
I came accross the following problem doing an "Update" intstall of 8.2 :

Install had reached the "Load Bootloader" phase. 
I was asked where to put the boot loader and I selected MBR.
A dialog appeared stating installation of the boot loader had failed due to a 
syntax "on or after line 28" in lilo.conf.

(Running "lilo -v" on the same file produces no error output and correctly 
ammends the boot stuff)

I was then offered a dialog offering me "Modify", "Add" and "Done". On 
selection of "Done" the dialog informing me that the installation of the boot 
loader had failed due to a syntax "on or after line 28" in lilo.conf 
reappeared and I was sent back to the dialog asking me where to put the boot 
loader (MBR or 1st Sector). 

And that was as far as the update could go ! I could basically only go around 
the same loop.

No available option would either allow me to skip this step (understandable 
?) or to edit the contents of lilo.conf (as I was doing an Update maybe this 
would be acceptable ?)

Using the buttons down the left hand side and using F11 to effectively do an 
ntsysv I was basically able to complete a lot of the Upgrade, but I kept 
being taken back to the dialog asking me where to put the boot loader. All I 
could do was <Ctrl><Alt><Backspace> and reboot.

Since I don't know what is wrong with lilo.conf it is a bit tricky to fix, 
but then if it is okay for "lilo -v" what is upsetting the installer ?


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