On Saturday 16 March 2002 19:05, Quel Qun wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-03-16 at 02:29, Pixel wrote:
> > the maintainer is:

> > % rpmmon -p xinitrc
> > flepied

> Could someone make a simple rpmmon query javascript form on the Mandrake
> web?

What javascript?

<body bgcolor="#fffffff">
<h1>Who maintains that RPM?</h1>
<form method=post action="page2.phtml">
<p>RPM: <input name=rpm type=text> <input type=submit></p>

<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
$rpm = ereg_replace ("[^-A-Za-z0-9_+.]+", "", $rpm);
if ($rpm == "") {
        echo "<h1>" . $rpm . " is maintained by " .
          system ("rpmmon.pl -m /var/cooker/ -p " . $rpm) . "</h1>\n";
} else {
        echo "<h1>RPM name invalid or missing</h1>\n";
} ?><form method=post action="page2.phtml">
<p>RPM: <input name=rpm type=text> <input type=submit></p>


Change /var/cooker/ to your RPM collection, this will either need to run in 
PHP-not-safe mode or have a link to rpmmon in a `safe' location. If you're 
brave, you could try adapting rpmmon to run under mod_perl instead. (-:

Cheers; Leon

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