I've got one customer machine which slowly went crazy as salt-laden air 
infected the accumulated dust on the MoBo. When they finally called me 
about it (as in, when it no longer booted - <thwack!>) there were bits 
missing all over the FS, so I decided that the simplest way to repair 
it would be an upgrade, and since I'd recently finished sucking the 
PowerPack down (torrentially).

The first CD came out a bit wonky (cheap media, full-speed burn, and a 
dodgy second-hand reader), and one of the symptoms is that it didn't 
offer to upgrade, just went straight through to install without 
mentioning upgrades at all. I'd been burning my backup set slower, so I 
used the first CD from that and it did offer to upgrade.

Athlon 2000+ on an MSI K7N2G (nForce2) motherboard, 256MBxPC133-DDR and 
seagate 40GB IDE drive if that makes any difference. The slowest CPU I 
can buy runs as fast as the klystron in my microwave oven.

The 9.1 is a download edition, the 9.2 is PowerPack.

During this upgrade, kdemultimedia-midi and -kscd are whining (on 
console 3) about conflicts, and about kdetoys being too old. After a 
dozen or so batches of packages (wasn't watching) they quit whining. 
I'll post again if anything related is broken.

Cheers; Leon

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