This problem still exists even after latest urpmi.

--- SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you begin the download phase of rpmdrake and you
> get a "file not found, skip?" message (I assume
> because the download site has too many people on at
> the time so it kicks you out for that file)... then
> when you try to download those files again you get a
> bad file error. This is because theses files exist
> in
> /var/cache/urpmi/rpms but with 0 bytes.
> The simplest solution would be to have script at the
> beginning (or close) deleting any 0 byte files in
> that
> directory. Another possibility is to compare sizes
> before downloading and replace if they are
> different.
> =====
> SI Reasoning
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> little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
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SI Reasoning

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." 
Benjamin Franklin

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