First of all, small note: IceWm 1.0.7 was released couple of days ago.
(March 17th, 2001)
Here is small announcement of it from icewm ML:
Most important features are an improved icesound module, native support
for semitransparent windows, colored cursors, theme fonts, a runonce
keyword for menu and toolbar files. It also comes with alot of bugfixes,
most noteable should be the proper support for GNOME's DoNotCover hint
since it solves all the trouble people had with GNOME's panel.

  There are too much changes to name them all - I'd suggest you to visit for a full
list of changes.

Now, about packaging.
I would like to see names of packages changed in Cooker.

At a moment, there is "icewm-light" and "icewm" packages.
"icewm" consist of icewm-gnome WM (which is mapped to KDM login) and several 
I guess putting themes in separate package (like icewm-themes) would be great 
- as this will not require downloading the same themes every time IceWm is 
Also, I think that IceWm Light should be mapped (wmsession.d) to KDM (GDM) as 
well - as it is really *light* and has lower memory consumption, comparing to 

>From other side, Ice WM 1.0.7 has new default theme, and I am looking forward 
to try it :-) 


Vadim Plessky  (English)  (Russian)
Do you have Arial font installed? Just test it!

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