In a computer club, I installed several times LM7.2 RC1 (dated 12
october), and I always encountered the same problem of bad configuration
of X : 
video cards are Matrox Mystique and S3 Virge II DX, which are not
detected. In the first case there were also a misconfiguration of X
config files (no entry for monitor ?), preventing the correct launch of
X, although the choice for install was 'recommanded', leading to an
automatic install.

At last I managed to make X work, but a beginner would feel completely
lost, surely.

So I hope that before the release of 7.2 final, the install process will
have been tried on a large number of PC. My experience until now shows
install problems at least half the time with RC1.

I am sorry not to be more precise in bug reporting, but I just wanted to
point out this, hoping that mandrakesoft people have enough PC to try
out, among them some a bit old.

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