I got a look into new interface while waiting for kernel rebuild :-) 

First of all - it is damn good! I'm loking forward for a new SNF

Small glitches: 

1.Can't connect with Konqueror. Entering user/password returns me to the
same login screen with a message "No session found: Session file not
found". Cookies are enabled for what I can tell. Galeon works just fine.

2. System setup/Time - suggests some default time zone (Europe/Paris)
but it is already correctly configured here. Would be nice if it were
taken from system. 

the same BTW applies to shorewall configuration. Existing entries are
silently ignored. 

3.Internet access/Analog modem. If I press detection it does not find
anything (well, I did not actually expect :-) but then it suggests
"press manual to configure a card manually" - but there is no "manual"
button anywhere. 

3. Services/summary. Press "details" and you got report (i.e. output of
"service ... status") in Russian ... but using incorrect code page and
of course unreadable. Just to make you aware of the problem. 

4. Monitoring - nothing ever works for me. I just get no output in
System usage/Network usage (or nonsensical output like 4GB/Day over
ppp0); pressing Logs show me available logs without any possibility to
select for viewing. May be I miss some packages. 

5. Something strange goes with remote login (via localhost,
hosts.{allow,deny} are empty). I get terminal window, after entering
user name (any user name) I get 

"File operations disabled, server identity can;t be verified" 

after entering password window silently closes. 

6. Formatting of most (empty) lists is not very nice - fields are way
too narrow - but this may be specific to galeon/gtk. 

In general - very very good. Thank you 


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