
I want to report problems with my clean install of Cooker (rsync from 17
Mar 2001):

- some of the packages are not in the rpmslist (e.g. libstc++2.10) - so
I added them to get a complete CD-R set. There are still some unresolved
dependencies (like scrollkeeper and an old libstdc++). I could give more
details on this if required.

- I booted from the first CD-R, it booted fine but it didn't find my
SCSI CD-ROMs. It detected my harddisks - which are connected to the same
SCSI adapter - but no CD-ROM and no CD-R burner. To procceed I repaired
and connected a IDE CD-ROM device. I booted - installed the base system
without any further problems. 

- When X was started after booting the system - my monitor reported that
sync is out of range. It worked with the X of the installation process.
This is a bug I read on this list recently. (I have a mga 200 graphics
adapter and use the XFree-4.0.2-11mdk)

- The backspace key (console) behaved not correctly. Is switched to US
keyboard layout and back to German. That seems to have fixed the

- As this was my first clean Cooker install I was rather impressed by
the changes of the installer since 7.2. For my taste it is almost too
Windows-like :)

I hope X and the SCSI installation problems will be fixed until next
week - I could do another install and test it again


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