I posted some initial problems the other day.  Let me say again that LM7.2 looks
great; but right now I'm very seriously contemplating going back to 7.1 where I
had total stability...

So far: $ uptime
 10:33pm  up 3 days, 10:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.05, 0.69
during which I have experienced:
- the problems in my original post requiring a reboot
- several X Ctl+Alt+Bkspc restarts :
  - a complete keyboard hang (bugzilla #1530)
  - mouse clicks ignored (seems to be a race condition; still tracking)
  - rpmdrake CPU/memory hog while trying to install opensshd (#1533)
    (memory usage was over 700MB for grpmi)
  - CD won't read data disks after audio disk played (#1534)
  - X hang; even killed networking requiring ifdown/ifup eth0 (#1538)

I've been using Linux for several years now and this is the worst situation I've
ever encountered.  LM7.2 is quickly approaching the reliability of Winblows.

I did a full ("100%") developer (X4.0.1, KDE2) install after formatting / and


In "LM7.2 post-install problems" (which was not responded to), I wrote:
> Hi,
> Last night I finally got around to installing LM7.2 on my main system and today
> am both pleased and disappointed.  Installed 100% of developper class.
> On the whole, 7.2 looks great.  The only install problem was the failure to find
> my Intel Ether Pro at 0x210,11.
> After a bit of use, the system now gives me all sorts of errors...
> First, some info:
> [root@localhost sysconfig]# df
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda5               295564     89798    190506  32% /
> /dev/hdb1               297603     21013    261220   7% /hd/b1
> /dev/hdb3              1585000    273057   1230018  18% /hd/b3
> /dev/hdb6              9121903   6261014   2387685  72% /hd/b6
> /dev/hda7              6151076   2690564   3148052  46% /home
> /dev/sda1              2063504         4   1958680   0% /sd/a1
> /dev/sdc1               495666      2586    467481   1% /sd/c1
> /dev/sdd1               325154    141057    167305  46% /sd/d1
> /dev/hda6              3020140   1300624   1566100  45% /usr
> /dev/hdb5              2970455   1571661   1245177  56%
> /usr/local
> [root@localhost sysconfig]# swapon -s
> Filename                        Type            Size    Used    Priority
> /dev/hda1                       partition       248968  0       -3
> /dev/sdb1                       partition       1034216 0       -4
> # sdb1 was added before doing the install.
> >From top:
>   8:52am  up  9:22,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.09, 0.09
> 118 processes: 117 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states:  1.5% user,  3.5% system,  0.0% nice, 94.9% idle
> Mem:   261664K av,  252536K used,    9128K free,       0K shrd,    2344K buff
> Swap: 1283184K av,       0K used, 1283184K free                  109576K
> cached
> On my older system, upgrade took over 24 hours, so I decided to reformat / and
> /usr and install vs upgrade.
> At startup, memory usage was 258K(!); now, with loads of stuff running, it's
> only 252K.
> I have a few applications started; but when I now try to start anything, I get:
>   Sorry - The KDE Panel
>   ! Couldn't launch <application>
> Some applications report:
>   DCOP communications error (KDE Control Module)
>   X  There was some error setting up inter-process
>      communications for KDE.  The message returned
>      by the system was:
>      Could not read network connection list.
>      Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!
> [root@localhost sysconfig]# ps auxww | grep dcop
> pfortin  20210  0.0  1.7 13856 4668 ?        S    Nov17   0:00 kdeinit:
> dcopserver
> root     21178  0.0  1.7 13796 4616 ?        S    01:26   0:00 kdeinit:
> dcopserver
> Clicking OK then gives the application (i.e., Panel Menu>Configure>Settings...);
> but the Apply doesn't do anything (such as changing Location from Bottom to
> Top).
> cron does not appear to be running anymore (see uptime in signature):
>   --
>   Linux (Up 1:57 hours) -- Reboots are for system upgrades...
>   Last reboot reason:  11/18/00: installed Mandrake 7.2, +2 SCSI HDs
> System has been up overnight.  Even Netscape 4.76 does not appear to check mail
> at requested intervals.
> Could this be related?:
>   Subject: Anacron job 'cron.daily'
>   Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 21:25:15 -0500 (EST)
>   DB2 problem...: missing or empty key value specified
>   slocate: this is not a valid slocate database:
>   /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db
> [saving this post and restarting KDE...]
> <sigh>  Even Logout did not work; I had to Ctl+Alt+Bksp...
> Now, KDE is up again; but the icons are across the top instead of down the left
> side.  Even though "Align Icons Vertically on Desktop" was set, toggling and
> applying it restored the appearance.
> Interesting...  having restarted KDE, my memory usage is still dropping...
>   9:31am  up 10:00,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.08, 0.07
> 87 processes: 86 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states:  1.1% user,  1.5% system,  0.0% nice, 97.2% idle
> Mem:   261664K av,  200644K used,   61020K free,       0K shrd,    5488K buff
> Swap: 1283184K av,       0K used, 1283184K free                  125856K cached
> 30105 root       3   0 23772  23M  1708 S     0.3  9.0   0:11 X
> 30278 pfortin    0   0 15600  15M  9416 S     0.0  5.9   0:05 netscape
> 30322 dfortin    1   0 12412  12M  7888 S     0.0  4.7   0:01 netscape
> 30245 pfortin    0   0  9252 9252  7784 S     0.0  3.5   0:02 kdeinit
> 30226 pfortin    0   0  9168 9168  7944 S     0.0  3.5   0:02 kdeinit
> 30261 pfortin    0   0  7680 7680  6820 S     0.0  2.9   0:00 kdeinit
> 30285 pfortin    0   0  7680 7680  6820 S     0.0  2.9   0:00 kdeinit
> 30325 pfortin    4   0  7676 7676  6816 S     0.9  2.9   0:00 kdeinit
> 30109 root       0   0  6936 6936  6156 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 kdm
> 30260 pfortin    0   0  6860 6860  6156 S     0.0  2.6   0:00 kdeinit
> Stopping and starting eth0 via webmin causes loss of the default route; the only
> way to restore it is with "route add default gw <gw>"...
> [this is too much...  rebooting entire system...]
> OK... now cron et al seems to be working again (except for location of icons):
>   --
>   Linux (Up 12 min) -- Reboots are for system upgrades...
>   Last reboot reason:  11/18/00: installed Mandrake 7.2, +2 SCSI HDs
> Is this KDE(X4.0.1) 'disaster' atypical...?
> Pierre

Linux (Up 3 days) -- Reboots are for system upgrades...
Last reboot reason:  11/18/00: installed Mandrake 7.2, +2 SCSI HDs

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