o anybody at MandrakeSoft:

I got a problem installing the beta 1.  The graphical enviroments 
does not work it crashes and when it defaults to the text 
installations  It fails as well. I had a few problems with 7.1 but not 
like this I have tried to install the OS in a different machine at work 
and the graphical enviroment runs but it crashes because of 
memory problems, the machine only has 32MB of ram. 
On my computer at home which is the one the graphical 
environrment fails as well as the text enviroments I have 80MB of 
ram so I think memory is not the problem.

I have boot thru the help and given the command linux mem=80M 
and the same thing still the installation fails. I tried using a the 
cdimage from 7.1 to boot it does work but it fails to install all the 
packages and the extension cd never gets called to be installed 
even if I had mark that I have the second cd.

The reason I'm trying to use 7.2b1 is because of the options of DSL
I try configuring on 7.1 but I had no luck. My ISP is Verizon formerly 
Bell Atlantic, they use winpoet from Wind Rivers as a dialer for the 
connection even thought it dials a ghost number (00-0000) but still 
it dials that number to get the dynamic IP. I have not found out 
which  pppoe works for Verizon yet so I tried 7.2b1 to see if you 
guys have come up with something for it.

Here is an small info on the Pc's I  tried to install 7.2.b1

home pc 
Personally build
AMD K6 233 MMX
80MB Ram
33 Gig hard drives (20 + 13)
(Windows 2k installed on the primary drive)
Linux is install on the second hard drive on the primary partition 
(20G partition in 2 10G)
S3 DX/GX 4MB Video Card
SoundBlaster  PCI64
NIC 3com 3c900B-TPO

At work Pc
Cyrix 366 chip
32MB ram (sucks I want more but is not my PC :-D)
ATI Rage video card
3G hard drive(sucks I want more but is not my PC :-D)
Crystal PnP Sound Card(has problems under both version 7.1 and 
No Nic

I need help I like Linux-Mandrake but this version 7.2b1 is making 
me crazy. 


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