Re: [Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-29 Thread Ralph

On Sunday 29 October 2000 13:18, you wrote:

It depends on which one your talking about :-)
and that;s all I'm gonna say!!


Re: [Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-29 Thread Jason Straight


Shouldn't that read "Wherever your ass goes your head will follow." ?

Movie: The Sixth Sense
"I see dumb people... they're everywhere.
They walk around like everyone else.
They don't even know that they're dumb."

ICQ 1796276

Re: [Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-29 Thread Ralph

On Sunday 29 October 2000 10:36, you wrote:
> "Greg A. Bur" wrote:
> > Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all the ships at sea.
>I agree Ron to me 7.2 stil has a few bugs to it. A lot of my
progs wont load or take forever like gnapster you start it and 5 min.
later it might come up. Groaster doesent work or grip etc..
I dont think this one was ready yet. I am downloading cooker now
I will go back to it.


> Well, while the mirrors are full of something that purports to be
> 7.2, in both tree and CD iso image forms, as of a few seconds ago,
> there has not been any official release announcement, therefore,
> quite simply, Mandrake 7.2 just does not yet officially exist.
> So, Walmart, etc. must be lying - refer them to your local fair
> trading office.  Demand double your money returned in full.


Re: [Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-29 Thread Jason Straight

According to this article 7.2 was supposed to be official on the 28th and 
release to distributors 15 days later.

Wal-Mart sure shouldn't be selling it, I myself have to go a step further 
than Greg, unless this is some kind of Huge mistake, and it never happens 
again I won't be standing behind Mandrake any more. I can't push beta code as 
release to unsuspecting people. Obviously someone here can, but not me.

On Sunday 29 October 2000 05:55, you wrote:
> Ron Stodden a écrit :
> > So, Walmart, etc. must be lying - refer them to your local fair
> > trading office.  Demand double your money returned in full.
> Moreover, even when release will be officialy announced, boxed version
> won't be available immediatly. There usually is a two weeks delay.

Movie: The Sixth Sense
"I see dumb people... they're everywhere.
They walk around like everyone else.
They don't even know that they're dumb."

ICQ 1796276

Re: [Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-29 Thread Guillaume Rousse

Ron Stodden a écrit :
> So, Walmart, etc. must be lying - refer them to your local fair
> trading office.  Demand double your money returned in full.
Moreover, even when release will be officialy announced, boxed version
won't be available immediatly. There usually is a two weeks delay.

Guillaume Rousse

Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will.
O'Tool's commentary : Murphy was an optimist.

Re: [Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-29 Thread Ron Stodden

"Greg A. Bur" wrote:
> Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all the ships at sea.  

Well, while the mirrors are full of something that purports to be
7.2, in both tree and CD iso image forms, as of a few seconds ago,
there has not been any official release announcement, therefore,
quite simply, Mandrake 7.2 just does not yet officially exist.

So, Walmart, etc. must be lying - refer them to your local fair
trading office.  Demand double your money returned in full.


Ron. [AU]

[Cooker] State of the Distro

2000-10-28 Thread Greg A. Bur

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all the ships at sea.  I am here to 
express my enthusiasm for my recent purchase of the retail edition of 
Mandrake Linux 7.2.  I have been running the RC1 "version" of the upcoming 
Mandrake 7.2 distribution.  I have been quite satisified with it aside from a 
few bugs.  Obviously when I heart of its release I immediately rushed to 
Wal-Mart and picked up a copy.  The price wasn't too bad, pennies less than 
$25 and after reading the back of the box I felt I was getting quite a deal.  
After returning from my shopping trip I opened the box, and what a box it 
was.  On the front there is an image of a smiling penguin.  Perhaps he's 
smiling because you are purchasing a fine piece of software or maybe it's 
because you have just stepped in something and he's laughing at you (more on 
this later.)  The cover of the included manual is much the same as the front 
cover of the box.  All of these sweet, smiling penguins make the packaging 
look very pretty.  After unpacking the cds and such I dove right into the 
meat and potatoes of the package.  I popped the first cd into my cd-rom drive 
and rebooted my system.  Everything seemed to being normally but then the 
hair on the back of my neck began to stand on end.  I chose to do an Expert 
Installation, as usual.  To my amazement when it came time to select packages 
I was given three options I hadn't seen before.  I had a choice of minimal, 
normal or custom installations.  No big deal I thought as I chose the custom 
installation.  The next screen began to make me wonder as I was prompted with 
a short list of "packages."  I deselected what I did not wish to install and 
then was quite disappointed to see the installer move on to installing 
packages without allowing me to decide what I didn't want installed.  Before 
I go much further I should note that the option of selecting a security level 
as well as the ability to turn off supermount, enable numlock and hard disk 
optimisations was not available even though I selected the expert 
installation.  Now, back to installing packages.  After going through the 
motions of installing packages it quickly moved to configuring my network.  
Simple enough, I'll just give the installer a placebo and reconfigure after 
rebooting.  Time zone and printer configuration go off without a hitch.  The 
next step, choosing a root password and then adding user accounts was equally 
as simple.  Next up, X.  What a rude awakening.  No option of choosing 
whether I wanted to use 3.3.6, 4.0.1 or 3.3.6 3D enabled.  Interesting I 
thought as I also noticed the lack of the ability to chose whether or not to 
start up in run level 5.  After setting up X I expect to be greeted by the 
install boot manager screen.  Instead I am politely asked to remove all media 
from all drives and reboot.  Now I'm beginning to wonder as I carefully check 
the box and its contents for a Microsoft logo.  On to the reboot

[editor's note:  expect things to get ugly ie PG-13 and worse]

The pc speaker beeps and up pops the Li...Grub?  It installed Grub on my 
system?  Glitch number one for the glitch list.  Now the system begins to 
start up.  Aurora makes the boring startup messages a bit prettier but that's 
about all.  Something that is purely aesthetic and I would normally not elect 
to install but again, no real harm done.  The real harm is in all of the 
services that are being started.  Anacron, at, apmd, portmapd, imap, ipop3, 
sendmail, postfix, rwall, rwhod, everything but the kitchen sinkd.  Glitch 
number two, one easily fixed but a slight pain nonetheless.  The login prompt 
appears amid the huge ascii penguin.  I being to type in my username when 
suddenly the screen flashes and I'm looking at another "pretty" login prompt. 
 I am in run level 5.  Now I begin to get pissed off.  KDE2 loads and 
everything looks normal until I notice that my favorite file manager, gentoo 
does not appear.  Neither does gkrellm or the nmap front end.  What the hell 
is going on?  I begin to poke around a bit.  I try to connect to my isp but 
guess what?  PPP was not installed.  Perhaps it wasn't installed because I 
wasn't given the option to do so.  One nice bonus was the inclusion of 
StarOffice and a Java Runtime Environment.  However some things were missing. 
 Oh well, gentoo is a small package that is easy to download.  Time to 
configure KDE 2 a bit more.  How nice, a KDE2pre version of KDE2.  Now I'm 
really glad I spent $25 on this package.  I decided to check version numbers 
against the RC1 cds I have.  The first one I checked was kdebase.  Same 
versions, 1.99-xxx.  I thought the final release was to have 2.00-xxx?  

Enough of this, I am disgusted.  I have used each concurrent release of 
Mandrake Linux 6.1.  I have downloaded TWO of these distributions over a slow 
56k modem connection, taking as long as a week to get the latest distro.  Now 
when I finally decide to give a little back and purchase a retail