developers, and 
wouldn't want to go back. With just emails, it is not a project 
management, it's just a game of what you can remember or not.

And last but not least, Bugzilla is actually fun to use, for both 
community and the developer. I am quite surprised you don't use this or 
similar system yet!

I advise you and every other Mandrake developer to go to Mozilla site, 
and use their Bugzilla a bit, read some bugs, to get a feel what I am 
talking about here.

Of course, it is not a cure on all problems, and for proper project 
management, it is not the only tool you need, but it is a good start. 
Very good one.

Michal Bukovjan

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