Re: [Cooker] ISO-7.1: Core Dumps/Illegal divison by zero -> no install

2000-06-24 Thread Oliver Schade

Hi Pixel,

On 14 Jun 2000, Pixel wrote:
> Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just downloaded the 7.1 ISOs and tried to do a fresh expert install on 
> > my new IBM DTLA-307030 (30.7 GB):
> > The installation tools reports that no 'hdlists' can be found and
> > jumps back to partition-tool.
> cd is ok? check md5!

You're right, this cd had have some errors. I downloaded a new iso-image
and installation is still impossible:

 a) graphical installation within expert-mode
crashed with 'no hdlists found' - reproducable
 b) text expert - mode
loops for ever reporting
'Intel PCIC probe: not found
 Databook TCIC-2 probe: not found
 PCI bridge probe: not found'
  c) expert mode only 
 crashed with 'no hdlists found' after reporting 'Select packages'
  d) 'text mem=256M' crashed with
 Out of memory error, segmentation fault' after selecting
 'English US and Germany' as languages
  e) text only-mode
 crashed with 'no hdlists found' after reporting 'Select packages'
Installation is impossible. And there is no Tom Cruise around :)
MD5-checksum of the cd was correct.

My hardware: Athlon-550, 256 MB RAM, 30 GB ide harddisc, GeForce 32 - 32 MB
 graphic, TV, Sound, Ethernet, 2 SCSI NCR800-compatible.

Ciao, Oliver
"Eine Sig ist genauso ueberfluessig wie beim Enkaufen die Hose. In irgend-
 einem abstrakten Sinne kaeme man natuerlich ohne aus, wenn man sein Port-
 monnaie in die Jeansjacke steckt. Aber es waere maechtig kuehl, und man 
 haette das unangenehme Gefuehl, dass untenrum irgendwas Wichtiges fehlt."
 [">My Homepage]ICQ #: 14010308 

Re: [Cooker] ISO-7.1: Core Dumps/Illegal divison by zero -> no install

2000-06-14 Thread Pixel

Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I just downloaded the 7.1 ISOs and tried to do a fresh expert install on 
> my new IBM DTLA-307030 (30.7 GB):


>  d) After choosing the mountpoints with the graphical tool I choosed to
> select individual pakets. This results in:
> unknown installer class developer in comssList
> unknown installer class developer in comssList
> Illegal dvision by zero in line 303
> The installation tools reports that no 'hdlists' can be found and
> jumps back to partition-tool.

cd is ok? check md5!

[Cooker] ISO-7.1: Core Dumps/Illegal divison by zero -> no install

2000-06-13 Thread Oliver Schade


I just downloaded the 7.1 ISOs and tried to do a fresh expert install on 
my new IBM DTLA-307030 (30.7 GB):

 a) Partitioning with the graphical tool was impossible
(unknown partition table, lot's of errors)
 b) Calling 'fdisk /dev/hda' on the second console causes
Segmentation faults (reproducable)
 c) After the first write of a partition-plan with the graphical
tool, 'fdisk /dev/hda' seems to work. I used the following

-> Cyl   0 -6 : /boot (54 MB, /dev/hda1)
 7 -   71 : swap  (509 MB, /dev/hda2)
72 - 1245 : /mnt/win (9209 MB, Win95-32Bit, LBA, /dev/hda3)
  1246 - 3320 : / (~ 15 GB, /dev/hda5)
  3321 - 3594 : /mnt/exchange, /dev/hda6

 d) After choosing the mountpoints with the graphical tool I choosed to
select individual pakets. This results in:

unknown installer class developer in comssList
unknown installer class developer in comssList
Illegal dvision by zero in line 303

The installation tools reports that no 'hdlists' can be found and
jumps back to partition-tool.

Installation in expert-mode is impossible. 

Any help is welcome (and NO, I do now want to use the simple-user-mode)...

Ciao, Oliver
"Kann ich nur bestaetigen, wenn man auf der Suche nach Informationen
 (INFORMATIONEN, das ist das, was zwischen dem springenden 2MB grossen
 Kobold, dem Real-Audio-Button und der XXX-For-Free Werbung steht) ist,
 taugt Lynx wirklich viel." [Lakmal Gunasekara in de.comp.os.linux.misc]
 [">My Homepage] ICQ #: 14010308