I know that there are problems accessing ttf fonts on NTFS partitions in MDK 
9.0.  I was wondering if anyone has a fix for this.  I have not seen one as 
yet.  There is an additional reason for dealing with this.  Crossover Office 
will not install if it even looks at an NTFS partition.  If the partition is 
commented out of the config file it will install (this is suggested on the 
Codeweavers web site) but, after installation, you cannot run M$ Office if it 
looks at the NTFS partition.  It must be commented out of the config file.  
This is going to be a problem for those who want to run Crossover Office so a 
fix would be most useful.

Thanks in advance for the feedback.

Bob Rossana
Robert J. Rossana    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Economics, 2074 F/AB
Wayne State University, Detroit MI 48202
Tel.: (313) 577-3760   Fax: (313) 577-0149
Web Page: www.econ.wayne.edu/~rossana

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