>> >> sorry about this...

>> > I think that you are some difficulties to understand when I say
something to you.
>> > You are not autorize to upload KDE package !
>> > You can send me patch.
>> > The last time you broke arts during my holiday.
>> Excuse me? Arts was not broken by me, it was already broken.
> Sorry before my holydays we could install packages.
If you count that arts was already installed, then yes. Otherwise: no.

> After we coudn't.
> And the people who uploaded it it was YOU !

excuse me, but this is too easy.

The arts package was not the one that broke it. Some other package broke
it, and as long as the arts package wasn't replaced, it was fine. So
replacing or reinstalling the arts package equals to breaking it?

>> And when you
>> claimed to have "fixed" it, it was still broken... Remember?

No reply to this comment? Strange...

It's easy to blame somebody without looking at what is _really_ going on.
Come on, investigate and look at the root cause before you blame somebody.

The arts issue was, in the end, due to other packages having epochs
attached to them. We've had similar issues with perl and gaim for a while.

>> > Now you de-synchronize cooker and conflict with my packages.
>> Cooker is already de-syncronized anyway.
> it is true when the people upload without thinking....

yep... happens all the time. But of course, only contributors screw-up,

Q: Which one is leading at the moment? amd64 or i586?

>> fix the upload rules... check on src.rpm and not on binary rpm...
> Warly bugs.

Warly, can you put this as a requirement for the new upload mechanism?
That it checks on the src.rpm, and not on the name of the binary rpm?

>> > I hope that you understand !
>> Sure, the issue is that I have had bad experiences working with you.

> Same problem for me, and I am not the only one to have problems with

Interesting... Many contributors are also always complaining about the
same mdk employees (the same ones that comlain about us)... I guess this
goes both ways :-)

What I also find interesting is it's always the me (or other contributors)
that doing things "wrong" or seeing things incorrectly. All approaches to
these mdk employees to find a way to cooperate remain unanswered. Your
reply is evidence of this, again. If applogizing doesn't help and neither
does offering to leave things behind us and find a way to cooperate, how
do you want things to improve?

>> Ignoring e-mails, denying the truth (about BuildRequire, etc), which
causes this behaviour from my side.
>> If the kde packages would be in good state, kde packagers would implement
>> patches smoothly then this situation wouldn't exist.
> And you created better packages ?
Yes, I think so. I think that I have contributed quite a bit over the last
few years, re-read cooker...

> Re-read cooker and looks at all the problems which you created.

Please re-read the lists, I have the feeling you're slightly mis-informed.

The most changes (to packages) I've put through have not touched the
package at all. They mostly involved fixing dependency issues
(BuildRequires, etc). These changes do not break things, unless the
breakage was already there (arts), and then it only becomes visible.

Changes to packages that involve chaning the content of a package (version
changes, patches, etc) from me are rare.

>> I would like to propose that we put all of this behind us and find a
>> *structured* way to improve the packages that meets the need of the
>> "official maintainers" and the contributors.

sadly, no answer from Laurent, as usual...



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