
For several days now, spam attempts to my machine have been virtually non-existant...  

Last night, I was doing some research on rsync issues and this morning woke up to an 
onslaught of spam attempts...  these were all rejected via my "unknown-host" rule; but 
I thought I'd raise the issue...

Unfortunately, I hit almost all the mirrors (>>50) and ~33 which were at least running 
rsync, so I have no way to tell which one(s) might be compromised...

If anyone clearly notices an increase in spam shortly after visiting a specific 
mandrake mirror, I'd be interested in a private mail about it...

:^Pierre "Spam-Killer" Fortin

Update:  since posting this on expert a few minutes ago, I've received confirmation 
from ORDB of 3 open relays detected...  spam-fighting *does* work.

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